Need to lose 100lbs. Need encouragement.



  • It's a big goal and it's totally do-able!
    Try not to focus on just the whole 100lbs. - break it in to smaller benchmark goals and celebrate each one!

    I'm on a similar quest - I want to get to 130. I was 210 in October. I'm btwn 170-175 now! (stupid scale is broken at home :)) It feels SO friggin awesome and I NEVER thought I'd be able to stick to it. I've gotten a little lazy with working out, but I'm shifting mindset and I'll get back into the routine this weekend. :)

    A big goal just means BIG payoff! You're fabulous and are venturing to make yourself even more so. You can do it!! And you have the tools to help. :)

  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Forget your goal of 100 lbs... it's too scary and overwhelming (trust me, I know).

    Instead set a goals for TODAY. Here are today's goals:

    1. Today, I will keep my calories and foods under control.
    2. Today, I will try to exercise at least 30 minutes.
    3. Today, I will try to drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    4. Today, I will log ALL my food choices -- both good and bad.

    Repeat daily. And if you don't meet a daily goal, it's OKAY. It's part of being human. You get to start over again tomorrow.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Please don't give up on yourself, you are worth all of the hard work this
    takes, this journey has a lot of struggles, and ups and downs, but
    in the end it's worth it, if you give up now...a year from now you will be saying
    man, if I had just stuck with it, I would be about where i need to be!

    I will request you and I will be there to help support and motivate you. I
    have been eating healthy since June 6th and I have lost a total of 19 lbs
    with weigh in again on Sunday. I started with MFP a couple weeks later, so my banner only indicates 5 lbs lost

    Hang in there, you can do this, I also have 100 lbs to lose, but the only way to get there is to push through the hard times,
    and you don't have to deprive yourself totally, some people make the mistake of thinking that once you start this you can never have
    the things you love again...not true, occassionally I have whatever I want and am still able to lose, so hang in there a while longer, get a network of friends going and you'll see you can do this, and you will feel so much better and so much healthier,
    after a while, you'll be happy to be eating this way and you'll want to exercise every given chance! Remember...

  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    I have more to lose, and have found that the encouragement on these boards makes all the difference. Feel free to add me as a friend, would love to help! :-)

    yep! She's (DawnRenee567) amazing and encourages me all the time! I have a total of 120 to lose, and some days are definitely harder than others!!! Set up some mini goals! It's much easier to focus on the small ones! Right now I'm working @ 242lbs, which will be 25 lbs lost! only 5lbs :) you can do it. The great news is the more you exercise and drink water, the better you'll feel!
  • rhbruijns
    rhbruijns Posts: 1
    All of you are so inspiring! I am so happy you guys are making a change in your life and sticking to it!
    I understand how hard it is to loose weight and maintain it - mostly because weight is a difficult thing for most of my family.
    Great work and you can do it! You look fabulous and look better and healthier every day!
  • I'm new to this site; but not new to the weight loss struggle! I'm hoping to get support from My new Fitness Pals! :)
  • hm4xmas
    hm4xmas Posts: 5
    You may be happy to hear that you just inspired me to keep trying. I'm on your side. Let's not give up - together.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    Hang in there. Look at it as losing 1 lb 100 times.
  • Hang in there. Look at it as losing 1 lb 100 times.

    Well put!!
  • louisvillelady
    louisvillelady Posts: 54 Member
    Ive lost 42 and have 100 to go ! Exercise is very helpful ! You can do it ! Add me and lets do this together ! We didnt get fat overnight so we cant get skinny overnight :happy:
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I fully understand where you're coming from!!! I want to quit sometimes too, but then I remember what I'm going this all for. It's hard and it hurts, but in the end, it will be worth it. Just take it 1 day at a time. I myself have a goal of loosing 105 lbs. I've already lost 16, so I've got 89 lbs to go. But that's my overall goal. Break it down into small goals, per month, per week, or per day. It's up to you. I set mine up for each month. So for July, my goals are:
    To weight 243 by 7/30/11
    Walk a distance of 6 miles
    Complete a minimum of 15 workouts on EA Sports Active 2
    Complete 2 weeks on Just Dance 2
    Walk on the bike path near my house at least 3 times

    You've got a lot of tips and encouragement from this one post!! I helps with the motivation that you need! :smile:
  • Hi there! What is helping me to stay motivated to exercice and eat healthier are my two baby boys. I want to live long and watch them grow. Maybe that might help you stay motivated as well. I also need to lose a lot of weight. Try to enlist a workout partner. I currently feel more comfortable working out at home. I have found that eating at least one meal with spinach, chicken, and other veggies per day will help you decrease calorie intake. I am also trying to replace one meal with Costco's Premier 30 grams of protien shake. So far so good. Try it out...
  • I Like that...lose 1lb, 100 times!!! Very Nice!! :wink:
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