ever feel like u can't?

ever feel like u can't do this? like everything u do &that scale wont budge? u think y bother?but then the other part of u says jus keep going .. u can do this.. ? im feeling blahhhh


  • TreyTnt9
    TreyTnt9 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks a lot. I'm giving up now. :/
  • TnZMom
    TnZMom Posts: 222 Member
    ^ :'(

    Yes, I feel like that sometimes. It helps to think about long term progress. Even if you don't get results right away, if you keep working at it, you will at least get a little better. Hang in there.
  • thanks all! :) i agree keep withit even though dangold scale hates moving.. sorry trey tht .. plz keep hanging in there.. i didnt mean to throw u off! :( we can do this right? plug alittle ea.day if we can.. like u said jeromebarry1 yes u can yes u can.. yes i can yes i can! :)purchasing soon a elliptical to hop on to when i m bored or dont wanna do snowy weather.. :)excerise im hoping itll help me those long winter mos still slim down or keep body doing good :) is the goal..
  • sweet!! i think we all most go thru this.. ya i dont wanna keep going up like im.. ughs.. ive been in the 240s since middle of summer.. i got once in july to 229&then went right back up.. seems impossible at times i need more excerise&eating better..
  • QueenAnne94101
    QueenAnne94101 Posts: 4 Member
    We ALL go thru this with one glaring exception: the people to lose their weight don't let these slip-ups and slow-downs derail them. I have a friend who lost 74 lbs in two years, and she had so many stories just like yours, but at the end of the day/week/month of set backs, she just forgave herself and got back on track. Honestly, we both started at the same time and she is done and maintaining; I derailed and didn't get back on after my screw ups, and here I am two years later only 16 lbs down instead of 68 (my goal). So I am getting back on the rails after 6 months of pouting. I hope for you that this is only a short blip before you get back on the rails and doesn't turn into a 6 month weight-gaining pout, like mine. Sadly, I speak from (frustrating) experience. LOL! Good Luck!!
  • thekatspjs
    thekatspjs Posts: 20 Member
    I feel like that all the time. I have never been successful losing weight. I really have never been able to diet and consistently exercise. I know I need to create a calorie deficit but how... there are so many approaches. My head spins with all the different approaches...
  • thanks... yai hope its just doesn't hang on me too long cuz i m already feeling like im gaining.. Im also bumming having some emotional times dating so almost makes me feel no1wants me even though at one time i had lost alot.. but bumps im not doing that great.. Im like u queen Anne.. gaining.. ive been doing this for a 3-4 yrs now.. maybe lost now 20 lbs b4 was close to 40 at one time.. ugh.. i need to get back with it. I wish i could afford to work out too.. maybe that wood help me.. i need more excerise .. i jus havne't been with it.. now the holidays.. ughs..
    seems like me too not being successful losing it all.. i go up & down.. :(
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Afford to workout? Do you not have spare time to go for a walk or do free exercises found online? There are tons of things you can do for exercise that cost nothing and plenty of things you can do with minimal time.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    thanks... yai hope its just doesn't hang on me too long cuz i m already feeling like im gaining.. Im also bumming having some emotional times dating so almost makes me feel no1wants me even though at one time i had lost alot.. but bumps im not doing that great.. Im like u queen Anne.. gaining.. ive been doing this for a 3-4 yrs now.. maybe lost now 20 lbs b4 was close to 40 at one time.. ugh.. i need to get back with it. I wish i could afford to work out too.. maybe that wood help me.. i need more excerise .. i jus havne't been with it.. now the holidays.. ughs..
    seems like me too not being successful losing it all.. i go up & down.. :(

    Exercise on you tube, fitnessblender is free. Can just start with 20 mins a day and build on it
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    ever feel like u can't do this? like everything u do &that scale wont budge? u think y bother?but then the other part of u says jus keep going .. u can do this.. ? im feeling blahhhh

    All the time ... but then you get up and you do it because ... goals.
  • ok ok usmcmp!;ya ive been a indeptent woman for some time.. yes i can do this.. jus puttin effort into it.. my duaghter say to me yesterday mom ur never gonna get there if u keep not taking care of yourself.. ugh.. ya ive been putting on weight again i can feel it.. my legs r not been good... either has the back.. goal is tomorrow eat right look up these free sites for excerise&also get out in walk/bike.. ive got a elliptical on order... my next drs appt is march i dont wanna look like a failure & gained.. i go back to idaho for granddaughters 2nd bday i was wanting to lose 50 by then.. thats a push for me.. postivie thoughts i can do this.. ive been also wanting a man back in my life.. seems like i dont have one ... i like some1and i think he likes me but im fat. whos gonna want a fatty? lol
  • i thoght if i worked out i could lose it faster.. :)
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    Yes it's demoralizing sometimes when the scale doesn't budge but I like what eating healthy does for my state of mind and overall well being <3
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    ok ok usmcmp!;ya ive been a indeptent woman for some time.. yes i can do this.. jus puttin effort into it.. my duaghter say to me yesterday mom ur never gonna get there if u keep not taking care of yourself.. ugh.. ya ive been putting on weight again i can feel it.. my legs r not been good... either has the back.. goal is tomorrow eat right look up these free sites for excerise&also get out in walk/bike.. ive got a elliptical on order... my next drs appt is march i dont wanna look like a failure & gained.. i go back to idaho for granddaughters 2nd bday i was wanting to lose 50 by then.. thats a push for me.. postivie thoughts i can do this.. ive been also wanting a man back in my life.. seems like i dont have one ... i like some1and i think he likes me but im fat. whos gonna want a fatty? lol
    Hey...you do not want someone who's only going to want you because of the way you look. And being overweight does not make you "a failure". It just means you're a person who isn't happy with where they're at. Be a little kinder to yourself.

    I would suggest taking the advice on the forum here - these folks know how to do it, and also visit the "Success stories" thread for inspiration. What some of these folks have accomplished is just amazing. You can do it too.

  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    edited November 2016
    I can relate, I never thought I could.

    For years I put myself down, felt victim to everything from bad genes to poor destany. Litteraly years, like twenty of them, no kidding.

    I thought I was doomed to live overweight and misrable forever. I gave up before even making the first step. Or repeating the same one step forward one step backwards thing.

    With time and lots of failures I am finally at a moment where I feel really good, I have lost weight and found strenght and confidence, I enjoy doing sports and living healthy.

    Don't give up! But do look for the solutions elsewhere. It probably be out of your comfort zone.

    What holds you back?