how do I separate my diet from my husbands?



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I cook healthy food for everyone. Sometimes my husband or daughter want something else (or I'm not in the mood for whatever). We all need vegetables, and tend to eat some kind of protein.

    We all tweak depending on what we like. For example, I'll say we're having zucchini/turkey meatballs with homemade marinara from the freezer. I'll have the meatballs and sauce, daughter will have the meatballs and sauce with some pasta, and husband will make a meatball sub with sauce. We'll all have our own variation of salad along with it.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I am the cook in my house, but would get zero support for losing weight if I didn't cook the good stuff for dinner. I eat a reasonable portion of the same thing my husband is eating. This does often come out to over half my daily calories. Then I eat light the rest of the day. When we eat other meals together on weekends I'll make us a hearty, but low-calorie, soup for lunch. For breakfast I'll make things like bacon and eggs. I'll make him a larger portion and toast, while I'll have fruit or yogurt on the side.

    When we eat out I really have the freedom to eat healthier. Most fast food restaurants have salads and grilled chicken sandwiches that aren't too bad. I am also completely unashamed about ordering kids' meals when I want the chicken fingers and fries.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I love my husband, but he is Mr. fastfood, carbs, meat & potatoes, fried,...everything that puts on weight..I know I need to eat much different, but how?

    I like meat and potatoes...meat and potatoes is perfectly healthy and they don't put on weight when eaten in appropriate amounts for YOU. My wife and I eat the same stuff...she eats less, I eat more. That said, neither of us are into fast food...but yeah, some nice roasted chicken and roasted potatoes or a nice sirloin with mashed potatoes, etc...that's good stuff right there.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Eat less of it. Problem solved.

    Actually, I think that may cause a big problem, not solve it. A lot of people are suggesting that the OP eat the same food as her husband (fast food, fried, etc) but just have smaller portions. In theory, yes, of course that would work. But in practice, because those foods are so calorie dense, she would probably have to eat a very small portion to stay within her calories for the day. I'm guessing she would probably not feel satisfied eating half a hamburger, one slice of pizza, etc. I know I wouldn't and would probably end up overeating. OP, I would encourage you to eat more satisfying foods that you can eat a hearty portion of, even if it is different from what you husband wants to eat. Lean grilled meats and veggies can fill you up without the calorie bomb.

    There is no reason to eat half a hamburger or 1 slice of pizza... A whole hamburger with smart toppings, and thin crust pizzas, both with massive side salads allow us to eat more.

    I guess it just depends on your calorie goal...not knowing the OPs goals, I was just using myself as an example. I am a very short female, so MFPs calorie goal for me was 1200. It is of course not impossible, but in my opinion, more difficult to be satisfied on that if you are eating small portions of calorie-dense foods. But, everyone is different, and if you have a higher calorie allotment, it certainly is much more do-able.

    There's about 170 calories in a four oz 93% burger...the buns I use are about 130...I would think anyone could fit that in. Besides, 1200 is for a sit around and basically do nothing person...move more, you can eat more....

    My wife is 5'2" on a good day...she exercises regularly and maintains on around 2300 calories or so...she can easily lose weight eating more than 1200 calories, and I'd say most other woman can as well...
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Eat less of it. Problem solved.

    Actually, I think that may cause a big problem, not solve it. A lot of people are suggesting that the OP eat the same food as her husband (fast food, fried, etc) but just have smaller portions. In theory, yes, of course that would work. But in practice, because those foods are so calorie dense, she would probably have to eat a very small portion to stay within her calories for the day. I'm guessing she would probably not feel satisfied eating half a hamburger, one slice of pizza, etc. I know I wouldn't and would probably end up overeating. OP, I would encourage you to eat more satisfying foods that you can eat a hearty portion of, even if it is different from what you husband wants to eat. Lean grilled meats and veggies can fill you up without the calorie bomb.

    There is no reason to eat half a hamburger or 1 slice of pizza... A whole hamburger with smart toppings, and thin crust pizzas, both with massive side salads allow us to eat more.

    I guess it just depends on your calorie goal...not knowing the OPs goals, I was just using myself as an example. I am a very short female, so MFPs calorie goal for me was 1200. It is of course not impossible, but in my opinion, more difficult to be satisfied on that if you are eating small portions of calorie-dense foods. But, everyone is different, and if you have a higher calorie allotment, it certainly is much more do-able.

    My calorie goal when sedentary (TDEE-500) to lose 1lb per week is 1200. I usually do IF which helps a bunch.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    edited November 2016
    Eat less of it. Problem solved.

    Actually, I think that may cause a big problem, not solve it. A lot of people are suggesting that the OP eat the same food as her husband (fast food, fried, etc) but just have smaller portions. In theory, yes, of course that would work. But in practice, because those foods are so calorie dense, she would probably have to eat a very small portion to stay within her calories for the day. I'm guessing she would probably not feel satisfied eating half a hamburger, one slice of pizza, etc. I know I wouldn't and would probably end up overeating. OP, I would encourage you to eat more satisfying foods that you can eat a hearty portion of, even if it is different from what you husband wants to eat. Lean grilled meats and veggies can fill you up without the calorie bomb.

    This absolutely!! For 35 years I've been cooking one meal for my husband and another for myself.
    He eats meat. I don't. He eats fried. I don't.(ok, I have mcD fries about once a year or so).
    I start both our dinners with a side salad and a healthy vege dish. Then the entree is totally different. His was pork ribs tonight. Mine was Gardein Faux chicken strips. LOL!
    We're having a sweet treat now. His is Ben & jerrys New York super chunk ice cream right out of the container. Mine is healthy choice fudge pop 100 calories.
    I could eat what he eats, but I feel better eating lighter, plus feel I look better when I do. Plus, to maintain my weight I'd be eating a morsel of his calorie dense greasy food.
    It just is what it is.
    If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to make it work.
    That said, I still struggle with the last 10 lbs....sigh...
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    He's not force feeding you. YOU control what crosses your lips. Buy you own food. Prep you own meals. Eat smaller portions. you can do this.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    How many husbands do you have?

    Does it matter? Either you are making fun of the OPs grammar, or you are insinuating there is something wrong with more than one partner, both are inappropriate.

    OP-there are no foods that put on weight, excess calories put on weight. You can still eat those foods, just have them in smaller portions.

    Or three, I was just trying to be funny, and meant no harm to anyone.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    How many husbands do you have?

    Does it matter? Either you are making fun of the OPs grammar, or you are insinuating there is something wrong with more than one partner, both are inappropriate.

    OP-there are no foods that put on weight, excess calories put on weight. You can still eat those foods, just have them in smaller portions.

    Or three, I was just trying to be funny, and meant no harm to anyone.

    As someone who has two significant others (we all live together), it's kind of an offensive joke.
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2016
    I know what you mean. I have two fit toddlers and a lower calorie diet wouldn't work for them. Unfortunately, that means more work for us! I just cook a few different items. They might have chicken and a baked potato with a veggie but I'll have chicken and just the veggie. In a perfect situation he would respect your desire to live healthier and maybe don't give up convincing him to do it for his health. But for now, cook your meals and have him concentrate on his own.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Who does the cooking mostly? If it's you, cook what you want for all of you, he'll thank you. ..eventually :smile: