Runners- share your run!



  • ceridavies1991
    ceridavies1991 Posts: 21 Member
    I ran while
    It isnt alot but it's my first few times getting back into running after my 3rd baby so anything was good enough for me ☺

    I ment ran 2 mile...
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Finished an 11 mile long run this past Saturday. Narrowly missed a car driving into the lake (police had just been flagged down as I approached) and witnessed a bicyclist taking a header after clipping a pylon while cooling down. Since she had a partner, I waited until she was up, walking, and appeared to be OK before moving on.

    All and all, one of my more eventful runs :neutral:
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    I did 21 miles (34 km) yesterday (Sunday). I was attacked by a stray tumbleweed caused by the high winds. Got some nice superficial scratches to show for it. Fortunately the wind was mostly a cross wind, so other than making it feel colder than it should have, given the temperature, and having to dodge the weeds, it was an okay run.

    I was reasonably happy with my pace, but it's still a ways away from where I'd like to be, and the Phoenix R 'n' R marathon is coming up fast. Oh well. As long as I don't get injured or ill I'm pretty sure I'll better my time from my last marathon this past May.
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    6 miles today, weather was awesome, so it was a really fun run. Just me & my tunes
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I ran 7.5 miles Sunday, 2.5 today. Both outside with nice weather. I might miss my usual long run next Sunday. We are expecting a wet cold front...
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ran my last road race of 2016 this morning. It was a 'jingle bell' 5k in very chilly conditions around my neighbourhood, and it was a lot of fun. Ugly sweaters galore, Santa Claus cheering us on from the sidelines, and all 350 or so runners were wearing bells, so it sounded as if 10,000 cats had been called in for dinner. Too windy for a PB, but still came in 5th in my age group, which was good.

    Now need to start thinking about my 2017 race calendar. Woot!
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Chiltern League Cross country yesterday. 5.5 miles of torture racing for positions. Hate it and love it all at the same time!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    ran my fastest ever 5 miles on the dreadmill yesterday. To celebrate I went out before dawn and ran 8.5 miles of twisty turny hilly road. Even on a foggy morning there is something great about watching the world brighten around you.
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    edited December 2016
    Here's a little back story: I've been lifting for about 2 years and lost 70lbs. Last summer I stopped exercising all together and ate like crap, resulting in gaining 12lbs back. Late august I decided to start running, just because I liked a route by our place and I needed different motivation. I had a base fitness already (I can't imagine loosing 2 years work in 4 months) so I ran 5km with a pace of over 8 minutes per km, and took many walk breaks. Over the next 2 week I got better and better. Running faster and finally not having to stop! I decided to enter a half marathon (21.1km) which was my first race experience, October 16th and finished with a time of 2h 15 min. I remember the last 3 miles where SO tough (the race used mile banners but I train in km) but I had so much fun. Yesterday I ran my second event but it was just a 5k fun run, the Santa shuffle and everyone was dressed up. My finish time was 32 min but my fastest 5k in training has been 24 min. :)
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    4.5 with my daughter. She is 20 and wanted 5 miles. I took her on one of my favorite trail runs. Hills, hills and more Oregon hills :) She was totally fine stopping at 4.5... Love me a hill!
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Did a gentle-ish 10k this morning.

  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    2.5 miles today, I'm working on doing low heart rate running. Keeping my heart rate below 134 and running slow is so much harder than smashing out a 5k in 20 odd minutes.
  • Joel_Tejeda
    Joel_Tejeda Posts: 4 Member
    My marathon training schedule will commence on 1/4/2017 for 16 weeks. Yes, I had ran marathons before - 6 of them (OH, MO, TN, AR) but the difference is I'm following a schedule training regiment. This regiment includes diet, cardio, running, and weight lifting. In the past, I ate and trained when wanting to (bad decision and I wish you to not do that) and I didn't do badly at all (never placed in an AG award) but still I finished. My point is, I'm shooting for a specific time and I already have the marathon in sight (April). I'm no natural runner. Not a superstar.
  • Joel_Tejeda
    Joel_Tejeda Posts: 4 Member
    9.4 miles, 1hr 35min, 10min pace per mile. Goal was to run slow and longer.

    That is a good pace for nearly 10 miles.
  • Joel_Tejeda
    Joel_Tejeda Posts: 4 Member
    piperjosie wrote: »
    I completed my first half marathon yesterday. I had two goals--run the whole way and finish in under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I met both goals. Two years ago I was one of those "I'll only run if a bear is chasing me," people. 0syps9xcrfwy.jpg

    Good job and congratulations.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    My top mileage is 9.4. My first half is coming up the first week of April!
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    I did 4.5M this morning before the rain set in. Took it slow as I'm still recovering from a hip injury- gets stiff easily but DR and PT said it's OK to run. 9:23/mile. I'm increasing my distance .5M every 3 weeks to hit 10K and then will add in some interval training. Before my injury last year, I was running about 40-45M per week. I can't get over how good it feels to be out there doing what I missed so much. The scale is also very happy, and so are my clothes.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    I did 4.5M this morning before the rain set in. Took it slow as I'm still recovering from a hip injury- gets stiff easily but DR and PT said it's OK to run. 9:23/mile. I'm increasing my distance .5M every 3 weeks to hit 10K and then will add in some interval training. Before my injury last year, I was running about 40-45M per week. I can't get over how good it feels to be out there doing what I missed so much. The scale is also very happy, and so are my clothes.

    That's great that you are now able to get back to it!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Easy 5km this morning in freshly fallen snow, I was thinking of blowing off my run & just rowing (you could see the icy patches on the road in front of my house) but sucked it up and got to enjoy this....

  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    I took the day off from running. After running every day for the last couple weeks, and logging 39 miles last week alone, my legs were getting progressively more sore so I felt I needed a day of just rest. Part of my brain is saying "look at all the miles youre missing out on" but it sure felt good to sleep another hour this morning. When I did get up, the temps were freezing and the wind was howling so it would have been very unpleasant run anyway.