Help! I went to dinner and had a California grilled chicken sandwich!

rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
edited December 2016 in Food and Nutrition
so I had a California grilled chicken sandwich from Duffy's with a side of sweet potato fries I didn't eat all the fries. I ate about 50% of the fries. I'm just nervous that all my hard work today working out is going to hurt me. I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good. I read it waa like 500 caloriesm im still under calories today. It had 2 slices of bacon, avocado, cheese, lett, tom. However i have eaten healthy for 99.95 percent of my weight loss journey. Ive been on it now 13 days. I get nervous that I'm going to stop my progress. The sandwich. I only ate about 30 %of the bread. I know i sound like a crazy person sorry. Goal is 55 more pounds by next November. Today i burned 600 calories. I ate healthy all day. Any advice for that crazy lady?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    One meal? Don't fret move on. Especially since the meal doesn't sound like it was at most 650 calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Any advice for that crazy lady?

    Yes. Stop stressing out about it. A treat or two every two weeks (since you said 13 days) isn't likely to hurt your progress. In fact, many people incorporate treats and the like into their regular diet, so that they're unlikely to overindulge from over-restriction.

    I have no idea how many Calories are in a Duffy's meal, but as long as it's not thousands of Calories, I'd be willing to be that you're still in a deficit for the day. You may - if you weigh in tomorrow - see a slight uptick from excess sodium and/or carbs from the meal, but it won't be fat.
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member
    The best thing you can do is just keep going, don't let it affect your tomorrow! The stress is more likely to affect you than that one meal :]
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Oh no...
    I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good.

    That is also troubling and not a very healthy mindset...also, what's unhealthy about a grilled chicken sandwich...I'd think that's a pretty healthy option. Nothing wrong with a few fries's not like they undo the broccoli or whatever you ate...

    Maybe take a step back and try to look at a bit bigger picture...part of good health is also being mentally healthy and in a good place...

    It had cheese, bacon, avocado, lett, tomato. I guess im jusy scared because im really excited about losing weight.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Oh no...
    I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good.

    That is also troubling and not a very healthy mindset...also, what's unhealthy about a grilled chicken sandwich...I'd think that's a pretty healthy option. Nothing wrong with a few fries's not like they undo the broccoli or whatever you ate...

    Maybe take a step back and try to look at a bit bigger picture...part of good health is also being mentally healthy and in a good place...

    It had cheese, bacon, avocado, lett, tomato. I guess im jusy scared because im really excited about losing weight.

    Those all sound like good things to me :)
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Oh no...
    I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good.

    That is also troubling and not a very healthy mindset...also, what's unhealthy about a grilled chicken sandwich...I'd think that's a pretty healthy option. Nothing wrong with a few fries's not like they undo the broccoli or whatever you ate...

    Maybe take a step back and try to look at a bit bigger picture...part of good health is also being mentally healthy and in a good place...

    It had cheese, bacon, avocado, lett, tomato. I guess im jusy scared because im really excited about losing weight.

    Those all sound like good things to me :)

    I just get scared. I tried go order healthy tonight. I had it with water.
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Oh no...
    I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good.

    That is also troubling and not a very healthy mindset...also, what's unhealthy about a grilled chicken sandwich...I'd think that's a pretty healthy option. Nothing wrong with a few fries's not like they undo the broccoli or whatever you ate...

    Maybe take a step back and try to look at a bit bigger picture...part of good health is also being mentally healthy and in a good place...

    It had cheese, bacon, avocado, lett, tomato. I guess im jusy scared because im really excited about losing weight.

    Those all sound like good things to me :)

    I just get scared. I tried go order healthy tonight. I had it with water.

  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I think it's important to log the meal. I completely agree that a splurge is ok and don't feel guilty, but you have to be conscious about what's going into your mouth. I find that it is easier to resist temptation when I know that I'll eventually have to see that calorie whack on my MFP log.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, my advice is that you need to take a deep breath and calm down. There is nothing unhealthy about a chicken sandwich, and even if it was unhealthy, it's just one meal.

    Please do not allow yourself to get to a place where food freaks you out, or where you are really afraid of eating off plan or gaining a pound. That road leads to over-restricting your diet and then rebounding over and over again, and at worst to an eating disorder.

    You do not have to eat "healthy" or cut out your favorite foods or be perfect to lose weight.

    Log what you eat and drink, every day, as accurately as possible.
    Hit your calorie goal, as often as possible.
    Move more, whenever you can, however you want.
    As you go, learn from your food log. What do the days you hit your goal and felt good have in common?

    All you have to do is eat less calories than you burn, by hitting your calorie goal, to lose weight. You can eat whatever you want as long as the number of calories is right. Obviously you want to eat a nutritious diet for your health, and to make it easier to feel satisfied at a lower amount of calories.

    Weight loss is a long-term project. You need to look at the long range, not one meal. Please read the sticky posts as well, they will really help!
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    Deep breath.

    Do you generally have anxiety? I do. I can relate to your anxiety over eating things that you aren't able to accurately weigh. Here's the thing: this is a journey. It's a long one. I'm 98 days in and 30 lbs down. Might not be the most impressive weight loss but I did it with a decent amount of restaurant dining. I still have a lot more to lose. I'm trying to enjoy eating just as much as I did before--and I still do!

    Once you start to see more movement on the scale and you've had success even while eating out you'll start to feel more comfortable.

    Some tips about dining out:

    -Plan your meal before you order. Use the MFP database to try and get an idea of the calorie content. It won't be exact but it will give you a general sense of what you are consuming.
    -If you know you want to "splurge" without guilt try to work in extra physical activity during the day. It really helps my mindset. It might help you too.
    -Relax. Enjoy it. Have good conversation. Talk while you eat. Eat what you love (maybe just less or swap out some sides for lower calorie options if you so desire).

    Good luck to you. I truly do believe you will feel more at ease once you have a few weeks of success where you are losing weight while still eating at restaurants.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I think the bigger issue here is your panic over a misstep that will likely have no long term impact on your day. Food isn't the enemy and it's okay to eat something you enjoy like french fries. You didn't gain all that weight after one bad meal and your weight loss won't be stalled by one more either.

    The journey is long and hard work, but don't let yourself lose sight of the big picture here- a happier, healthier you. And that means having a good relationship with food and not letting one potentially bad meal ruin your day.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Better a California chicken sandwich than a half dozen Christmas cookies.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    45 million chicken are killed everyday. Be kind to the hens. Save the hens. Eat goats.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    so I had a California grilled chicken sandwich from Duffy's with a side of sweet potato fries I didn't eat all the fries. I ate about 50% of the fries. I'm just nervous that all my hard work today working out is going to hurt me. I get upset if I eat anything that I feel is not good. I read it waa like 500 caloriesm im still under calories today. It had 2 slices of bacon, avocado, cheese, lett, tom. However i have eaten healthy for 99.95 percent of my weight loss journey. Ive been on it now 13 days. I get nervous that I'm going to stop my progress. The sandwich. I only ate about 30 %of the bread. I know i sound like a crazy person sorry. Goal is 55 more pounds by next November. Today i burned 600 calories. I ate healthy all day. Any advice for that crazy lady?

    If you are still under your calories you have done no harm, at least in terms of weight loss. Weight loss is all about calories. You can do so eating what ever you want as long as it fits in your calories.