Low carb high fat dieter here



  • sean17sison
    sean17sison Posts: 5 Member
    shanhen70 wrote: »
    I am on the lo carb as well. Have been off and on for one year. I have lost 61 lbs so far. I am in a huge plateau. I could use some help. What is every one eating? Like what do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and how many carbs are you taking in a day. I have 20-25 pounds left to go. I have lost since 2011 91 lbs.
    Help please.
    How do I start this diet?I've never followed any diet it's just that I tried to lessen my food intake avoid rice,bread and sweets.please help me.ive been in the gym for almost 4 months an have lost 13 kg so far
  • Antdowell
    Antdowell Posts: 19 Member
    Am trying to lol love my carbs tho how you got ur macros set
  • kylesbacon
    kylesbacon Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all! This is me too... please feel free to add me
  • Eternitii
    Eternitii Posts: 18 Member
    Started this past Monday and am already seeing results! I definitely feel like this sustainable because there are so many options it's almost like you're barely limiting yourself add me and we win and lose at the same time
  • jlschuit1
    jlschuit1 Posts: 1 Member
    Low Carb here too. 9lbs down the first 2 weeks and then it stopped. Could use a cheer leader.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    I fell off the low carb wagon hard when last summer ended. Life just got super busy, and I stopped pre-planning and meal prepping. I regained everything I had worked to lose and then some. Meanwhile, I watched my boss, who started low carbing the same time as me last year, steadily lose weight, and now he looks great. No joke, he was a huge man before. Now, he just looks normal-sized. Anyway, I am coming to terms with the fact that I really need to follow this way of eating for life. I cannot control my eating following the standard American diet. The sugar and carbs just set me off, and I am truly afraid I will end up diabetic. So, I restarted LCHF January 10th, 2017 and I am down 18 pounds.

    Incidentally, I ran across a very interesting book called "Fight Cancer with a Ketogenic Diet". I found this after discovering a web site called kosher keto and reading the story of a woman who uses the keto diet to help control potential recurrence of her very aggressive cancer. My interest was peaked. As it turns out, the keto diet also shows promise for sufferers of epilepsy, Parkinsons, MS, Alzheimer's, ADD/ADHD, and of course diabetes, type 1 and type 2. There were others, but I can't remember them all. As cancer, Alzheimers, ADHD, and diabetes are all familiar to my family, I can't ignore the potential benefits besides weight loss!
  • knoxbelle
    knoxbelle Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I started the LCHF woe two weeks ago and I'm down to 214 from 225 so far. Would definitely love to friend people who are doing the same and would be interested in keeping each other motivated and holding one another accountable!
  • joannie631
    joannie631 Posts: 3 Member
    high fat low carb's motrate protien
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    low carb high fat update....its been about a year and i am down 120 pounds. about 20 to go to goal. I have been stuck at this weight for about 2 months, because i have been experimenting with foods and cals. I got back to what was working a week ago, started seeing weight come down again
  • dray351
    dray351 Posts: 2 Member
    I notice a lot of you are trying to low calorie this weight plan. You cant. You have to keep fat high to continue to lose. I try to use all my 25-30 carbs for vegetables. See which veggies are the lowest and use those. The true diet is high fat, high protein, low carb. Every time I get confused and start trying to eat :"healthy" I quit losing. You cannot keep this up for long though. After a month I take a week of healthy veggies and a fruit a day. Then right back on. I will have to keep this up forever. I am never hungry or have munchies on this plan. As soon as I start adjusting its blown. Good luck
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    dray351 wrote: »
    I notice a lot of you are trying to low calorie this weight plan. You cant. You have to keep fat high to continue to lose. I try to use all my 25-30 carbs for vegetables. See which veggies are the lowest and use those. The true diet is high fat, high protein, low carb. Every time I get confused and start trying to eat :"healthy" I quit losing. You cannot keep this up for long though. After a month I take a week of healthy veggies and a fruit a day. Then right back on. I will have to keep this up forever. I am never hungry or have munchies on this plan. As soon as I start adjusting its blown. Good luck

    i don't think you want proteins in the high category either, more moderate. but yeah, high fat.
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    I'm curious, with the LCHF, any guys on here having success or results?
  • Gigi_Sings
    Gigi_Sings Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to LC/HF (Keto) but enjoying it so far. Feel free to add me.
  • vrva_ncol1
    vrva_ncol1 Posts: 10 Member
    can anyone explain the advantages of a LCHF diet I am new to MFP and feel so overwhelmed I am trying to make better food choices that stick with me so they can turn into a lifestyle change but theres so many types of diets and information out there that its difficult to really pick which is the best for me and my needs
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    @vrva_ncol1 ...what are your needs?


    Even though I follow LCHF myself, the above chart is quite accurate. Find something that works for you, that is easy for you to follow and which you feel is sustainable and just do that. Low carb isn't for everyone (shrug).
  • Gyaltsen
    Gyaltsen Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    I read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung and the research cited makes so much sense to me. I've been on Weight Watchers for years but have always caved to cravings, regaining the 25 lbs. lost, and never reaching goal. I am on day six of Dr. Fung's plan and my sugar cravings are completely gone, which amazes me. I am a believer now in a LCHF plan with no refined carbs or artificial sweeteners.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited August 2017
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited August 2017
  • debbiebondklein
    debbiebondklein Posts: 158 Member
    I do low carb and have lost 69 lbs I need some active friends, Please send me a friend request.