Eating healthy while travelling

I travel a lot for work. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips on how they still eat healthy while travelling?


  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    I travel and/or eat out a lot for work, too. My solution is to order the least processed foods, usually fish, chicken or beef and some kind of vegetables. I avoid the carbs as much as possible, because it is too easy to eat far more than you intend.
  • healthynFitforLife
    If eating by yourself-take a trip to the local grocery store (if one is nearby). Easier to do that and pick up quick things for lunch/dinner (and also a quick breakfast in your room). If you have to dine with others, make protein a priority.
  • Kait_Dee
    Kait_Dee Posts: 176 Member
    I travel a ton for work. When I'm on the road I use Fuel Meals or another meal prep service for one or two meals a day.. They deliver right to my hotel.

    Otherwise I try to pack my egg whites (cooked & packed properly) and my bread & stay in a hotel that has a continental kitchen or an in room kitchen so I can at the minimum make breakfast and grab some goodies to take for the day (yogurt, egg whites, dry cereal for a pre-workout).

    I also rely on protein bars and raw veggies/fruits a lot. I travel with my food scale, a cutting board/knife (if I'm driving or checking a bag) & measuring spoons at all times.. I have it down to a science!!