Disappointed in MFP people



  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    I agree...we all had to start somewhere, full of questions. I am grateful for having all of my questions answered & vice-versa!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I see a button was pushed.

    MFP community is as you spoke of (here to support one another).

    With that said, you still draw people from all parts of society with their freedoms and hangups.

    So, in the end, people here are like a box of chocolates - you never know what you gonna get.. :laugh: :flowerforyou: :blushing:
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I have to agree with you its very sad.. someone in my family signed up and after reading a thread about how people got so ticked off about spelling they almost left the site and are still afraid to post ANYTHING in the forum... this person has a learning disability and its hard for them spell and see things correctly... I convinced this person to stay ... and that not everyone is like that... after all we are here to motivate and encourage not belittle and be rude and mean.. right?

    that just made me so sad :(

    My profile is open so post it to me in and email or mike :smile:
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Forward this to Mike
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Forward this to Mike

    Someone did as I wasn't sure who to send it to, but I posted something similar with a little more detail on the Website/Suggestion topic and someone there said they shared it with him. Thank you! :)
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Some people gain their self confidence from a little harshness... a little pushing. If I came on here, said "I'm trying to stay within my calories, but I can't help but eat XYZ because I have this function to attend and this function and then my family is sabotaging me etc"... I'd HOPE that someone would tell me to grow up, I'm an adult, to take responsibility for what I'm putting into my face hole and suck it up.

    I don't respond to "It'll be okay! You just don't listen to those negative people!"... sunshine and whatnot. Yuck. Give me a straight forward answer any day of the week.
  • AMEN! :/
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I agree. If you can't be nice, go elsewhere. But every so often, the same repeated question does get annoying for me. If people would do a simple search first, that would be nice. I certainly never respond in a negative way if someone has asked a question that's been asked many times, but every once in a while, I don't respond at all because I've had a bad day and am a little annoyed that they asked almost verbatim a question that's already been asked. If they searched first, they wouldn't have to ask again.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Some people gain their self confidence from a little harshness... a little pushing. If I came on here, said "I'm trying to stay within my calories, but I can't help but eat XYZ because I have this function to attend and this function and then my family is sabotaging me etc"... I'd HOPE that someone would tell me to grow up, I'm an adult, to take responsibility for what I'm putting into my face hole and suck it up.

    I don't respond to "It'll be okay! You just don't listen to those negative people!"... sunshine and whatnot. Yuck. Give me a straight forward answer any day of the week.

    Hey I hear you. I respond better to the drill sergeant mentality, as well. If I'm slacking, meh, I need tough love or I'll keep slacking.
  • SabrinaG1986
    SabrinaG1986 Posts: 135 Member
    I've seen a couple threads like this one, but I have never seen anybody being rude. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places lol. :grumble:
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    I agree. There are some rude people who just want to jump all over you for this or that. But there are also a lot of people who are very supportive and helpful. Please focus on those people. I've had a lot more positive experiences than negative. Just ignore the comments from the rude people. Half of them are posting because they want to get some kind of response from you and get a tit for tat debate going on in the forums. I hope you stay on MFP!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I am afraid I have multiple personalities... or - um - split views on this topic. I agree - if you don't have anything nice to say, zip your lip. No need to be mean.

    People can give their opinion without being a jackwagon! (e.g. Don't want to keep gaining weight? Then don't eat half a chocolate cake by yourself unless you intend to work it off!!! ... as opposed to... You shouldn't have eaten that chocolate cake you fat <insert yuck word of choice here>.)

    Here's my alternate internal opinion (LOL - that little voice in my head): We can choose to ignore what someone says/types just as easily as they can ignore the 'repeated' questions.

    A 'Welcome - here are the basics.' tour when people sign up would be great - but in all honesty - so many are going to 'skip the tour' and end up repeating questions or breaking a forum rule anyway.

    Final thought: I used to care a great deal about what people thought of me. I would go to great lengths to make sure everyone liked me. I have found as I get older, that is going away. The basis (sorta) of my newfound freedom... "In 500 years - no one will give a crap!!"
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    I have always thought that MFP was an awesome site and that everyone on here was so motivated to help others with their journies, but you know what I've discovered on here by reading a few forums? People on here are so freaking judgemental and rude...a lot of people are new to this site and a lot of people are going to have "stupid" questions or questions that have been asked before many times. But you know what? It's not that easy for most people to start a brand new lifestyle so they come here looking for support and what do they get? RUDE and JUDGEMENTAL people just the opposite of what they are looking for...so a touch of advice...IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE OR POSITIVE TO SAY THAT KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!

    Said very well and I agree 100% 1857075ehmslhqisr.gif
  • deezeeido
    deezeeido Posts: 1
    Being new here myself (so new I don't even have a pic yet)- I can see where you are coming from. I am new to this board, but not to others board and when you have a community with 3,205,392 posts (actual count when I posted this) it is hard to go through all of them when you have a question. Also using the expertise of others is always changing, too. The answer someone gave 6 months ago might be slightly different now. I have seen in other board a area just fo newbies or an area just for long time users. This way you will know that there will be repeat questions and you are willing to answer the same thing to 20 poeple in a row and if you dont want to help the newer people out- don't go to that section.

    Sometimes people have just so much going on around them that they do not stop and step away from themselves to see that they are being rude. I would take all that is said with a grain of salt. They have all been there before- if not there would not ba a need for this board or website....... sometimes people don't remember that when they reply.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    That is pretty.......wonder why they have not done that yet!! But I know what you mean about people being mean or rude!! I just skip over topic that have been answered before......or if no one has answered the question yet...I will go ahead and answer it!!! Some people need to lighten up....they didn't have the answers to the questions when they first started!!!
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    I don't understand why people say things on these forums, when in real life, they would never say that to someones face.

    Well, I guess I do understand, it is pretty easy to hide behind your monitor. Someone needs to invent a "Virtual Bi*&h Slap", or VBS, that will reach out of the screen, smack them in the face and then disappear.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    It's a good point that you make. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to be discouraged because they feel like they've met that kind of opposition. I've mainly been reading the posts and I've been able to just skim past the ugly posts and move on to the ones of real value, but fortunately, I haven't been on the receiving end of any of it. :( Not sure how I'd feel if I were.)

    Same here. I just skip the nasty ones!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I posted this as a response to another message earlier, but I think it applies here ... a serious suggestion. Do you think if enough people asked to have this done it would help??

    I think when a new person signs up, they ought to get a 'welcome' message with some basics ... such as:

    1) Be sure to search for a topic/question to see if it has been discussed before using the search feature
    2) A list of the most unknown acronyms such as NSV = Non Scale Victory, MFP = My Fitness Pal, etc.
    3) How to post a photo: Post a photo by saving it to an online photo site, copying the url and then pasting that url in the box. Then change the "IMG" from the original upper case to "img" lower case, or it won't work.
    4) Advice: Keep in mind that when you ask a question, you are going to get people's OPINIONS ... some of which you (and others) may agree with and some you may not.

    You get the idea ... :)

    You have to sign up to join, so would it be difficult to have the site set up to automatically send a welcome message to the e-mail used to register ... I know that way back when I used Yahoo Groups, it did that.

    It might save a LOT of duplicate questions, and thereby duplicate answers, and as a result, less than nice comments/replies?? Just a thought ...

    Love this! Thank you. Definitely send it to the people in charge of the blog!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Some people gain their self confidence from a little harshness... a little pushing. If I came on here, said "I'm trying to stay within my calories, but I can't help but eat XYZ because I have this function to attend and this function and then my family is sabotaging me etc"... I'd HOPE that someone would tell me to grow up, I'm an adult, to take responsibility for what I'm putting into my face hole and suck it up.

    I don't respond to "It'll be okay! You just don't listen to those negative people!"... sunshine and whatnot. Yuck. Give me a straight forward answer any day of the week.

    Now this is some sound thinking! There is a difference between rudeness though and just telling you how it is. But unfortunately, that decision is based on too many factors, i.e., someone with thin skin. If you are easily offended then maybe the problem is not the poster but the reader/postee.

    However, there are those who live in their own world thus the many who have been banned for posting for a while because they were too over the top.