It's so damn difficult....



  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Chose your hard.

    I've seen this before and don't get it. It was easy to be over 300 for me. How is being fat hard?

    They won't let you on the teacup ride for one thing :'(

    But I don't want to go on the teacup ride. So that isn't hard for me..... :)

    Yup. Forget the teacup ride. I worked my *** off for a year to lose weight but it its pretty darned easy for me to eat a pizza and drink beer while playing Minecraft.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Ohwhynot wrote: »
    Yup. Forget the teacup ride. I worked my *** off for a year to lose weight but it its pretty darned easy for me to eat a pizza and drink beer while playing Minecraft.

    Mass Effect (1,2 & 3). Nothing hard about that at all.

  • FussFreeFitness
    FussFreeFitness Posts: 12 Member
    I used to see things with an all or nothing mentality. The most important thing is making small changes that you can stick to for the rest of your life. I use a flexible dieting approach, meaning I don't eliminate ANYTHING from my diet- I just eat it in moderation. For some reason our bodies seem to want something more when we say, "no! You can't have that!" Often I find people binge, feel bad, then start ALL over numerous times because of how much they limit specific foods. Just figure out your calories and then get about 30% of those from protein, 40% from carbs, and 40% from fat. Also make sure you are eating about 30g of fiber and drinking about 100oz of water per day. I PROMISE this will help!
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've also been struggling, I changed my goal to 500kg this week from 750kg. Maybe it will make a difference. Any tips on staying on track during the weekend, it seems that's when I'm the weakest.....

    500 kg of what?

    I suspect she means grams.

    I suspect she means calories.
  • beckygirl177
    beckygirl177 Posts: 19 Member
    I get that losing weight is not an easy task. I get that you don't have to work until you nearly pass out. But to eat things in moderation and exercise could help too. But anytime I feel like I'm in the right mindset 99% of the time, but in the end I feel like I can't do it and gain another 5 lbs. Is there anyone out there who also thinks like this or is it just me? Any advice I could get on how to get over something like this and get to a healthier me?

    I'm having the same problem. Maybe try not eating back excercise calories and keep your goals updated on MFP.
    Idk I have been having some problems too
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I get it op. I'm like that with my type two diabetes. I go through some smooth day's were I don't have sweet and yet my sugars go high so I get mad and shovel all kinds of goodies. It's all in the mind. If you say it's only one day it's a lie. You say that for one day but then there's six more days in the week. It's hard but if you go reaching for the sweets have other option available that will fill you up. Just remember to be mind full. I'm still working on this
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I feel like I can't do it almost everyday, but then I do. How I feel and what I do aren't directly correlated. For example, sometimes I don't feel like going to work, but I do.

    Weight loss isn't some mythical thing and truthfully there's no mythical answer. It's just like anything else in life that you have to work for.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I get that losing weight is not an easy task. I get that you don't have to work until you nearly pass out. But to eat things in moderation and exercise could help too. But anytime I feel like I'm in the right mindset 99% of the time, but in the end I feel like I can't do it and gain another 5 lbs. Is there anyone out there who also thinks like this or is it just me? Any advice I could get on how to get over something like this and get to a healthier me?

    I think the hardest part is just getting the ball rolling...once it's rolling, it takes on it's own momentum. Unfortunately, getting the ball rolling takes some effort and "just do it" take some consistency...but after a few weeks, that ball gets rolling and you start to see the, "yeah...I'm doing this."
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Lynzdee18 wrote: »
    I may sound harsh, but you've got to hate being fat more than you love eating.

    I agree with this. It wasn't until all the foods I was eating and overheating started making me seriously ill that I made a change. I had tried 2 times before with successes but never stuck to it. I have been at this for 5 months now and that's the longest I've ever stuck with a change. It has become my life now and I don't even think about it. It's not about motivation or some secret trick. You just have to be committed and determined enough to know you want a different life. That's what keeps me going.
  • Jleigh225
    Jleigh225 Posts: 49 Member
    I get that losing weight is not an easy task. I get that you don't have to work until you nearly pass out. But to eat things in moderation and exercise could help too. But anytime I feel like I'm in the right mindset 99% of the time, but in the end I feel like I can't do it and gain another 5 lbs. Is there anyone out there who also thinks like this or is it just me? Any advice I could get on how to get over something like this and get to a healthier me?

    I always feel like people don't explore your whys enough. Why do you feel like you can't do it in the end? What makes it so hard? For me, I begin to really see progress in myself with issues around food when I finally admitted that I'm not good at certain things when it comes to eating. I'm not good at being patient, I'm not good at failing, and I'm not good living in the grey with food and weight loss. So I took away the scale because I can't be patient with it, I implemented healthy strategies that were easy for me to win at (for some time that was not calorie counting), and I gave myself room to make mistakes with food and continue the next day. This is a marathon not a sprint. Sustainable long term weight loss is not sexy, it isn't 2 lbs a week consistently. This is about being proud to be a person who makes healthy choices most of the time and celebrates eating cake some of the time. Here are some things I did because I kept bingeing or giving up when I meticulously and perfectly counted calories, went to the gym for hours on end, and weighed myself every day.

    I wrote down all of my food in a non calorie counting environment-less judgement
    A focus on adding vegetables, lean proteins, and whole fruits to my diet but allowing myself pizza and cake a few times a week in smaller portions
    I drink 96 oz of water a day
    I try to que in to hunger signals while I eat and stop before Im completely stuffed and food is less appetizing than it was when I started
    I stayed off the scale

    Maybe try habits like those for awhile and see if you can't gain some confidence by just implementing healthy changes that don't completely turn your world upside down. Weight loss is hard but its harder when you can't be consistent and when you try to right the ship overnight.
  • gboybama
    gboybama Posts: 53 Member
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Chose your hard.

    I've seen this before and don't get it. It was easy to be over 300 for me. How is being fat hard?

    They won't let you on the teacup ride for one thing :'(

    But I don't want to go on the teacup ride. So that isn't hard for me..... :)

    I dunno. In my 40's, being fat left me sick, in pain and tired all the time. That wasn't fun, though I sure enjoyed the 3500 calorie dinners at BBW. :)
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    I understand how you feel! I fell off the wagon this summer and gained 12lbs of the 70 I've lost. I thought I could keep it off without mfp but I guess I was wrong, lol. I suggest doing something you're proud of that doesn't involve weight. For example, I may have gained over 10lbs but I also ran a half marathon 4 weeks ago. :) Yours doesn't have to be that extreme, choose something that you want to accomplish fitness wise but besides weight loss.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    You might try to look at it as something more positive: not that you are trying to lose weight as much as you are trying to get more healthy. Adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet is easier than trying to eliminate carbs or sweets. Finding some enjoyable exercise you like to do is better than feeling like you have to work out. Make small changes that will make you healthier, whether or not they make you thinner. This is a life-long lifestyle, not just a diet that you go on or go off.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Being on a diet is the penance we must pay for letting ourselves become overweight, it's sometimes not a pleasant place to be, but it is what it is. I have days or even weeks where i find eating in a deficit easy, then there's times where it just downright sucks, i wouldn't say it's all plain sailing nor is it all miserable.

    Dont try and be in a hurry, this next year will pass either way whether you get on the weight loss wagon or not. This time next year you could be at your goal weight or still lamenting about how hard this all is, it's totally in your hands.

    There's a couple of things that keep me on the straight and narrow.. One is that i never, ever want to have to lose the weight I've lost all over again, and second the thought of being overweight again petrifies me. I'm so glad that i practically have it over and done with now and i stopped procrastinating. The sooner you start, the sooner it will be over with.
    When i say over with, i mean the weight loss part, maintenance will be a life long endeavour, this app is here for us and makes things so much easier and i will be utilising it to it's fullest for as long as it takes, be it a few more years or forever.

    Start off slowly and add or subtract things at your own pace , do not wear yourself out by going to severe.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Chose your hard.

    I've seen this before and don't get it. It was easy to be over 300 for me. How is being fat hard?

    I hated being fat. Everything hurt, I felt judged in public, I was never comfortable eating, I was tired all the time, moving was difficult. When I started to have trouble fitting into places? It was humiliating.

    Ditto this, i was embarrassed and disappointed in myself. Being overweight is hard, pretty much the opposite in every way of being slim/normal body weight and confident.