Pizza Lovers!



  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    A crispy warm tortilla with cheddar and part skin mozzarella cheese and ragu.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Lots of veggies. I use 2% kraft shredded mozz cheese but only half of the small bags. Low cal homemade sauce, turkey pepperoni (I bet turkey sausage would be good too) and let her rip. I LOVE pizza as well. My DH and I ordered a personal pan cheese from Pizza Hut on Friday. I ate the whole thing for about 590 calories. We don't eat much crap food anymore since starting this new lifestyle and my body kind of revolted on me. But, that yummy crunchy crust and lots of cheese sure was good!!!
  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    DiGiorno makes 200 calorie pizza's, and I also LOVE Kashi frozen pizzas- Last night I had 1/4 of the pizza and a salad- YUM!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I found that I can make a better pizza than I can get delivered, and it leaves me in control of my calories. We have pizza about twice a week because my dough recipe makes two pizzas, and I saved it on MFP as a basic recipe along with toppings. After much tinkering I found that a Pepperoni and Mushroom combo has the least calories that is still satsfying for me, and I can choose to have thin crust or thick crust by switching out what size pan I use. No matter what I know how much each slice will be (8 slices per pizza, 247 cals per slice). I find using a rectanglular pan actually helps me with portion control because I can slice it into 16 pieces, and simply having more pieces on my plate (4 instead of 2) I feel more stasfied with sticking to two. When I cut into 8 slices of a round pan, I will sometimes supplement with a salad to feel full.

    Here's the dough recipe I use:

    The actual pizza shown in that link loos amazing, too!
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I get my pizza fix by making English muffin pizzas.
    I use Thomas' 100 calorie 1/3 fiber English muffins, toast them, then add 1 tblspoon of sauce to each and some low-fat mozzarella (only 60 calories!) then I put it under the broiler until the cheese is brown and melty :D
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
  • ncherwin
    ncherwin Posts: 2
    I like to make pizza on English muffins. Slice the English muffin open, add ragu or pizza sauce, load it with mushrooms and green pepper, and put a bit of reduced fat mozzarella on top. Then toast it in the oven. The best part is that you can make a many or as few as you want without all of the leftovers. I always add garlic and crushed red pepper flakes. This is great to make with friends or family because everyone can personalize their own pizzas.

    If these don't cut it, try this recipe for pizza dough: it's easy and the crust holds up really well if you stick it in the fridge for 30-60 minutes before rolling it out.
  • DeadreR
    DeadreR Posts: 2
    Try They have a recipe for chicken sausage pizza. Calls for 1 cup diced tomatoes no salt, 2 chicken sausage links (I use Al Fresco), reduced fat or fat free moz cheese, and a Boboli whole grain pizza crust. (this recipe is pre calculated in the food section of as well so you can calculate how many cals. The recipes for clean eating also tell you how many cals per serving. Every recipe of theirs I have tried has been better than any original that I've bought in a grocery store or restaurant, enjoy!!!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    instead of pizza base try a toasted tortilla wrap and low cal cheese and tomatoes. YUMMY!
  • did you know that there are now diet friendly pizza's because @ NY Pizzeria, the exact nutritional value is stated even in their website.. You should never get deprived by foods that you are craving for.. there is no room for taking away the delicious foods in exchange of losing weight.. you could do both.. :)

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