People don't really eat like that...



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    LOL at the people insulting egg whites. I love them and hate the yolk! :)

    Anyway, some of us (dare I say, many?) started out eating like we used to, and just lowered the portions in order to lose weight. But over time, we started implementing more healthy foods until all we craved were the healthy foods and that's what ended up filling the majority of our food diary. I used to have a planned cheat day every Friday or Saturday. Not anymore. I used to allow myself to eat pizza or a burger once a week. Not anymore. I just don't like that stuff now (except for bun-less homemade burgers, yum!). Occasionally? Yes (yesterday was my b-day so I certainly pigged out, within my cals, of course!) but it's no longer in my vocabulary anymore to say "I want some chips, gyro, Snickers, etc. today!". What you say in your OP, is the same thing I used to think to myself, while reading other's diaries, a couple months ago. But I get it now.

    So my point is that although, to you, these types of foods may be unsustainable, plenty of us worked our way gradually to reprogram the type of foods we desire. Nothing more, nothing less. :)

    This is certainly true. I used to really crave like...Taco Bell for example. Now, I'm willing to eat it...but its only out of being lazy or out of time etc. For 3 months straight...I had NO fast food, NO processed food, and NOTHING to drink but water. I ate between 1800cal, and 2500cal a day. If my schedule had stayed the same, I could have ate like that for the rest of my life without an issue.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I don't eat like a bird can look at my diary. :smile:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Almost 100 lbs down. People really can eat like that. Diary is wide open. I eat just about anything I want... IN MODERATION. I work out like a maniac. You need to find the foods and quantities that work for you. Since I lift weights, I go protein heavy. No 3 oz servings of chicken for me. Minimum of 5-6 oz per meal.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Perfect answer. I am constantly finding my old loves are tasteless, too sweet, too salty, or I can taste the chemicals in it. My 10 yr old and husband are finding that, too, as a byproduct of me getting better food in the house. Today I threw away a gallon jug of apple juice because no one will drink it.
    LOL at the people insulting egg whites. I love them and hate the yolk! :)

    Anyway, some of us (dare I say, many?) started out eating like we used to, and just lowered the portions in order to lose weight. But over time, we started implementing more healthy foods until all we craved were the healthy foods and that's what ended up filling the majority of our food diary. I used to have a planned cheat day every Friday or Saturday. Not anymore. I used to allow myself to eat pizza or a burger once a week. Not anymore. I just don't like that stuff now (except for bun-less homemade burgers, yum!). Occasionally? Yes (yesterday was my b-day so I certainly pigged out, within my cals, of course!) but it's no longer in my vocabulary anymore to say "I want some chips, gyro, Snickers, etc. today!". What you say in your OP, is the same thing I used to think to myself, while reading other's diaries, a couple months ago. But I get it now.

    So my point is that although, to you, these types of foods may be unsustainable, plenty of us worked our way gradually to reprogram the type of foods we desire. Nothing more, nothing less. :)
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Double post
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I have a BRUTALLY honest diary that is chock-full with every bite taken for the past 90 days when I started. Maybe not food-scale quality accurate, but measuring cup/spoon & 3oz meat = deck of cards, etc. accurate. In the past week or two I screwed up, had too many cals leftover at night and got a Blizzard, binge drank 7 Bud-Lights in 3hrs another night and had (gasp) a McNugget Value meal with real Dr. Pepper today... anti-foaming agents, HFCS and all. Proud of it, hardly. I still nearly always come in under 1700/day though. I couldn't lose weight on anything under that.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Well, I appreciate all the feedback. BTW, I don't have anything against chicken and veggies. I'm just sick of it. We have that like 3 nights a week.
  • lamorte
    lamorte Posts: 27 Member
    I eat just like that ! open food diary and it does work. I'll never go back to eating "whatever I want"....that's what got most of us here in the first place!!....started 190 BF 24%, current 174 BF 20% , goal 170 17%
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    you think chicken and egg white are gross?? I love them, I eat them all the time. And tons of veggies!!

    I think so long as you eat healthy for the most part and only eat indulgences (within calorie goals) a couple times a month or whatever, you'll lose weight. BUT... eating isn't all about calories. Nutrition dude!! You have to care about it to be healthy, especially in the long term :D
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hey, you just described me and I am a real person. What is wrong with chicken? I guess since I am amazing in the kitchen i can turn those boring foods into something amazing. For my it isnt just weight loss this is a life style change and my food is what was the problem so I am changing it. Although i did eat out twice today and once was at mcdonalds. :)
  • gkfields
    gkfields Posts: 2 Member
    Wifemom DVM,

    I have just started this program about two weeks ago and have lost 4 lbs. I was at 165 and I want my goal weight to be 125. I am 45 and it is time for ME to fo this thing and stop the roller coaster diet. I have given up diet coke and only drink water, tea with splena and crystal light. I am having a hard time getting in 1200 calories a day. Do you have any tips to get this weight to come off. I am not looking for a miracle but just want to be healthy again for me and my family.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Well, I appreciate all the feedback. BTW, I don't have anything against chicken and veggies. I'm just sick of it. We have that like 3 nights a week.

    Make your self some black bean and kidney bean chili with a pound of burger. Lots of hot peppers, your own spices, no salt added tomato products. I can't make enough of it! I tweaked it down to low salt and calorie goodness. I have a weeks leftovers and 2 meals in the freezer!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Well, I appreciate all the feedback. BTW, I don't have anything against chicken and veggies. I'm just sick of it. We have that like 3 nights a week.

    Make your self some black bean and kidney bean chili with a pound of burger. Lots of hot peppers, your own spices, no salt added tomato products. I can't make enough of it! I tweaked it down to low salt and calorie goodness. I have a weeks leftovers and 2 meals in the freezer!
  • I've been doing WeightWatchers and lost 37 pounds and still eat Taco Bell, Subway and occasional Sausage McMuffin w egg. I know I should make better choices but I find if I deprive myself from some foods I will really overeat then... Reading other people's food diary's on here however, make me want to eat less of that food and make better choices. ugh tho....
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i stuff myself stupid! no really look at the diarys...and am still miles under cal goal!
  • PixieThin
    PixieThin Posts: 57
    Haha..if we ate healthy already we wouldn't be here.. c'mon. If I was told I could only have one slice of pizza I wouldn't eat it..bc I have no self control. So I'm doing this a little differently. I'm eating more veggies and more lean meats..not all this fattening stuff that I used to gorge on.. if I had some of it.. do you know how easily I could fall back into my old ways..

    call me silly but food is my drug. I don't care what you think. I just know that if I had it here to tempt me. It wouldn't last very long. So I'm sticking to low carb veggies, lean meats, crackers with pb.. I mean I have variety. I just don't care to eat the crap I ate that got me to this disgusting weight anymore.

    If it works for you thats cool. But I can't handle it. I had some whole wheat organic ravioli the other night..totally fit it into my calories but I swear I wanted more..and it made me want more starchy stuff and want to pig out.. when I eat my veggies and my awesome fish or chicken I don't get the urge to f*n pig out..

    anywho..this is just me. I eat this way. As for maintaining it. only time will tell & I want it for life. If you want something bad enough you will get it.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Read my diary. There is a lot of chicken, fish, and [whole] eggs in there, but cooked in quite interesting and flavorful combinations.

    Eating healthy or no, I will not give up taste!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Feel free to friend me ad have a look in my diary... i'd be interested to know if you think i eat 'normally'!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I eat a tonne of chicken and turkey (yum if you can cook) and loads of veggies, protien shake.

    I've been off piste the last few weeks cause of stuff but usually I eat pretty well

    Veggies are yummy!
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I like how processed foods and empty carbs are now considered "real" food in our society now.

    I was thinking the same. Thin people eat real food - by real I mean veggies, fruit, stuff thats grown. That's normal food!