Where do your lifts rank?



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I shouldn't read threads like this. I am the dirt on your floor. :s
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member

    Deadlift, 525 lbs - Your Strength Level for Deadlift is Elite. You're stronger than 96% of male lifters in your age group weighing 181 lb. Your lift is 2.90 times your bodyweight.

    TFW you suck at everything but Deads...
    Your bench looks real good dude. Your dead>elite.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    I shouldn't read threads like this. I am the dirt on your floor. :s

    The thing is, most of us probably feel like our lifts are pretty cruddy. Never satisfied.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I haven't run a heavy cycle in about a year which would have been the last time I did a 1RM, so I have no idea...but based on those numbers, I'd be intermediate with all of the common movements.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Very cool site and thank you for sharing! :)

    Didn't tell me anything I don't already know-I'm strong at Pulls (Deadlifts, Rows, Pull Ups) and "intermediate" at Pressing and Squatting.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm 66 and 160#. For men my age and weight, I'm in the "Advanced" category for all lifts :

    SQT 240 1RM
    DL 310 1RM
    BP 200 1RM
    OHP 125 1RM
    ROWS 10x145

    and exercises

    Dips at BW -15 reps/set
    Pull-ups at BW - 10 reps/set
    Push-ups at BW - 20 reps/set

    Killustrated rates this performance as "Elite" in all lifts and exercises for men my age and weight, except for SQTs which is rated "Advanced" (10# short, need 250). Push-ups (not rated on Strength Level) are also rated "Elite" on Killustrated. Rows are not rated on Killustrated.


    I feel that this is more than satisfactory performance for a man of my age and weight and I really have no ambition to lift heavier or to do more reps than already listed, except for DL, which is my best lift and where my goal is 320 (2x BW) which is only 10# away. I have already achieved my other personal goals of SQT 1.5x BW, BP 1.25x BW and OHP .75x BW.

    After I achieve DL 320, my only goal will be to maintain my weight and strength at these levels and to avoid any injury doing it.

    Doesn't mean that I might not try to lift/do more from time to time but this will NOT be my primary motivation. Maintaining my health and well-being, as I continue to age and my body naturally deteriorates because of it, will be my main concern.

    BTW: I achieved these numbers in only 6 months of training which I did entirely in my home gym. 1RMs are true weights because lifting for a 1RM is specifically included in my program.
  • scr183
    scr183 Posts: 49 Member
    This is interesting (more in a "see where I'm headed" kind of way) -- I am a baby - just started lifting (SL 5x5) in July 2016, had been doing mostly bodyweight/TRX prior.

    Female, 33, somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4" and bobbling around just on either side of 150 at the moment - these are all projected 1RM; I've never really tested since I'm still such a newbie:

    Bench (Novice): 83.5 lbs/.48x BW (I think this is probably a little optimistic. 80 is probably more likely.)
    Deadlift (Novice): 180 lbs/1.17x BW
    Squat (Novice): 160 lbs/1.07xBW

    My OHP is so inconsistent right now thanks to some shoulder issues that I didn't bother, but I'd be shocked if it ranked above beginner. Sigh.

    My big goal right now is a 200-lb deadlift. Would love to do it by my birthday in mid-January, but we'll see. :)

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    After 2 years of lifting, I am still just a wuss by these standards. Thanks alot @nakedraygun
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    My bench has fallen off quite a bit since my injury and I'm trying everything i can to get it back up.

    I tore my Labrum in my left shoulder last year as a result of an injury i had in high school playing football, 17 years ago.... ugh 80% tear and really pushed myself to get my strength back up ... but my bench has never been the same, i cant seem to keep my shoulder bladed retracted and down now the right side always "slips out" and i lose my form, also the injury is always in the back of my mind and keeps my from really loading up the weight, now that the left side is repaired and fully healed I'm starting to notice that i may have issues with the right shoulder as well

    Any tips on how to get my lift back to being solid again?

    DL 425
    Squat 360, although I've been taking it lighter lately and doing Bulgarian splits because the pressure of the bar on my shoulder scares me, always get a little soreness inside so i started the Bulgarian split squats to lighten the bar and still get an effective workout
    Bench ..... 225 ... used to be 315 for reps fml
    1000+ lb leg press for reps
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I don't think they actually factor age into their calculations. I looked at the numbers based on my actual age of 52 and compared the results against a 24 year old and got the same thing.

    Based on my most recent meet, at a bw of 58.8kg
    Squat 110.5 = elite
    Bench 52.5 = intermediate (and not likely to ever be much better)
    Deadlift 147.5 = elite
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Squat - 94% stronger and 1.83 x my bodyweight (115 lbs. squatting 210 for 6) Says my one rep is 244 lbs. Hm, gonna have to test that out ;)

    And now I'm inspired to push my deadlift attempts a little more instead of just doing high reps, and maybe try to bench. But we'll see!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    scr183 wrote: »
    This is interesting (more in a "see where I'm headed" kind of way) -- I am a baby - just started lifting (SL 5x5) in July 2016, had been doing mostly bodyweight/TRX prior.

    Female, 33, somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4" and bobbling around just on either side of 150 at the moment - these are all projected 1RM; I've never really tested since I'm still such a newbie:

    Bench (Novice): 83.5 lbs/.48x BW (I think this is probably a little optimistic. 80 is probably more likely.)
    Deadlift (Novice): 180 lbs/1.17x BW
    Squat (Novice): 160 lbs/1.07xBW

    My OHP is so inconsistent right now thanks to some shoulder issues that I didn't bother, but I'd be shocked if it ranked above beginner. Sigh.

    My big goal right now is a 200-lb deadlift. Would love to do it by my birthday in mid-January, but we'll see. :)

    It's so satisfying to get to that 200lb deadlift. That was my goal for the end of 2016 and I just got it last week. Going from 195 to 200 was a big mental jump for me though. You got this! Good luck with everything!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member

    I don't know how I never checked this before! I'm 30 an 140# for reference.

    I'm pretty stoked about those clean and snatch percentages since they're my primary lifts....too embarrassed to post the terrible bench image (71%) ha-ha
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Looks like I'm all intermediate lifts after 7+ years of lifting. I was in the advanced category a couple years ago, but have really backed off on 1RM lifting of late. (Shoulder injury convinced me it was time.)

    My goal right now is to lift a combined 1,000 on my 40th birthday next summer. (Based on last week's lifts, I'm at B253, S355, D405 = 1013, so I'm there now. Just don't want to slip.)
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    Haven't tested my 1rm for these in a while, but my 190lbsx4 squats puts me at advanced, my 253.5lb deadlift is "advanced", and my 130lbsx4 bench is "intermediate"! And I thought I was a bench specialist haha! :D