What's your reason for trying to lose weight?



  • Justanotherhippy
    Justanotherhippy Posts: 27 Member
    So my husband has a sexy piece of armcandy.
  • jazzyoboe
    jazzyoboe Posts: 10 Member
    A few reasons...

    I want to go skydiving for my birthday next year in June and at the moment I'm too overweight to be able to. That's kind of my incentive/reward.

    "The Picture" - you know, the one that shows you at your most unflattering moment and makes you go "is that me?!"

    People continually think I look older than I really am and I believe a big part of it is my weight. It shouldn't bother me so much but it does.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    We are swingers. Being attractive and sexy helps lol
  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    Because I'm not good enough.

    Absolute shi7e!! Yes, you are
  • G085H173
    G085H173 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm pretty insecure about myself and I have a few stray pounds here and there. I wanted to feel healthy and beautiful and fit in. Now I realize how stupid and vain I truly was/am.

    If you don't min my saying so, you look healthy, are no doubt beautiful and as regards fitting in, if the eejits can't accept and like you for who you are - ditch them. It's your life, it's your time, not theirs.
  • lowcarbog
    lowcarbog Posts: 42 Member
    A few reasons for me:

    -want to start playing basketball again
    -want to run 1/2 marathon one day
    -Tired of being the chubby guy
  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
    Always struggled with my weight and I'm just at a place where I want to say *kitten* you to everyone who ever laughed or made a joke at my expense, I'm so insecure about my body at times I still feel like if someone gives me a compliment they are just being sarcastic. So I guess my reason would be vanity.
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    I'm 24 and I'm having too much pain in my lower back amd hip area. Tired of feeling tired. I have a son who is 6 years old and deserves to have a parent that will play with him. To dress nice in and outta of my bed. To feel sexy for myself and my husband again. And to help realize that its true that the sky is the limit. And lastly, I'm choosing as a career to personal train people so I can help motivate them and help get them there.
  • Fit4LifeGal79
    Fit4LifeGal79 Posts: 5,577 Member
    When I started it was part vanity and part wanting to be healthy. Now it's mostly for vanity.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Back rolls suck. Did I mention vanity. B)
  • _SweetCaroline_
    _SweetCaroline_ Posts: 22 Member
    I really just want to look and feel hot. I'm shallow, I guess, but it's what I want.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    edited December 2016
    Four years ago my youngest son (then 28 yo) told me "Dad, whenever we talk to you about your weight you just blow us off." I was 64 yo and weighed 376#
    It made me remember when I was a kid and our family talked to our Mother about her drinking but she never changed. She died at age 54 of complications due to being an alcoholic. I realized I was killing myself with food. I promised him I would do something. Four years later following WW and I have dropped -144 and living a much happier healthier lifestyle.
    My DW and two older sons had tried to help me before but that Thanksgiving weekend talk in 2012 changed my life. And probably saved my life or at least added a few more years.
    My Why is to be around for my family. Three great sons, three grandchildren and a wife that I met 50 years ago last July and we'll be married 48 years in Feb. 2017. Lots to live for and being healthy helps!
  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    People know that I'm exceptionally timid. I don't like to go out anywhere, I don't like to be the center of attention, I flee from social events early or just don't go, etc. Only I know that the real reason is that I'm wary of the "I'm judging you" look. I feel like the best I can hope for in public is to be invisible, and the worst is to hear comments and endure glances that cut to the core. I want to participate in life more and I don't want to be afraid to do so.