Runners- share your run!



  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    5K Christmas fun run today. The temps were warmer than the last few day but the wind is a lot stronger. I still need to run another 7 miles today to stay on track.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Came home from work and rushed out the door to do 4M. Paced 8:54 but I am exhausted from my work trip this week and my left leg is tight in the IT band area. And it was cold, I was hungry (needed to get out before the sun set), and I was up at 3am for the 4th day in a row. Planning on a slow 4.5M run tomorrow. I should feel better then as it's 7:51pm and I am going to sleep right after I hit "enter". :)
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    But it doesn't really get more consistent than that. I didn't even listen to the mile prompts today either.

    Came home from work and rushed out the door to do 4M. Paced 8:54 but I am exhausted from my work trip this week and my left leg is tight in the IT band area. And it was cold, I was hungry (needed to get out before the sun set), and I was up at 3am for the 4th day in a row. Planning on a slow 4.5M run tomorrow. I should feel better then as it's 7:51pm and I am going to sleep right after I hit "enter". :)

  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    Ran 2 miles yesterday morning- I had an upper body strength day so I like to do a light run after those.

    My splits were 10:33 and 10:16, not bad!

    My husband is off work tomorrow so I have a 5 mile run planned for the morning since he will be around to wrangle the kids for a while!
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    Oh! And I signed up for my first 10K. Eeek!

    April 8th. I should have plenty of time to feel ready. I've run the distance once, so i just need to get to where it's not so intimidating.

    There's a marathon and a half at the same time, and the description was "flat and fast!" So I figured it was a good first try. Flat sounds great!
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    Oh! And I signed up for my first 10K. Eeek!

    April 8th. I should have plenty of time to feel ready. I've run the distance once, so i just need to get to where it's not so intimidating.

    There's a marathon and a half at the same time, and the description was "flat and fast!" So I figured it was a good first try. Flat sounds great!

    You've got plenty of time, you'll be ready for it!
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    Ran 5K on the treadmill this morning. Just started running a month ago -- trying keep at it & stay consistent! Reading these comment threads helps.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Did 4.5M today. Tried to keep it slow so each mile was 7-9 seconds slower than the previous one. Still paced 9:06 which was faster than the 9:15 I was planning. Tomorrow is a rest day for me so I will be getting my walking steps in at the mall as I do some Christmas shopping.
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Just posting in here to say that I didn't run yesterday. Was all set, gear all sorted for a quick start in the morning before the little one awoke.

    Changed the alarm clock to 5am, so could get a long run in, didn't turn alarm on...slept through until was awoken by my daughter jumping on me.

    Then had to do real life grown up stuff all day instead of running. :(

    Only 10 weeks until my first marathon of 2017 and I have done no training, since July(ish). I have been running just nothing that could be considered actually training.

    It's going to be a painful 10 week catch up.
  • Glossberg
    Glossberg Posts: 40 Member
    I tried a brick workout for the first time this morning. Worked hard on the bike for a quick 9 miles and then took a short run for a mile (8 1/2 min pace) just to see what it's like. I really enjoyed it versus just biking or just running. I liked the feeling of the challenge with my legs feeling fatigued when starting the run.

    Have a five mile run slated for tomorrow as I continue to build my base for my first 1/2 Marathon in April 2017.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have been having awesome work outs lately. My normal 5K treadmill time is between 26-27 minutes but last Monday I ran it in 24:40 and this morning I ran it in 24:22! Those are my best times in years! I'm hoping to keep the good vibes going :)
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    15 trail miles with my dog on Saturday:

    When I finished Sunday's run I had this:

    You made a Christmas Tree!! Love it.
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    I ran my 5 miles today in 53:27!! My average was 10:43 which I was shocked at, that's better than my average on my best 5K!

    I think part of it was my dog, we got a new hands free jogging leash so she was helping me a bit when she pulled! Haha!

    I'm going to work on slowly adding miles to my weeks and my long run with that 10K in mind. My normal week is about 10.5 so I'm aiming for 12 this and next week.
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    8 miles yesterday. I run a mile, walk a minute, repeat. Works for me! Keep up the awesome work, everyone!
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I started C25k and completed 5 weeks I restarted at week 3 and now I'm on week 5 again. Has anyone lost weight just from running and toned up flabby legs and stomach?
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    I did a slow 4M this morning. I felt like my legs weighed 500lbs each. Paced 9:14/mile. Had to rearrange my running schedule slightly this week because of two 1 day work trips later this week. So instead of running 2, off 1, 2 off 1, 2 I'll run 3 off 2, 3. We'll see how that goes.
  • jenno369
    jenno369 Posts: 24 Member
    I ran just over 4 miles this afternoon, super slow but I felt like I could have gone forever. I had a horrible stomach bug on Saturday and didn't think I would ever be able to walk again, never mind run, but I'm feeling better and decided to take advantage of the above freezing temps. Was so beautiful with the snow on the ground here in the Northeast!