How long does it take to get really fit?

I'm 36, male. So I've been working out for about 6-9 months at different levels, sometimes not as much as I'd like due to a death in the family and some difficulty getting to the gym. I do some things at home too. I'm wondering how long it takes to look like the relatively fit guys in the gym... I have the right body type for it and only recently started getting sufficient protein. I'm aware the time will vary depending on lots of factors, and I also have to lose about 20-25 lbs, but I'm determined to keep at this. Just wanting a vague idea of how long it took you to go from regular guy to your current body.


  • TheDrew85
    TheDrew85 Posts: 13 Member
    Not trying to market anything here but have you looked into those beachbody workouts? beats the crap out of going to the gym lol. I know everyones different in terms of "how long it takes" But I managed to drop 70lbs in about 5 months time. (takes crazy commitment tho)
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    OK buddy I got some good and some bad news.

    Many people are never happy with their appearance or fitness levels. The guys you see in the gym working hard, they are doing that to improve. They are rarely 100% happy with their fitness/appearance or both. They set challenges to improve.

    Second bit of bad news. I can tell you that the older you get, the harder it is to gain muscle, so if that is one of your goals you can expect to progress at a slower rate than the 18-20 somethings you see in the gym.

    But, in practical terms the above points are kind of irrelevant: You're you, and the only thing you can do is try and be the best you you can be.

    To answer your question more specifically: a 36 male with 20 - 25lbs to lose? I'd expect that with everything on point a 12 months would show an awesome transformation. Within 6 months people would be noticing a big difference and asking you how you did it.

    So true! I had an original goal of being able to pick my dog up with ease. Now I really want to get my bench press number up.

    Honestly I hope that I am never feel that my fitness level is good enough. I hope that I will want to keep improving!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    edited December 2016
    Short answer: 3-12 months
    Long answer: It depends on many different factors based on the individual, training, diet, etc. etc.

    I do a 6 month bulk cycle/6 month cut cycle. I can put on anywhere from 30-50lbs during the bulk then I take off all but 3-5lbs of that during the cut. Yeah it's a lot of work for such a small net gain.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    edited December 2016
    Something that might make it a bit easier - define a goal first. You can always change it later, but choose a goal, which will give you an idea of the kind of workout you'll want to pursue. Big and muscular like DresdenSinn here or lean, slim and fast like a runner, or something in between.

    And remember, the weight loss is primarily through your diet, not the gym, although getting more fit will help it.

    I started 20-25lbs heavier than I wanted to be too, and have seen a heck of a transformation within a year, yours may be faster or slower than mine...but choose a goal and get started. Either way, shy of medical issues it will do you good. Best of luck :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    56 years.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    TheDrew85 wrote: »
    Not trying to market anything here but have you looked into those beachbody workouts? beats the crap out of going to the gym lol. I know everyones different in terms of "how long it takes" But I managed to drop 70lbs in about 5 months time. (takes crazy commitment tho)

    I do wish salesmen wouldn't call themselves coaches.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    OK buddy I got some good and some bad news.

    Many people are never happy with their appearance or fitness levels. The guys you see in the gym working hard, they are doing that to improve. They are rarely 100% happy with their fitness/appearance or both. They set challenges to improve.

    Second bit of bad news. I can tell you that the older you get, the harder it is to gain muscle, so if that is one of your goals you can expect to progress at a slower rate than the 18-20 somethings you see in the gym.

    But, in practical terms the above points are kind of irrelevant: You're you, and the only thing you can do is try and be the best you you can be.

    To answer your question more specifically: a 36 male with 20 - 25lbs to lose? I'd expect that with everything on point a 12 months would show an awesome transformation. Within 6 months people would be noticing a big difference and asking you how you did it.

    I'm also going to echo this. I recently dug up some photos from my low weight and was shocked by how tiny I was. I remember still thinking unneeded to lose 5-10 when actually I looked great! Just keep striving for the best you can.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Your entire life.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    rks581 wrote: »
    I'm 36, male. So I've been working out for about 6-9 months at different levels, sometimes not as much as I'd like due to a death in the family and some difficulty getting to the gym. I do some things at home too. I'm wondering how long it takes to look like the relatively fit guys in the gym... I have the right body type for it and only recently started getting sufficient protein. I'm aware the time will vary depending on lots of factors, and I also have to lose about 20-25 lbs, but I'm determined to keep at this. Just wanting a vague idea of how long it took you to go from regular guy to your current body.

    Well the question is what's the ideal body and/or goal? Is it to be an Olympian? Is it to lose 20 pounds? Is it to be able to move freely even though you have arthritis? Be able to stay on a bucking bronco for 8 seconds?

    There's no one definition of "fit". And what one can accomplish at 21 will likely be different at 41 or 61.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I've found I'm never fit enough or strong enough
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    TheDrew85 wrote: »
    Not trying to market anything here but have you looked into those beachbody workouts? beats the crap out of going to the gym lol. I know everyones different in terms of "how long it takes" But I managed to drop 70lbs in about 5 months time. (takes crazy commitment tho)
    Subjective. Some people do well in group settings and/or with a trainer.
    Videos can't correct your form (how can you tell you're really doing it right if you're inexperienced?) so you can be performing all the exercises incorrectly.
    So how does that beat the crap out of going to the gym?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    OP you'd have to define "fit". There are lots of bodybuilders who look "fit" but gasp for air climbing 2 flights of stairs. Same with a marathoner who can run well, but can barely do 10 good pushups. So depending on what you are trying to achieve, the time difference can vary greatly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • rks581
    rks581 Posts: 99 Member
    By "fit" I just meant how long it takes to look like one of the muscular guys at any gym. Not any kind of professional level, but also not just "in shape." Since I also run and like doing cardio, endurance is a part of it as well as strength and general muscle size.

    I have definitely noticed some major changes in 6 months. Even after a month or so I noticed I could carry heavier objects. But I know it takes time -- possibly a long time. I want to stick it out especially for health reasons, plus I just enjoy working out.

    Thanks to everyone who's given their personal experience so far/thanks in advance for any more to come.
  • mreichard
    mreichard Posts: 235 Member
    My background is as a semi-serious distance runner. I started lifting about 7 months ago because I'll turn 50 my next birthday and I wanted to fight off/reverse muscle loss from aging.

    In 7 months I've gained more strength than I expected. Weights that I thought of as "strong guy" weights for things like bench and deadlift now seems within reach (although now I realize that there are many, many much stronger guys out there).

    In terms of looks, I'm doing a strength program (high weight, low reps), so for the longest time I saw very little difference in terms of visible muscle.

    For the past 6 weeks, however, I've been doing high rep squats (a program that many people use specifically for leg bulk gains), and I've been kind of shocked that I've gained about an inch on my (skinny) calves and 1.5 inches on my thighs. I also have a visible muscle above my knee that I was not previously aware of. So, even at 49 it seems like hypertrophy lifting can work a bit, although I expect it will take years before I look like a weight lifter (if I ever do).