Homemade or store bought?



  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I have always been a home cook (even prior to MFP we rarely had take aways / conveneince food but we did go out to restaurants a lot more!). The problem was never really what I cooked but the amounts I ate. My mammoth portion sizes and the fact I'd sometimes have 2 carbs with one meal meant I gained a lot of weight - garlic bread goes with pasta so well though LOL

    I now portion control which means I can still have my home cooked food but I just eat less and have made lots of healthy swaps!

    I commute 2 hours a day so do need to use cheats here and there. I may sometimes buy a packet of cubed potaoes that just go in the oven (140 cals per half pack). We have fresh veg or salad with every evening meal.

    I do sometimes buy ready meals but always go for the low cal options and always serve something healthy on the side.

    OH has a lot more processes stuff than I do [he doesn't have to watch his weight - his job burns 1000 cals per day] so I will sometimes do myself a healthy salad and stick him a pie in the oven.

    I do try to have one evening a week that is my night off cooking though - so OH cooks or we go out or get a chicken shish kebab from the local Turkish restaurant.
  • shapoz
    shapoz Posts: 9 Member
    What's funny is that until somewhat recently, I despised cooking. I am a baker, I can mix some delicious flavors together to get something new, but as far as cooking spices and what goes with what; I'm at a complete loss.

    But recently, with money being tighter around here, we've taken to cooking more at home, and since I don't work, I'm taking more responsibility for our meals. (hubby was the cook mostly) I don't LOVE it, but I'm learning to like it.

    The thing I find most difficult is finding new ways to use up the food that we already have in the house instead of buying different stuff. We have a lot of fish products that we got from Angel Food, and since we don't typically like fish, I have no idea what to do with it. Mostly, it's breaded fish wedges, fish sticks, and breaded/fried stuff like that...so, really not up our alley.

    But, I'd rather make something that I know exactly what the ingredients are versus buying a pre-packaged meal with ingredients that you can't even pronounce....
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    90% homemade, 5% going out, and 5% prepackaged.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    90% homemade, 5% going out, and 5% prepackaged.

    Yep - that would be me too!
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    It's always a toss-up. How much Time and Money do you have?

    I like to make homemade whole-wheat bread. It costs about $.89 per loaf and is delicious. But it takes all morning and makes a ton of mess/dishes, for three loaves (I stick two in the freezer). So for the money I've saved, I don't know if it's worth my time, especially if my kids aren't playing well together.

    You can pay through the nose for GOOD whole-grain bread, but a lot of us can't afford that. Or buy cheap white bread and "pay for it" with stopped up intestines and empty carbs, KWIM?

    I do a lot from scratch because it's cheaper. Buy in bulk, divide and cook down myself (beans, cheeses, pantry items) and I buy meats, eggs, and milk from a local farm.

    I only buy pre-packaged things like spaghetti sauces, crackers, and frozen veggies that I use in cooking.

    Occasionally I'll throw in a DiGiorno :) or use a frozen meal that I made weeks ago.

    Always, always a balance between time and money. And priorities. :)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm a cook. It's part of my identity. We also like to go out for ethnic food, (Thai, Indian, Japanese) and I cook it at home as well. Plus, I bake.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I love to cook, but the more I think about food, the more I eat, so the only way for me to cut calories is to stay out of the kitchen as much as I can.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I love to cook. We rarely go out to eat, except when on vacation. Will attempt anything in the kitchen.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Definitely home cooking. I used to eat the Lean Cuisine's and the Lean Pockets but the sodium content is just way too much.

    I eat out too, but no more processed/frozen meals from the freezer section for me!
  • EmmaLogan87
    I cook especially since starting MFP making things i would have bought. Tend to buy everything fresh and make my own, find I can reduce the calories and increase the nutrients that way.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I cook! We buy the little things, spaghetti/pizza sauce, the rare can of soup (we don't really eat it) condiments, cereal and crackers. I make all our lunches/dinner. No pre-packaged lunchables for the kids or frozen dinners/pizzas for us. I make our own pizza shells, all baked items and except for a rare fast food meal, I make all our dinners from scratch.

    I do have to admit that if my kids didn't have allergies,we would probably eat a bit more store bought stuff. Especially things like waffles and cookies. But as fate had it, they do have allergies and I learned to make pretty much everything myself so that everyone can have some.
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    I like cooking and cook everything from scratch. Right now being it's so hot outside, I am not doing much cooking at all as I will eat salads and as much raw as I can, but that will change once it's cold again.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I do homemade most of the time...sometimes semi-homemade and sometimes store bought for when we are in a hurry and want something hot to eat.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I love cooking and have had such fun coming up with new healthy recipes and modifying old ones and finding that a lot of my regular recipes were already healthy... that I started a blog. :smile: (psst... it's in my sig)
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    I def love to cook but need those fast things at hand as well for when I am rushed & hungry! :)
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I like to cook. I don't like to cook things that are very complicated and take forever but I like simple, fast things. This year we grew a garden so I'm having so much fun cooking with what I grew.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I LOVE to cook. My grandparents were chefs & I like to think I have some of the talent in my blood. Tonight I'm having baked tilapia & broccoli with steamed white rice. I love coming up with new sauces for rice or pasta and mixing it with chicken and spinach or whatever vegetable I'm craving.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I like cooking, LOVE baking... which really makes this whole reduced calorie thing really hard lol. I do frozen meals a couple times week and have only eaten out once this week. It's easier to justify cooking an entire meal when my husband is home, but he's deployed for six months and I'm only good at eating leftovers like once... so finding things to make that aren't like 4+ servings is hard now. I will never be one of those people who makes all their meals for the week ahead of time lol. I will do things like roast two sweet potatoes, one to have with dinner that night and usually eat the second one at lunch the next day with a sandwich. I'll buy two steak and veggie kabobs and make both.. eat one that night and the other one the next day for lunch.. so I try to make it work out.
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    I love cooking and have had such fun coming up with new healthy recipes and modifying old ones and finding that a lot of my regular recipes were already healthy... that I started a blog. :smile: (psst... it's in my sig)

    Thank you, will look at your blog as I'm always after new recipes!
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    I love too cook, in fact my major was culinary arts ( a fact that got me here lol). I'm having a blast figuring out new low calorie recipes and love the recipes on eatingwell.com. Do you have any place you get your recipes? I'm always looking for new things.

    After growing up in the caribbean, I still cook a lot of caribbean meals (my British hubby LOVES when I cook it), but now I make more of an effort to keep the fat/sodium levels down in my meals.

    Recipes...I own a few recipe books, but I also search online a lot, like BBC Good Food. I also downloaded cooking apps on my iPhone so I'm always hunting for something different.

    I'm not a good baker really, but I'd love to make my own bread. Need to get some recipes for that! I'd love it if you'd share some recipes with me?!??