I have been tracking for 15 days in a row & NOTHING!



  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    You do eat fresh foods, I definiitely see that. I did also see at least 5 days where you logged either fast food or restaurant food (Both which can be chock full of sodium). Also, I see things like cereal, which you are eating 2 cups of, and usually a portion is 3/4 - 1 cup. You are like me... I love those foods, but I have to be super careful of carbs and sugars.
  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31
    It's okay. Honestly, the first 2 months I worked at this (killed myself nearabout) I only lost like 3 pounds. Eventually, I owned up to the fact that the 3/4 cup of cereal I'd been entering was actually like 1.25 cups. Measuring is soooo important. Good luck to you. We're all rooting for you!
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    okay you guys are right! i just looked at a review of what i was eating! grrrr

    Don't get frustrated! It's a learning process. I actually think a good place to start is with the USDA food guide. Half your plate is fruits and vegetables, the other is protien and grains. But be careful with grains. i noticed russet potatoes, try sweet potatoes (or I like red potatoes) eat whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat pasta :o)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    IMO you definitely need to eat more, some days you are only netting 800 or so. You should try to eat the calories MFP tells you to for you weight/height etc and some of your exercize calories.

    Drink lots of water, maybe you need to snack more. You don't eat very much.....try eating 6 smaller "meals" or snacking between meals so you end up eating every 2-3 hours.

    You maybe consuming too much sodium, with the subway, and pizza etc.

    Make sure you get enough fiber too.

    I know it seems overwhelming at first and weird to hear you need to eat more to lose more, but I did exactly this and lost 10lbs a month for 10 months straight then it slowed down. Really if you follow the MFP guidelines you will do well!!

    Good luck.
  • lorianamarie
    lorianamarie Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I tracked for two weeks, exercised loads and I lost 100gms. I tried not to let it beat me. But It was disheartening. I have my 4th week weigh in tomorrow, but I know I've lost nearly 2kgs, so it'll start happening. Just keep at it.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    It took me forever to see any results. Hang in there. And yes water, water, water. I also agree with everyone about the scale. Stay within your goals and it will come off. Don't give up.... it's a struggle but it does work. Good luck!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey girl! Welcome to MFP! The other folks are right. The food diary is a problem...but that's ok! Everyone is here to help with that. Definitely not eating enough...crazy, right? If you look in my diary you will see that every meal is like 12 items long. That's because there are a lot of whole foods. It took me a long to get that way...I was the processed food queen. Lots of Lean Cuisine. Etc. I would suggest adding sodium and maybe sugars to your macro watch...along with calories/fat etc. One meal out will KILL you with sodium. If I go to Potbelly and get a small sandwich I'll go over in my sodium. In one fell swoop. A piece of pizza etc, will fill you with sodium which will cause water weight gain. Drink lots of water, check the sodium, and eat MORE and more whole foods. Going for some brisk walks to start will help. Do these things and I think you will start seeing something. What an amazing choice you have chosen! you are going to do great. Keep us posted!
  • lorianamarie
    lorianamarie Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!!! i started my day with p90x workout and a protein shake, im gonna start doing this right! thanks for all the support i think i understand now that just because you have so many cals left doesn't mean you can eat what your friends are! xoxo
  • lorianamarie
    lorianamarie Posts: 21 Member
    I just have to say i think im doing pretty darn good today! what do you guys think is it better?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Believe it or not, STILL not enough food. You had a huge deficit. It's hard to say since one of your meals is a quick add. No idea what you ate. I would add sodium to your nutrients list. Sodium is huge. More lean proteins and veggies! More food! But good on fruit! :-)
  • lorianamarie
    lorianamarie Posts: 21 Member
    we had open faced tuna melts, 1.5 each, i measured everything, thats how i came up with the numbers, it took me a while to figure out how to add a recipe. DANGIT! eat more.... i never thought this would be so hard! im going camping tell monday, ugh i hope i don't screw up!
  • lorianamarie
    lorianamarie Posts: 21 Member
    we had open faced tuna melts, 1.5 each, i measured everything, thats how i came up with the numbers, it took me a while to figure out how to add a recipe. DANGIT! eat more.... i never thought this would be so hard! im going camping tell monday, ugh i hope i don't screw up!
    oh and am i saps to eat the cal's that i worked off?
  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31
    Yes. For gods sake yes. Lol.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Agreed with everything that's been said so far. Just to re-iterate, water water water! When I first upped my water intake from about zero to 12 or so glasses a day I dropped 5 pounds of retained water in a week! Got to keep it up though, it's a lifestyle change. If you drop off the water for a day you can see a few pounds gain as your body hangs onto the water it has.

    Sounds counter intuitive right? Eat more calories to lose more pounds. Drink more water to keep the water off. Dehydrating makes you hold onto water. Sounds strange but it's all true!

    Good on you for making the decision to change your life. That's the first step and without question the biggest and hardest one! Stick with it and you will see the results.