How can I boost my weight loss over next 10 days?



  • laurens47
    laurens47 Posts: 117 Member
    laurens47 wrote: »
    I am not suggesting one way or another. I know a lot of competitors use or follow The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook: A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting by Lyle McDonald. They use this in the final weeks before a competition.

    I thought about this but if she's cat 2 or 3 I don't see how much difference could be made in 10 days, it would mostly be water so I think sensible not to bother with it.

    @VintageFeline --- This is true, to an extent. However, she could possibly "look" smaller due to the lack of carb/water ratio in the body...not to mention, it could actually make her "feel" smaller, which is half the battle of body assurance. I also didn't read into other comments to see what her current stats were. Either way, it will all be okay and she should just enjoy the wedding!!! :)
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    gabbyo23 wrote: »
    Thanks for replies. All very wise. I'm a sensible person (most of the time) and know this.

    The urge to crash diet is SO strong.

    I think I'm just feeling a little cheated because I've worked so hard...I've lost 29lbs but I don't see much difference in the mirror and I am still very overweight. I suppose I feel like I deserve to not be the "big girl" now.

    Ugly unflattering dress not helping either.

    I know this is a frustrating position to be in - I've been this girl myself.

    I agree with the others. There really isn't anything that you can do to make yourself noticeably smaller in pictures. However, you did say this:
    I'd just like to feel good ... I'd just like to feel nice for this one day

    You can do this much, at least. Do you exercise? Take a walk the morning of. Eat light all day to avoid bloating and sluggishness. Drink water. Enjoy yourself at the wedding, dance, eat the food, be confident. Have a good time with your friends.

    This is how you "feel" good for an event like this. I hope that you enjoy the day, and don't look back on it with memories of feeling badly about yourself. It's going to be all right. You are the same person to your friends no matter how you look. This is one day out of the many that are to come. Good luck. :smile:
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I feel you about looking at the photos and your mother's comments...tough. Suggestions:
    Don't crash diet.
    Make sure your hair and makeup is ON POINT. Elegant, flattering.
    Good undergarments.

    I have photos of me at a wedding in 2009 (I remember feeling huge but LOVED my dress) and I also remember it being one of the funnest weddings I ever attended. In pictures, I am smiling. I am happy. I love looking at those pics!

    Smile! GREAT job on the 29 pounds! I know this is tough, oh how I know! Hang in there!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Oh and shapewear! Get thee to a department store and get some really really good foundation garments, make the ugly dress a little less unflatteringly ugly. Then go to the wedding, do the pictures and get blind drunk.........

    Yeah, this. Also, make sure you stand up straight.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    gabbyo23 wrote: »
    Thanks for replies. All very wise. I'm a sensible person (most of the time) and know this.

    The urge to crash diet is SO strong.

    I think I'm just feeling a little cheated because I've worked so hard...I've lost 29lbs but I don't see much difference in the mirror and I am still very overweight. I suppose I feel like I deserve to not be the "big girl" now.

    Ugly unflattering dress not helping either.

    Blame it all on the dress! ;)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    One word - SPANX

    Honestly they can make a visible difference. You will be uncomfortable as all get out but it can make you appear thinner (10b loss on me isn't really noticeable).

    The other thing I will say is chin up! You are working towards your goal and regardless of what friends/family say to you, you can't give them the power to take away your hard work or to derail you.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    You have gotten some good advice. I second the shapewear and the posture. And relax and smile and have fun. I know exactly where you are coming from. I am one of 5 daughters and it sucks to be the big one. But 6 months to a year (I'm not sure where you are in your weight loss) from now you will look back at the photos and really be able to see how far you have come.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Look up some poses you can do while getting your picture taken to make yourself look slimmer.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, get some awesome Spanx and a fake tan.
    Eat low sodium to avoid any bloating.
    Some others have mentioned some crash diet ways you could lose some extra in a short period of time, but even if they work, you will feel like crap. And even if you lost an extra 5 lbs, would that really make you look different in the pictures? No. So you will have a better number in your head, but will look the same and will be tired and low energy and if it were me I'd probably end up pigging out at the wedding because I'd be starving, LOL!

    Be proud of how hard you have worked and how much you have lost so far, pamper and take good care of yourself, rock a big smile and have an awesome time, and you'll look great in the pictures!
  • jeanstudies
    jeanstudies Posts: 81 Member
    "I'm talking about how I will feel about myself looking back on photos and I will still have to contend with my mother commenting on my weight..."

    ALL THOSE would make me dread a family event, especially one where you feel like you are being paraded around and judged! You will be able to look back on the photos later when you've lost even more weight, and you will be able pat yourself on the back for continuing to make progress! And as far as your mother, I say tell her (politely of course) to pound sand...or at least tell her that inside your head. Keep up the great work, 29 pounds is a major accomplishment!!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    laurens47 wrote: »
    I am not suggesting one way or another. I know a lot of competitors use or follow The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook: A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting by Lyle McDonald. They use this in the final weeks before a competition.

    Another vote for the RFL book
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Spanx will help...........
  • veggie16mfp
    veggie16mfp Posts: 114 Member
    10 days? I'd say put your attention where it will actually show. Shapewear. Especially a great push up bra. A spray tan visually takes off 10 lbs on anybody. Pedicure. Manicure. Nice jewelry.
    To hell with being the biggest one of the sisters. Go to the wedding looking to have fun and create great memories and smile!!

    This is what I was going to say! You can really transform yourself. Also low salt for the 10 days will rid face of bloating so you will look better. Come on, you can look amazing! We want pics!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I'm responding just to say I've been there. I think some people are giving you are a hard time, but I think we've all been there.

    An important event comes and there's nice professional photographs and you feel fat in them. I can't stand to look at my college graduation photographs for this very reason.

    And being a woman and having a thin in shape sister myself I know how you feel even more so. You can't help but compare yourself to them especially when you have to stand right next to them in the photographs.

    My advice : focus on your sister. It's her wedding day and I'm sure you're over the moon happy for her. Focus on being happy for her and have fun getting ready with her and enjoy standing up for her.

    And even if you hate the dress and feel like you still look fat just think of all the weight you've loss and how far you've come.

    Be happy and don't let anything deter you from being happy.