December 2016 Running Challenge



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I don't know how you lot go out in some of the weather you have. The coldest it ever gets where I live in the UK is -6C(21F) and that's enough to put us off :cold_sweat: I guess it's just what you're used to, plus we don't have the infrastructure to cope with it either, so a bit of snow and all our transport grinds to a halt. Seriously in awe of you guys. I bet if you saw how some people in the U.K. dress for running at 0C you'd probably wet yourself laughing!!!


    It only gets to -2C mimimum here! And that's maybe one or two mornings a year.

    I have a friend in Calgary who runs at -20C!

    That is just incredible to me, but she says she sees at least 10 other runners when she does it in the early morning.
    @RespectTheKitty, I read a great book to help me use running to calm down periods of anxiety and depression, shortly after I was taken off anti depressants earlier this year. I don't know if it's in print where you live, but it's called "Zen and the Art of Running". It talks a lot about how zen helps running and running helps zen, and I'd recommend it for you as it's also very practical-based, rather than just airy-fairy theory, which is an issue I have with lots of meditation stuff.

    @louubelle16 I :heart: you! :smile:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member

    My goal is 50 miles this month. My job is crying for us to pick up overtime.

    12/2....4.73 miles on the treadmill, rolling hills, pace at 13:20, average heart rate at 82% max.
    12/4....2.85 miles on the treadmill.
    12/7....3.52 miles on the treadmill, max heart rate at 88%, pace at 13:02.
    12/9.....3.95 miles on the treadmill, max heart rate at 80%. pace at 12:45
    12/13....4.42 miles on the treadmill, max heart rate at 88%, pace at 11:19

    I had the flu over the weekend. Felt better today...still with some stomach issues but better than yesterday. Going to stay away from dairy for a while to see if it helps.Initially thought the body aches were due to Zercher squats.

    12/14.....4.98 miles on the treadmill.Not going to risk getting sick again.

    Total...24.47 miles
    Goal....50 miles.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @kristinegift - it's funny you mention your clutch leg because the past few weeks I've had a problem with my driving leg. It hurts whenever I am driving - the hamstring area. I decided it was the angle of the seat and I don't see a way to really adjust it. So I put a pillow in my seat yesterday to help with the angle of my leg/foot when pressing gas/brake and it does seem a little better. But last night I mentioned it to my trainer and he thinks it is my sciatic nerve. He's not 100% sure of course and if it gets worse I'll need to go to a doctor. But he gave me some stretches to do for my back. It rarely hurts at any other time. Whenever I do a lot of driving it happens (ever since I got this car - a Prius).

    I don't know how any of you run in those freezing temperatures! I live in Orlando and we have not had a day < 32F in a few years. Whenever it is in the 40s, we drag out gloves, huge coats, boots, etc. Every year we usually have a new teacher or two from up north and their first winter they will wear sandals, no coats, etc., the entire winter, even if it is 40. Then after a couple years, they are as bundled up as the rest of us.

    12/1 - 3.2 miles
    12/2 - 1.5 miles
    12/3 - 45 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/4 - 27 miles biking + 1 mile run
    12/5 - 4 miles
    12/6 - 4 miles
    12/7 - 1 mile on treadmill for streak (after strength training)
    12/8 - 4.47 miles
    12/9 - 1 mile on treadmill for streak (after strength training)
    12/10 - 77 miles bike and 1 mile run for streak!
    12/11 - 27 miles biking and 1 mile run for streak
    12/12 - 4 miles
    12/13 - 5 miles
    12/14 - 2.1 miles - day 21 streak + strength training
    12/15 - 4.5 miles

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    12/1: 5 miles
    12/2: 4 miles
    12/3: 4 miles
    12/4: 11 miles
    12/5: 5 miles
    12/6: 7 miles
    12/7: rest day
    12/8: 4 miles
    12/9: rest day
    12/10: 5 miles
    12/11: 11 miles
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 4 miles
    12/14: rest day
    12/15: 4 miles

    TOTAL: 68 miles

    4 miles in 37:30 (9:23 pace) in -10F windchill. I wasn't really concerned with pace/speed as I just wanted to get it over with. Almost convinced myself to take an earlier turn for home when my eyelashes started freezing together and I could feel my shin/knee starting to nag me. Might not have been a bad idea now that I'm home and my shin is in some more pain than I'd like. I don't think running with the StabilIcers are helping my shin and I could have probably gone with regular road shoes today but I wasn't sure how icy the roads would be. I think I may revise my weekend running plans for a Sunday long run depending on how things feel. I wore: 2 headbands, buff, long sleeved compression top, thick short sleeved tech shirt, fleece lined Brooks running jacket with flip mitts, fleece lined leggings, smart wool socks, and two pairs of gloves. Fingers hurt from the cold after the first mile but were fine after I flipped the mitts over on my jacket. Only thing I would have changed was adding another layer on bottom as my butt and legs were the only thing that stayed cold the entire run.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    12/1- 7.04
    12/2- 4.01
    12/3- 10.01
    12/4- REST
    12/5- 5.32
    12/6- 5.01
    12/7- 3.01
    12/8- 8.04
    12/9- 5.0
    12/10- 11.0
    12/11- Rest
    12/12- 5.21
    12/13- 5.01
    12/14- 5.4
    12/15- 4.0 after a 30 min eliptical workout.

    Total: 78.07

    Nominal mileage goal: 100 miles
    Real goal, get into the swing of Marathon training, and get used to doing 3 days a week of some strength/core while running 35+ MPW

    Today's notes: Today's assignment was originally 8 miles at 10:37 pace. With temp -7 and a windchill advisory, I decided inside was the better choice. So, to do something new, coach/aunt had me do this elliptical workout. She said I could go for it twice, but I just didn't feel right not running, and she gave the OK for a run AFTER the elliptical workout.

    Ran 4 miles on the TM, varying the speed between 5.4 and 6.5, and messing with just a little bit of incline. Basically a TM Fartlek run.

    So, I didn't get in my 8 miles, but I'm still on track to keep my mileage decent for the week, though I might break the 30% rule with my LR, since the elliptical mileage isn't counting toward my total, have to check tomorrow's assignment to see.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Just reading all of y'all's posts are making me cold. 55F as a low here today (although we have a cold front coming) I don't think I would set foot outside let alone run at much below freezing. Bunch of crazy people on here :)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited December 2016
    Orphia wrote: »
    I don't know how you lot go out in some of the weather you have. The coldest it ever gets where I live in the UK is -6C(21F) and that's enough to put us off :cold_sweat: I guess it's just what you're used to, plus we don't have the infrastructure to cope with it either, so a bit of snow and all our transport grinds to a halt. Seriously in awe of you guys. I bet if you saw how some people in the U.K. dress for running at 0C you'd probably wet yourself laughing!!!


    It only gets to -2C mimimum here! And that's maybe one or two mornings a year.

    I have a friend in Calgary who runs at -20C!

    That is just incredible to me, but she says she sees at least 10 other runners when she does it in the early morning.
    @RespectTheKitty, I read a great book to help me use running to calm down periods of anxiety and depression, shortly after I was taken off anti depressants earlier this year. I don't know if it's in print where you live, but it's called "Zen and the Art of Running". It talks a lot about how zen helps running and running helps zen, and I'd recommend it for you as it's also very practical-based, rather than just airy-fairy theory, which is an issue I have with lots of meditation stuff.

    @louubelle16 I :heart: you! :smile:

    @Orphia If your Calgary friend was to get in her car and point it North she would need to drive hard for 8-9 hours to reach my little town. To me she is close to being one of the Southern Belle's.

    @OSUbuckeye906 look at you getting it done in the cold B) 4 miles in 37:30 (9:23 pace) in -10F windchill.
    I like that you didn't worry about pace and that was a great self evaluation Post Run of clothing and shoes. I find most of the Slip on Traction Aids change the foot-strike too much for my comfort so I have one pair of Screw Shoes. The rest of the time it is just Trail Shoes as they have a little better traction. LOL at Eye lashes freezing together that's a sign that you get to take the title of Winter Warrior and add it to your running titles. I believe some one called them Lash-icicles.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 5.35 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/2 - 5 miles. Pleasant for December, about 35°
    12/3 - Bodypump class, then 2.25 miles on treadmill
    12/4 - Planned rest day.
    12/5 - 5.11 miles avoiding slippery spots.
    12/6 - Bodypump class, then 2.3 miles on treadmill.
    12/7 - 4 miles on the 'mill.
    12/8 - 4.6 more 'mill miles (Trek class was I had to run solo)
    12/9 - Unplanned rest day.
    12/10 - 2.3 miles on the treadmill, then Bodypump.
    12/11 - 4.5 'mill miles.
    12/12 - Rest day.
    12/13 - Bodypump, then 2.25 miles on treadmill.
    12/14 - 4 miles on treadmill.
    12/15 - 5.3 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Hamstrings are SORE.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Rest day yesterday. Tonight I'll run after my son's basketball game. Looking forward to getting back outside, particularly tomorrow. Tonight will be a moderate 3F. Tomorrow night will be 14F with heavy snow!!! I may make Friday night my long run and enjoy the beauty of winter that much longer. Kody is crazy about the snow too so he won't object.

    @lissadecker while I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a Deadhead (I have a minimal tie-dye wardrobe), I do love listening to the Dead both at work and on my runs. I'm an all-around jamband fan, leaning mostly towards The Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead, Derek Trucks/Tedeshi Trucks, Galactic, Leftover Salmon, Bela Fleck, Karl Denson, The New Mastersounds, Little Feat, Steve Kimock Band, Yonder Mountain String Band, etc.

    @RespectTheKitty don't worry about making your goal. December is a tough month for running with winter and the holidays. I've only hit my goal 3 months so far this year. Goals are nice to hit and can provide motivation but like you say, just run when and where you can and be proud that you're getting out there!

    @greenolivetree congrats on the chili win!! Very cool! I have a 20 mile race in February and at the finish line they'll be serving up what is supposed to be some pretty good chili, as well as kegs of craft beer. I'm expecting that day to be calorie neutral.

    @ddmom0811 years back I helped design a power plant in Kissimmee. That January I flew down there during construction and they had a cold snap. I actually had to scrape the frost off my windshield that morning. By noon it was back up into the 40's. I was wearing short sleeves and all the construction workers were in big puffy coats, telling me I was crazy.

    @MNLittleFinn I think you'll be ok breaking the 30% rule. I break it nearly every week. I track that actually and looking back, the last time it was 30% or less was in May. Since the beginning of the year my long runs, on average, are 42% of my weekly totals. This is only counting weeks with at least 3 runs.

    @OSUbuckeye906 great job getting out in the cold!!

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I totally failed. I've camped at single digits. I don't know if it is because I'm getting old or because I lost so much fat this year, but I just can't take the lower temps. I said I was going to go out for a run yesterday evening or this evening (haven't been out since Sun. where I bundled up too much and had a terrible sweaty run on a warm day in 30's F). Yesterday, I decided it was too cold and windy. Today, I have a late meeting (scheduled for convenience of people meeting from Japan), and I have a lot to do anyway, so figure I'll just be at work until very late. I guess it just isn't going to happen until the weekend. I am seriously considering buying a punch card for the fitness center in town despite their terrible hours. Having a chance to get there once or twice per week is better than no times per week outside.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hello :) My knee is still nagging me. Trying not to worry and just hope that it heals itself over the next couple weeks. I had really hoped I could sneak in a run Friday before we travel to MN but probably a bad idea. It still hurts to cross my right ankle to left knee (i.e. it hurts to put my sock on my right foot) and other pain here and there. My left hamstring has gotten tight and sore for no apparent reason (cramped up overnight). But I did notice Tuesday night when doing clamshells that my hips were so loose! I literally have been so tight it felt like a massive rubberband around my thighs preventing me from doing clamshells???? Now after not running a few days, so loose! Interesting. I wonder if the tight hips affected my knee.

    It was a warm 21F here this morning with windchill of 15F. Our high today is 38, high tomorrow is 49, high Sat is 54, then Saturday night we plummet to 9F. LOL No winter precipitation here yet. It's very rare in December in Arkansas.

    The bad thing about taking 3 weeks off, is that come January 1 I will have to start all over with my husband. About the time he gets used to me running or starts to accept it, I get injured and it's 10 steps backward. So Jan 1, I'll be hearing "But it's freezing out there..... But it's dark..... But it's too early..... But it's too late.... But it's too wet.... But you ran yesterday..... But you have a sniffle..... But.... But.... But...." Sigh.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ - I feel the same way about strength training! Sometimes I will get on a little kick and really keep with it, but ultimately, I always come back to running more.

    @kristinegift -Congrats on the new car!

    @ddmom0811 - A few years back, not long after getting my current car, I suffered a stress fracture in my foot. The doctor said it was probably due to taking prolonged doses of prednisone along with high mileage running, but I still maintain that the clutch in my new car was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was much tighter than my old one and I could always feel the strain on my foot when pushing it in.

    12/1- 5.2 miles solo+ 0.8 miles with Stella+ yoga
    12/2-4.4 AM miles (last 0.7 with Stella)
    12/3-11.2 miles
    12/4-6.2 miles
    12/5-Rest day (yoga)
    12/6-5 miles Fast Finish+ strength
    12/7-5.1 miles (last 1 with Stella)
    12/8-3.9 miles treadmill intervals
    12/9-7 miles
    12/10-4.1 miles ( 2 with Stella)
    12/11-12.1 miles
    12/12- Rest day
    12/13-5 miles (1 with Stella)
    12/14-5 miles

    Last night's run was a good one. Another Christmas light tour in the neighborhood across the road. Big, big houses over there, so lots of great displays and so many lights I almost forgot I had my headlamp on. The cold front was just beginning to move in so temps were right around 20F. I tried using the hand warmer trick that a few of you suggested and it worked like a charm. I don't know why I never thought of that before. I always use them for skiing, why not running??? Duh! So thanks for the tip! Today's temp is 6F, with wind chills around -15. I am wimping out and hitting the dreadmill this evening for my weekly interval run (which I usually do on the treadmill in the winter anyway). Below zero wind chill is where I draw the line, unless it's a long run because it usually takes a good 3-4 miles to warm up.

  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    edited December 2016
    December (100 mile goal) log so far:

    Dec. 1 - Cross training.
    Dec. 2 - Rest/cross training.
    Dec. 3 - Cross training/strength training.
    Dec. 4 - 3.32 miles
    Dec. 5 - Cross training.
    Dec. 6 - 4.86 miles
    Dec. 7 - Cross training/strength training.
    Dec. 8 - Rest.
    Dec. 9 - 6.11 miles
    Dec. 10 - 4.08 miles
    Dec. 11 - 14.07 miles
    Dec. 12 - 35 mins. elliptical.
    Dec. 13 - 5.60 miles
    Dec. 14 - Core De Force/strength training.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Ok, I have a question for y'all. Do any of you get leg cramps during the night? I had an occasional leg cramp during the night before I started running, but I've noticed that they've increased significantly since I've been running. I usually get them every night, not just in my calves but also in my hamstrings. They go away after a few seconds, but damn, they're annoying. Is there a reason why I get so many leg cramps lately?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ok, I have a question for y'all. Do any of you get leg cramps during the night? I had an occasional leg cramp during the night before I started running, but I've noticed that they've increased significantly since I've been running. I usually get them every night, not just in my calves but also in my hamstrings. They go away after a few seconds, but damn, they're annoying. Is there a reason why I get so many leg cramps lately?

    I've been getting random ones that last 10-15 seconds. Not every night, but a couple times per week. You're not alone.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello everyone, I just wanted to check in cause I went missing for a while. I'll start logging here soon but for nowI didn't have a lot of free time on my hands.

    Also I'll make sure to post a pic of my shoes next time, apparently I really am buying a pair every week lol but I can't resist a pair of Kinvara 7 for 50$
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ok, I have a question for y'all. Do any of you get leg cramps during the night? I had an occasional leg cramp during the night before I started running, but I've noticed that they've increased significantly since I've been running. I usually get them every night, not just in my calves but also in my hamstrings. They go away after a few seconds, but damn, they're annoying. Is there a reason why I get so many leg cramps lately?

    I've been getting random ones that last 10-15 seconds. Not every night, but a couple times per week. You're not alone.

    Taking magnesium pills has helped my husband's cramps and also gotten rid of his horrible headaches. He struggles with dehydration and his electrolytes being out of whack due to Crohn's. But maybe just drinking some electrolytes would help with milder/less frequent cramping.
  • AnnyisOK
    AnnyisOK Posts: 121 Member
    Ok, I have a question for y'all. Do any of you get leg cramps during the night? I had an occasional leg cramp during the night before I started running, but I've noticed that they've increased significantly since I've been running. I usually get them every night, not just in my calves but also in my hamstrings. They go away after a few seconds, but damn, they're annoying. Is there a reason why I get so many leg cramps lately?

    I haven't in a while but I find eating a banana before and after runs seems to help and plenty of water.
    I have been getting cramps when I stop during the middle of a long run (usually at a stop light) to stretch my legs. Butt muscle cramps are no fun.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @kristinegift - it's funny you mention your clutch leg because the past few weeks I've had a problem with my driving leg. It hurts whenever I am driving - the hamstring area. I decided it was the angle of the seat and I don't see a way to really adjust it. So I put a pillow in my seat yesterday to help with the angle of my leg/foot when pressing gas/brake and it does seem a little better. But last night I mentioned it to my trainer and he thinks it is my sciatic nerve. He's not 100% sure of course and if it gets worse I'll need to go to a doctor. But he gave me some stretches to do for my back. It rarely hurts at any other time. Whenever I do a lot of driving it happens (ever since I got this car - a Prius).

    @ddmom0811 It could very well be the seat/seat configuration in your newer car. My old car used to just slide forward and back and have a seat back adjustment. New one can adjust up, down, forward, back and adjust the seat back so I've had to play around with it quite a bit. Maybe the seat configuration is aggravating a nerve/back issue? Hope you get it figured out!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    December goal: 100 miles
    12/1: 3.25 miles
    12/2: 2.75 miles
    12/3: 3.15 miles (m)
    12/4: Rest Day
    12/5: 5 miles (2 + 3 treadmill)
    12/6: 4 miles (m)
    12/7: 4 miles
    12/8: 4.35 miles (m)
    12/9: Rest Day
    12/10: 3.5 miles
    12/11: 5 miles (m)
    12/12: 4 miles
    12/13: 4 miles (m)
    12/14: 5 miles (m)
    12/15: 4 miles (m)

    My Total/December: 52 miles
    Mike's Total: 30 miles

    I had an uneventful run today with Mike and Fergus. Mike has been out 3 days in a row now for the first time. He was feeling a little tight and sluggish, I think, and is now a bit sore. We are going to take a rest day tomorrow and are then planning a short 3-4 miles on Saturday and going to try for 6 or more on Sunday. We'll see how it goes.

    Regarding the cold - I'm of Scottish ancestry and grew up in Chicago so I shouldn't really have a problem with the cold. And, I do enjoy a good brisk day. However, I have been in Houston for 10 years and was in LA for 6 years before that. Add to that the amount of weight I have lost this year and I am amazed at how easily I get chilled these days. While I think I could probably handle running in the cold, I am pretty glad that I don't have to go out in anything lower than about 35F or so.

    @louubelle16 That looks like a good book to check out. I am sure Mike will like it as well. I just downloaded it. Thanks for mentioning it and good luck in your HM on Saturday!

    @7lenny7 Mike and I enjoy all of the bands on your list...except The New Mastersounds whom we have not heard so we will definitely be checking them out now. ;)

    @RespectTheKitty I usually will get leg cramps if I am not hydrated enough. I used to get them really bad at night and I would get up and drink some Gatorade. Now, I just make sure I get enough water throughout the day and I don't have the problem any longer.

    Have a fabulous rest of the day everyone!

    Completed Races:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX (35:34.2) *PR

    Upcoming Races:
    1/22 Choco Loco 10K, Houston, TX
