My husband is losing weight faster than me - I feel like giving up :(



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited November 2016
    Why are you, a woman, comparing your losses to your husband, a man? Your husband has a higher TDEE than you do. Is he eating at least 1600 calories? Be proud of YOUR losses and be happy for HIM. You and your husband are two very different people, with different stats and different deficits. I highly doubt your husband started at the same weight and is the exact same height and has the eact same activity level as you do. Relax. :)
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    My wife can get drunk faster than me. I feel like giving up booze. :/
    Do not dare give up! Keep fighting, my friend!
  • MagicDance396
    MagicDance396 Posts: 13 Member
    So it's not exactly the same situation but I cook the meals for everyone in my family (my mom and sister). When I started cooking healthy meals, everyone started losing weight! This is great but my mother is losing weight almost as fast as me. She is much smaller to begin with and us not actually counting calories or measuring servings. So the fact that she is losing as fast as me makes me a bit discouraged. Not that I don't want her to lose weight, it just makes me feel like I must be doing something wrong or that I'm not trying hard enough.

    What I've decided to do is just focus on my weight loss. As long as I'm not gaining, I'll get to my goals eventually, and that's what's important!
  • Uraveragepoet
    Uraveragepoet Posts: 40 Member
    I always loose weight faster than my wife. In general, men loose weight faster. Don't give up because of that. Giving up won't help you.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    men typically lose faster ..take a look at what you are doing and switch it up.. if you stay with the same thing every day then you will stay stagnant
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    What do you do when your partner is out shining you in a journey the two of you started together ?

    He could not do this without your support and neither could you without his - this is marriage.

    Men will normally lose weight faster due to increase muscle mass, differing hormonal balances, and a host of other physiological factors which are critical to preserving health. Rejoice in his success. Rejoice in your success. Don't fret over the rate of change, rather than the change itself.