ever feel like u can't?



  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    thanks Arizona C&Grey i do get on here everyday read the discussions.. i try to track everyday.. ive also got a journal i write down what ive ate what my scale says how im feeling.. &etc.. Im not sure whats holding me back? ill have to keep that in my mind &think y. i was actually having ppl tell me how good i was looking&how much weight id lost.. that was great hearing.. i need to continue to post my pics of my journey of me.. like this one on here to where i was after what 10 lbs lost&so forth maybe thatll keep me motivated.. when i had family pic yrs ago i thought next family pic i wanna be thinner not looking like a cow.. im resting in bed alittle bit longer N then gonna get up go excerise b4 going groc shopping.. for tonites evening thanksgiving meal.. its only time i can get it in due to every1s working.. thanks again for positive thoughts :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    ever feel like u can't do this? like everything u do &that scale wont budge? u think y bother?but then the other part of u says jus keep going .. u can do this.. ? im feeling blahhhh

    I've been attempting to lose weight for over 15 years. I've given up several times. It didn't make my life or health better to give up the effort.
    I've stuck with MFP and watching my calorie intake for 2 years now. I am still 10 lbs overweight at this point. I maintain more often than I lose now. My quality of life is so much better though so I'm not giving up even if it is much harder now.

    If you are having trouble sticking to your plan maybe your current plan is unsustainable long term.
    Set your weekly weight loss goal smaller. Not fast loss but sustainable loss is important.
    Eat food you like. Eat smaller portions of higher calorie stuff and pair it with more lower calorie vegetables. Get plenty of protein, fats and fiber to help you feel satisfied.
    Increase your logging accuracy. Make sure you log everything. Use a digital food scale for solids. Choose correct entries. Try prelogging your food to make better choices.
    Don't rely on exercise over calorie intake to lose weight.
    If you are an emotional stress type eater work at developing different coping skills.
    Give it time. If the scale has not moved for 4+ weeks start making changes. If it has been less time than that keep on and wait.
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    great ideas thanks lounmoun!! :) im still gonna plug along.. im glad ive got mfp :) . im sure ppl get sick of my discussions...but i m always lookin for help or pointers... i did wws in the spring&lost 30 but gain 1./2 back.. :( im thankful though i m not at the weight i had started out.. this is my 4th yr tryin to lose weight.. seems like as u get older its harder too.. or maybe thats a excuse lol.. i hope to go excerise again here in bit.. suns out.. but im bakin for thanksgiving this eve for family...
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I've felt like that in the past when I thought I was doing everything right but wasn't getting results or making progress. Luckily I didn't give up, I just kept researching and trying different things and finally found a method that actually DOES work. Now I just do it and it works so I don't feel hopeless anymore.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited November 2016
    Sometimes it feels that way, so I allow myself to stomp my metaphorical feet and complain for a few minutes then let go of the petty party. If I feel bad while putting in the work, imagine how bad I would feel if I didn't. So I just basically plug along and continue doing what has been working, regardless of what my silly brain is trying to tell me. The voice can be especially loud if you have more than 150 lbs to lose and it would have halted my progress had I given in. Before too soon, you are 2/3 of the way there and you wonder how the heck did you manage that! Such a nice feeling that is worth all the feet stomping you had to get over.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    These feelings are all part of the process, but the key to succeeding is not giving up.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    edited November 2016
    I used to think "I can't" all the time, before I was introduced to MFP. Then I realised how simple this all is - not always easy, that's not the same thing at all, but simple!

    I've been getting good results since I started here. Not always as fast as I'd like, and there have been plenty of times when I've stalled for a while even though I kept on track, but I don't recall thinking "I can't do this" even once this year. I set small goals rather than looking at the entire thing as one big obstacle, which really helped.

    I know I can. I've seen that I can! I just have to keep working towards it, even if some days it's just baby steps, because the alternative is going to back to the size I was in January and I will NOT do that!

    Some days I do pout a bit, and like @amusedmonkey so delightfully said I "stomp my metaphorical feet" for a while, but I've never felt like giving up. :)

    Edit: Going to plug my own thread here in case you find my rambling thoughts on the subject helpful! :)
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    thekatspjs wrote: »
    I feel like that all the time. I have never been successful losing weight. I really have never been able to diet and consistently exercise. I know I need to create a calorie deficit but how... there are so many approaches. My head spins with all the different approaches...

    Pick one and just start! :) Try something for a while, and if you don't like it or you don't feel it's working well for you, try another approach. Don't feel that you need to follow "a diet" if you don't want to - you can lose weight eating the things you eat right now, just eat smaller portions!

    Perhaps start there - just log what you currently eat for a couple of weeks, and then start looking for places to cut down a bit or make lower-calorie substitutions? You don't have to go all out and change everything at once, it's okay to start small and just make minor changes here and there until you get used to it. :)
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    thekatspjs wrote: »
    I feel like that all the time. I have never been successful losing weight. I really have never been able to diet and consistently exercise. I know I need to create a calorie deficit but how... there are so many approaches. My head spins with all the different approaches...

    Just need to use myfitnesspal + a digital food scale to weigh & track your food so you know how many calories you're eating. Eat less than your TDEE and more than BMR. That's pretty much it. Simple.
  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    I'm wondering about the phrase -keep motivated. Do you lack motivation or is it more a question of lacking trust it is possible and letting go as a result?

    Don't hesitate to keep posting! People with no interest in the subjet skip your post, but those who can relate keep reading and keep writing you back.

    Understanding why you put on the weight again can be helpful. Any idea what happended? What was in your mind at that moment?

    Understanding why you have managed in the past is important as well, finding out how you did it to get to the same mind set and sports/eating habit.

    Please don't put yourself down! You'll be better off working at getting your self esteem up and get a winning mindset.

    Project yourself into a nearby future where you will feel and look great. Tell yourself it is only a question of time. Visualize yourself thinner and healthier, life as if you were already! It'll boost you to do the necessary steps to get there.

    Good luck, and do keep us posted
  • stainbackzoo
    stainbackzoo Posts: 81 Member
    this string of conversation was just what i needed to read this morning!!! i was ready to throw in the towel- angry because it's hard, angry because i have to write all my food- just not fair! very much having a sad little pity party for myself.

    so thank ALL of you for your encouragement! it was good read it all!!!!

  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    this string of conversation was just what i needed to read this morning!!! i was ready to throw in the towel- angry because it's hard, angry because i have to write all my food- just not fair! very much having a sad little pity party for myself.

    so thank ALL of you for your encouragement! it was good read it all!!!!

    Glad to hear it! :) It's not always "easy" (for some people, maybe, but not all of us), and it's okay to feel grumpy about it sometimes, but don't let it make you give up!
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    thanks countney&amuseddon.. thank goodness i dont have have more than 100 but im gonna keep on cuzi dont wanna go up again.. its been thanksgiving soo ive had the pumpkin pie but gettin ready to go do some cardio lol soo windy out though
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    thanks suesuedio id like to read some of your threads.. yes wonderful having mfp
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    arizona c i sure will.. i like your ideas good thinking on how i got this way? i can think of a few.. ugh.. yes illl keep u posted im on here everyday or at least i try to be sometimes hard when ive work a 12 hr day cuz ive got a bad habit being on here too long.. lol & get late to bed but i do feel it helps me to stay on track ... reading other posts&such..