quick breakfasts I could take with me to work?



  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    1/2 cup oats, 1 T crunchy PB, 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 T cocoa powder, and 1 packet of splenda.

    I made this last night so I could grab it and go this morning as I left for work. It tasted really good but I noticed it was super thick! A few hours later I was entering the items for calorie intake and noticed what I did wrong. I was supposed to use 1 Tbsp of peanut butter, well I read it wrong and used about 6 Tbsp (about 1/2 cup)!!!! Oh my! All that extra pb added 500 calories! Good thing I could only eat about 1/3 of it! Next time I'll be sure to read the ingredient amounts a little better!!! :)
  • danasidoni
    danasidoni Posts: 5 Member
    Athletes say eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper. I've been doing that and it really works. You need fuel to get you through your day. 200 calories for breakfast is nothing...maybe add some protein? Boiled eggs?

    i love this.. excellent concept i will try it out
  • kris0812
    kris0812 Posts: 65 Member
    bump! Great ideas here...going to try the egg muffin recipe!
  • CajunCubsFan
    CajunCubsFan Posts: 29 Member
    Nature's Own - 100% Whole Wheat Bread
    2 slice (26g/ .9 oz) 100
    Great Value - Thinly Sliced Ham, 4 slices 40
    Smuckers - Strawberry Jam, 1.5 tbsp 75
    Large Egg Whites, 3 egg white or egg beaters 45
    I removed the cheese and got the calories down to 260!!! WOOT!!!:bigsmile:
  • I have a cup size smoothie maker and make one each morning - frozen fruit, fat free yoghurt, milk or juice, whizz it up and just take the cup (no faffing about transferring it into something). Takes about 2 mins and about 200 cal. And tasty :) You could chuck in some oats or something but I find this does me on it's own..
  • misslynn23
    misslynn23 Posts: 31 Member
    I do a whole grain Eggo waffle with 1T of peanut butter along with my coffee & creamer for about 300 cals.
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Here's a great one that you can make the night before: Take a whole wheat or low carb flour tortilla. Spread some natural peanut butter on there (not too much!) I like Skippy's natural super chunk (yum). Slice an apple thinly and put on top of peanut butter. sprinkle some cinnamon and roll up tightly. I put in foil paper, rolled up and grab one (or two) in the morning. One fills me up until 1:00 and then I might have one for lunch. I usually make 2 because only half an apple fits in one tortilla. My kids LOVE this in their school lunch boxes, so I have to wake up earlier to grab a couple before they do! I'm wishing I made one last night! Oh, I also do it with some Nutella sometimes. That's decadent and a treat!!
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    One of my favorite breakfasts have been either apple slices and peanut butter or a banana and peanut butter. It's SO filling and delicious! The natural sugars give me energy that I need in the morning and the protein keep me full and satisfied until lunch!
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Can I ask what brand smoothie maker you bought?
  • Grace139
    Grace139 Posts: 12
    My breakfast is usually about 360 calories. I have a microwave egg poacher, so I throw an English muffin in the toaster, egg in the micro, and pour a glass of juice. Throw the egg and a slice of cheese on the muffin, take in car to eat. ;). Takes me about 3 minutes to make, and keeps me full to lunch....

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to suggest. Quick and so good!
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