Men would you date a pretty 200 pound woman?



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    SideSteel wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hypothetically since I'm married and no longer able to date, (much to the disappointment of all of the women at my gym, who are obviously swooning over my every move).

    (For example, just the other day this very attractive lady said this to me:

    "Are you done using this bench press?"

    I mean my god woman, can you make it any more obvious that you yearn for my loins?)

    (And then there's the senior center where they put out the coffee.

    Gertrude was pouring her coffee while watching CNN and she said "Cold out there today!"

    Jeez woman control yourself. I know I'm a strapping bearded hunk of ginger manliness but come on, this is a family oriented building).

    Where was I....

    Oh yes, back to the original question

    Yes, I absolutely could. I do think I would need to have some amount of attraction (just being honest here) but that's entirely possible and I certainly wouldn't have some sort of weight standard.


    Tell us more about this manliness :blush:

    Just the other day, I was eating some cheddar habanero mango chicken sausages. And I ate them without cutting them, so I just stabbed them with a fork and bit into them. Because that's how men eat, dammit. I only used the fork because my wife and kids were staring at me.

    Hot cheese shot out and landed on my lip, and literally burned the skin off of my lip.

    I woke up today with a bloody lip.

    What did I eat for lunch today?


    That's right, I'm like man of the year over here, holy eff.

    Just remember @SideSteel - to maintain your manly manhood, you have to always eat sausage sideways, like an ear of corn. Because....well, because sausage.

  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    where do us regular guys get these awesome sounding sausages?

    I love hot cheese of death.

    Op I started dating my wife at a weight that I could only assume was near 200lbs. I had never been attracted to anyone that heavy before but we were friends for a while before both being single at the same time. 16 years later 2 kids and several pounds gained and lost between the pair of us we're still together. We are both working hard on becoming fit happy healthy people at the moment.

    I can tell she's madly in love with me because of the way she politely reminded me that I left my drink cup in the living room and forgot to turn some lights off before I came to bed last night. How do you ask can one return such love and devotion. Obviously you can't you just grunt at them and head for the on button on the coffee pot.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    @SideSteel Thank you for making me LOL this morning. What a great way to start the day! :)
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    i have done.
    dated 80lbs ladies as well.

    weight bears no connection to coolness.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    They would. My longest and best romantic relationships happened when I weighed over 300 pounds.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    They do. I started dating my current husband when I was 240, and I've been 200 for most of our time together (including when we got married). I was even heavier dating and married to my first husband. (We broke up for reasons unrelated to my (or his) weight.)

    I've also dated men on a wide spectrum of sizes. Size is an attracting factor for some people, yes, but it's not nearly as big a deal as you'd fear.
  • Daleykai
    Daleykai Posts: 3 Member
    I'm afraid not. We all have our likes and dislikes and that is a deal killer for me.

  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    It's what's on the INSIDE that matters. As far as I'm concerned, a woman's looks and weight account for about 35% of her overall attractiveness. The other 65% lies inside.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    confident, intelligent, vibrant, funny, eloquent, great to be with


    insecure, dumb, dull, dull, dull, dull to be with

    weight is immaterial in this. The first makes sexy, the second makes millstone

    also in for sausage
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hypothetically since I'm married and no longer able to date, (much to the disappointment of all of the women at my gym, who are obviously swooning over my every move).

    (For example, just the other day this very attractive lady said this to me:

    "Are you done using this bench press?"

    I mean my god woman, can you make it any more obvious that you yearn for my loins?)

    (And then there's the senior center where they put out the coffee.

    Gertrude was pouring her coffee while watching CNN and she said "Cold out there today!"

    Jeez woman control yourself. I know I'm a strapping bearded hunk of ginger manliness but come on, this is a family oriented building).

    Where was I....

    Oh yes, back to the original question

    Yes, I absolutely could. I do think I would need to have some amount of attraction (just being honest here) but that's entirely possible and I certainly wouldn't have some sort of weight standard.

    You need your own talk show.
    Go get it, now.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »

    Just the other day, I was eating some cheddar habanero mango chicken sausages.

    Oh my lord where did you get that sausage?? It sounds amazing!!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    confident, intelligent, vibrant, funny, eloquent, great to be with


    insecure, dumb, dull, dull, dull, dull to be with

    weight is immaterial in this. The first makes sexy, the second makes millstone

    also in for sausage

    This is what my husband said actually..(except in for sausage)

    I was 185 when we met...lost 10lbs for the wedding...gained up to 210...currently 150lbs

    he said his attraction to me was due to the fact i was a confident sexy women...which has nothing to do with my weight...cause confident and sexy is a mindset....

    we are still married...still very very much in love and he shows me how much a lot...;)
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I have always been into women who are round and soft and curvy in all the right places, regardless of their weight, or my own weight, and I have had some amazing relationships in my life, for which I am grateful. It's all good...
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hypothetically since I'm married and no longer able to date, (much to the disappointment of all of the women at my gym, who are obviously swooning over my every move).

    (For example, just the other day this very attractive lady said this to me:

    "Are you done using this bench press?"

    I mean my god woman, can you make it any more obvious that you yearn for my loins?)

    (And then there's the senior center where they put out the coffee.

    Gertrude was pouring her coffee while watching CNN and she said "Cold out there today!"

    Jeez woman control yourself. I know I'm a strapping bearded hunk of ginger manliness but come on, this is a family oriented building).

    Where was I....

    Oh yes, back to the original question

    Yes, I absolutely could. I do think I would need to have some amount of attraction (just being honest here) but that's entirely possible and I certainly wouldn't have some sort of weight standard.

    OK so you're just freaking funny :D
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I might sound shallow but I won't.