Peanut Butter and Jelly be damned!

I usually pack my lunch. Most of the time it’s leftovers from last night’s dinner. My lunches are reasonable portions of good and healthy homemade dishes. Calories can vary anywhere from 180-350. Yesterday there were no leftovers and I didn’t want to eat out, so I packed a peanut butter and jelly on Franz Great Seed Whole Wheat sliced bread. Between the 2 slices of bread, the peanut butter and the jelly, I consumed almost half a day’s worth of calories! GRR! I love peanut butter, but wow, that was not worth it.


  • scootergirl110
    scootergirl110 Posts: 44 Member
    1200 calories/per day. Though it's not the end of the world if I go over a bit. I didn't measure the PB, but it seemed like close to 2tbls. The bread was 260 for both slices. The PB another 160 or so. The jelly 50. And that adds up to 470 give or take a few.
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Was it real peanut butter? I've switched to the powdered kind, there are way fewer calories in it.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich for breakfast or an afternoon snack many days. It will range anywhere between 275 and 350 depending on the bread that I use. I love peanut butter but have learned that 1 tbl will satisfy me. The bread will vary depending on what I have on hand...Ezekiel(80 calories per slice...English muffin...120-150...and even a 45 calorie per slice bread.

    There are ways to cut back on the calories and still enjoy your PB&J.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    I know! I used to love PBJ until I realized how caloric they are. Now I make my own with 45 calorie light bread, powdered PB, sugar free jelly. A whole sandwich comes out to be (90+45+10) 150 calories! Sometimes I have two :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My whole wheat bread is 60 calories per slice.
    32 g peanut butter 190 calories
    20 g jelly 50 calories
    360 calories.

    Weigh your peanut butter and jelly.
    Choose lower calorie bread. Use half the amount of peanut butter or jelly. Use sliced fruit instead of jelly.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I know! I used to love PBJ until I realized how caloric they are. Now I make my own with 45 calorie light bread, powdered PB, sugar free jelly. A whole sandwich comes out to be (90+45+10) 150 calories! Sometimes I have two :)

    That's the way I do it too, now, except for the occasional slice of p.b. toast. Won't lie... doesn't taste as good...but it does still have the essence of a pb&j. ;)
  • Showthyme
    Showthyme Posts: 23 Member
    Oh, you speak of my friend peanut butter and his cousins, cashew and almond. I eat it with a small spoon. No competing with bread and jelly. I put just a bit on a spoon, close the jar, put it away and then walk away. Otherwise peanut butter and me will have to end our long friendship. Thank goodness there is no apple butter in my house.

    The conditions and calories posted by others makes it closer to those in a dressed salad but a "lite" PBJ can be so satisfying. PBJ brings us back to simplier times in our childhood.

  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    Once I decided to be honest and weigh the peanut butter and the jam, I quickly changed the amount I put on the bread (it was shocking). I can eat a lot of PB, but I don't need to, I'm satisfied with a "normal" amount. Sometimes I'll make a half sandwich, if I want more, I'll make another half.

    I can eat PB out of the jar, but don't anymore. Still enjoy PB&J but if I'm short on calories I use Pepperidge Farm Light 7-grain bread (90 calories), 1 Tbsp (16.5g) of PB (95 calories) and 1 Tbsp Jam (50 calories). Total 235 calories. If I can fit it in then I go for a full serving on "devil" white bread.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm curious how you make a PB&J with powdered PB. Do you sprinkle it over the jelly or make a paste with water? I've seen the powdered PB at the store and wasn't really sure how it was used. Also, does anyone know of a brand that doesn't add sugar?
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    You make a paste with water. It sounds terrible but it's actually a pretty good substitute in a sandwich. Not sure on brands, I live in the UK so we probably have different ones here.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I'm curious how you make a PB&J with powdered PB. Do you sprinkle it over the jelly or make a paste with water? I've seen the powdered PB at the store and wasn't really sure how it was used. Also, does anyone know of a brand that doesn't add sugar?

    As PP said, you mix with water, so the primary difference is you don't get the mouth-feel that the fat provides. :( I use PB2, which has sugar listed in the ingredients, but it can't be much as it only has 1g/serving. I've also tried the JIF version but thought it was horrible.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I love pb&j but it's more of a treat for me. I have one now and then on light bread with a tbsp of pb (half serving) and some jelly. It's a lil sad but still tastes good. LOL! I wouldn't beat myself up over one sammich though.
  • VeganRaptor
    VeganRaptor Posts: 164 Member
    Love a good PB+J :)
    I don't make mine low calorie, but I use high quality ingredients so I feel really good about eating them! :heart: