What's your Christmas goal?

My first goal is to lose stone before Christmas. On my way with 3lb gone so far. Anyone got any tips to help me keep my eyes on the prize as it were? The 13 and half stone mark has been a block /platteau for several years now. At 13st 9 at moment. Any advise
will be gratefully received.


  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    1) To be in the 140's by the new year (maybe Christmas?) 7lbs to go!
    2) To have completed C25K by Christmas.
    3) To still be in the 140's after Christmas and not put much (if any) weight on!
  • beckiebidd74
    beckiebidd74 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck with c25k @HaleCry x I have tried running before and hated it. Trying to find something I will enjoy lol
  • delicaterealms
    delicaterealms Posts: 27 Member
    i'd like to lose 15 pounds by then!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm cutting right now due to having put on about 10 Lbs while nursing and injury...but I don't put time goals on these things really. I've been at this stuff for over four years and time constrained goals can be hugely negative for many people due to this process not really being linear...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    I need to cycle another 840 km before the end of the year to reach a "lifetime" kilometre-age of 160,000.

    "Lifetime" is just since I started tracking on April 29, 1990.

    I'm not sure if I'll make it, but I'll give it a good shot. And all the time off over Christmas should help.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited November 2016
    More of a soft goal, but would be really nice if I'm under 90 kg by Christmas because I'm planning to gain a bit during that time, so ending up where I'm currently at or slightly lower would be nice. 2 kg and 5 weeks to go, so it's pretty doable.

    As for advice, just keep doing what you are doing. You might want to rethink the amount to lose though. 14 lb in 5 weeks is pretty steep, even 11 can be steep for many.
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    I'd like to hit my 4 stone loss for Christmas, 7 and a half pounds to go tho, hoping I can get there. Facing a big op in January so trying to get to the 4 stone before this
  • JenSchimanski
    JenSchimanski Posts: 77 Member
    i would like to be under 78kg and stay there over Christmas. currently 80.5kg
  • Chubby_to_Cut
    Chubby_to_Cut Posts: 25 Member
    Hey MFP Fam!

    I would say make it an game list out the projected weight loss weekly you plan on losing up to that very day.

    Just make sure it's an reasonable # of lbs to lose otherwise you may be bummed out if you don't achieve it.

    Personally having an health watch keeps me constantly in the "know" and wanting to push harder beat my numbers from
    the day before.

    Think of it is how will you feel after having that yummy foods for the holiday. Will it be the food coma, feeling of bursting, feeling blah? Just go an quarter cup on everything, try to look at the foods if you know it's got plenty of fat/sodium/calories maybe go smaller on the portion if you prefer to have it and run around with the young kids (my plan).

    PLUS make sure you drink your 8 glasses - so so so important during the journey of health.

    Hope this helps! (:
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    My first goal is to lose stone before Christmas. On my way with 3lb gone so far. Anyone got any tips to help me keep my eyes on the prize as it were? The 13 and half stone mark has been a block /platteau for several years now. At 13st 9 at moment. Any advise
    will be gratefully received.

    I plan to buy an outfit in the next size down that I really want to wear. I hang it where I can see it in my closet every time I open the door.
    I would like to be down another size by Christmas.
  • inspiredkat
    inspiredkat Posts: 26 Member
    I'd like to be in the 190's or under. For sure under 200 lbs. I'm only a pound to half a pound away from being out of the 200's.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    I want to log all the way to, and on, Christmas Day!

    I would like to be 17xlbs but realistically I think I'll be 184lbs :) no pressurino.
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    Have lost 2 stone in total (5lb to go). And then to not eat absolutely everything over Christmas, I have to be really strong!
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    My goal is another 8.8kg lost putting me at my goal of 90kg and hopefully i'll be able to fit into the lovely shirt my girlfriend bought me last Xmas that I thought I would be wearing by easter!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    10 pounds down by Christmas is what I'm hoping for.