How can I boost my weight loss over next 10 days?

OK OK I know. I KNOW that it's all about cico and that I should lose 1lb a week and crash diets don't work. Please don't just repeat that at me. I know it all. I usually eat at a reasonable deficit and lose 1lb per week and this is how I will continue.

However. I have my sisters wedding coming up. I'm a bridesmaid. I'm going to be in family photos and I'm the fattest one of 5 daughters and it sucks OK. I will be the fattest bridesmaid. I will be the fat one. And it really sucks.

I'd just like to feel good...knock off an extra couple pounds...don't mind if it's just water weight. I'd just like to feel nice for this one day and then I will go back to doing it the slow way.

I also don't want to do anything unsafe or weird. But I was thinking I could go low carb?

(Please don't reply with nasty comments...I'm not the first woman ever to want a little extra boost for an event. It doesn't mean I don't work hard and put the work in the rest of the time!! )


  • kkrober25
    kkrober25 Posts: 16 Member
    Cut more calories. Isagenix has a "cleanse." You basically fast for two days and drink some nasty tasting liquid. I know a lot of people that loose around 7lbs with the isagenix cleanse. I tried it once, and couldn't do it. The flavor/smell of the cleanse liquid seriously made me want to vomit.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,687 Member
    Low carb might take some water weight off, but if you've been dieting for a while, it probably won't make much of a difference. Getting more exercise might make you feel a bit more fit, unless you get injured while working out, which would really suck.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm going with the others, I'm sorry. But even if you dropped 10lbs of water weight you're not going to see it in the pictures. If you were already 18% bodyfat and did a comp prep 10 day diet, sure, there'd be a huge visual difference. But not in someone overweight.

    Best spend the next 10 days trying to feel totally awesome and really thrilled about the wedding and happy that you've been included in the wedding party for the happy couple. They want you front and centre and in all the pictures because they love you now, as you are.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    I was going to say "don't", but since you mentioned wedding...
    A friend of mine went on a Keto (spelling) diet which is essentially no carbs. Weight loss is dramatic, but with side effects. Hopefully someone with more knowledge about it will chime in.
  • ashleeadodd
    ashleeadodd Posts: 4 Member

    (Please don't reply with nasty comments...I'm not the first woman ever to want a little extra boost for an event. It doesn't mean I don't work hard and put the work in the rest of the time!! )[/quote]

    Sorry the last thing that they will read is the first thing they will ignore, trolls will be trolls.

    Try the 6 Week Body Makeover, google it, Every time I have done it I have lost 8 to 10 lbs in the first 7 to 9 days.
    You will stall, but you know that, it'll come back, you know that ;)
    If dropping a few pounds will make you feel good for one weekend, do it, short term. Best of Luck.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I was going to say "don't", but since you mentioned wedding...
    A friend of mine went on a Keto (spelling) diet which is essentially no carbs. Weight loss is dramatic, but with side effects. Hopefully someone with more knowledge about it will chime in.

    You mean the initial water weight loss is dramatic
  • gabbyo23
    gabbyo23 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for replies. All very wise. I'm a sensible person (most of the time) and know this.

    The urge to crash diet is SO strong.

    I think I'm just feeling a little cheated because I've worked so hard...I've lost 29lbs but I don't see much difference in the mirror and I am still very overweight. I suppose I feel like I deserve to not be the "big girl" now.

    Ugly unflattering dress not helping either.
  • faidwen
    faidwen Posts: 131 Member
    The only thing that can do it quickly is probably water loss. Anything else takes time.

    So, try and limit your sodium intake, and sweat out some extra water.

    It won't be permanent, and probably isn't a "REAL" weight loss, but it will slim you out a bit until you can properly lose actual fat.

    The only way to do it right is slowly, and as a lifestyle. There really are no permanent "DIET" solutions that don't involve a lifestyle, that works LONG TERM!

    Enjoy, and stay positive.

    IMHO obviously!!!
  • wisebabe
    wisebabe Posts: 6 Member
    I drink lots of water and add the following which I feel is really helpful.
    In large bottle (24 oz) I add half a lemon, pinch of sea salt, pinch of black salt, cumin seed powder and few leaves of mint and drink every day. I just keep adding water to the mix and make another one in the afternoon. I feel it really keep me hydrated, keeps the bloat away and really good to drink.
  • laurens47
    laurens47 Posts: 117 Member
    I am not suggesting one way or another. I know a lot of competitors use or follow The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook: A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting by Lyle McDonald. They use this in the final weeks before a competition.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    laurens47 wrote: »
    I am not suggesting one way or another. I know a lot of competitors use or follow The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook: A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting by Lyle McDonald. They use this in the final weeks before a competition.

    I thought about this but if she's cat 2 or 3 I don't see how much difference could be made in 10 days, it would mostly be water so I think sensible not to bother with it.
  • gabbyo23
    gabbyo23 Posts: 100 Member
    you won't like this answer either - but its not all about you. its your sister's wedding. she will be the focus. as others have said, nothing you can do will make a visible difference in pics 10 days from now.

    I didnt say it was about me? I'm talking about how I will feel about myself looking back on photos and I will still have to contend with my mother commenting on my weight and I will still feel the way I will feel in the dress. I wasn't for a second thinking that my sisters wedding is about my's about my sister. But I'm not talking about the wedding. I'm talking about my personal feelings about my personal experience at the event, specifically in regards to my body and how I feel about it being photographed and compared to a row of very thin women wearing an identical dress.

    So..that IS about me.

    However you are probably right, I probably can't do anything to make a difference to the photographs.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    try low carb high fat for a week. YOU will like it