Hard time celebrating

So I started my weight loss journey in April and have been trucking along ever since. I have a hard time getting excited about the progress I've made. I'm down a total of 60lbs as of today and it's awesome and I know that but I just can't feel the excitement. I can't stop thinking of how far I still have to go that I think it clouds my accomplishments. I still have 65lbs to go to reach my total goal and then re-evaluate where I'm at to either stop.or keep going. Please tell me I'm not the only one?


  • helocat
    helocat Posts: 40 Member
    60! Is outstanding! Well done and stay in your groove. Remind yourself your doing it for YOU and keep at it.
  • tenestone
    tenestone Posts: 3 Member
    Enjoy your success girl! if you don't it will creep back up on you. You worked super hard to get where you are and it is time to celebrate! Do not think about how far you have to go, think about how far you've come. I lost 65 lbs a few years ago and gained it back plus 20 and I regret not enjoying my success and think that's part of the reason I gained it back. It wasn't good enough for me and felt overwhelmed and discouraged with how much I still wanted to lose so I ended up giving up. Now here I am again starting from a heavier weight and a knee injury. I remember when I was losing weight I would be upset if I only lost 1 lb at a weigh in. I don't know what I was doing to myself, this time I'm going to celebrate every pound I lose. I have lost and gained between 65 and 80 lbs over three times and I'm praying I have the strength and will power to do it again and if I do I will try so hard not to let myself gain it back.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    No you are not the only one trust me break your goals yo smaller ones and don't look at the total amount you have to lose. Set a goal if 10lb then re evaluate good luck
  • amara_84
    amara_84 Posts: 18 Member
    I set small goals and work toward a reward. Like when I hit 135 I bought myself a new purse. Maybe it would be easier to see your success it you could visually see 60 lbs. There is a lady on here that measures her weigh loss in sticks of butter. And 60 lbs is a lot of butter. So congrats
  • LynnBBQ72
    LynnBBQ72 Posts: 151 Member
    I started 2016 at 234 lbs and lost 12 on my own, then joined MFP at the end of July 2016 at 222 lbs. Total weight loss to date is 45 lbs. (Hit 189 today). I started in size 22W pants and now wear size 16 regular. I have spent the entire past week feeling like I am SOOOOOOOOO FAAAAARRRRRRR from my goal of 150 lbs. I'm glad you posted - I was feeling like I'm the only one. Technically I'm a little over 50% to my goal but I went on a weekend trip and the hotel had clear glass shower doors and I got a look at myself in their huge mirror, and was so disappointed. I know I can reach my goal but it seems so far off and I should be happy about the 45 lbs lost this year. But all I can think about is how far off it is. Oh well.... at least we know we are not alone.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,397 Member
    Forty to 60 lbs is a small child! Your old clothes are way too big, falling off. Have regained the same 20 a couple times. You are doing a GREAT JOB! and I need to pick some rewards
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    You aren't the only one. But you've done fabulously, you need to give yourself a break. Sometimes it seems like it won't happen, but remember where you were 60 lbs ago. xo
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    What rewards are meaningful for you? I respond very well to any signal of achievement even if it is just a ribbon or a sticker.

    Or make a list of things you can do now as your lighter self you could not do before.

    The first time I caught myself from falling (improved mobility) I was so pumped I blogged about the experience and I told all the people that matter what a big deal that was.

    Shopping is always a great feeling. If you are midway, borrow my daughter and her super shopper card at the local second hand clothing store. She knows her labels and scored me some great outfits.
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I just remind myself that the weight didn't pile on overnight, it will take more time than I'd like but the reward is accomplishing something I never believed I could until 5 months ago.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Just remember, you're losing weight to improve the quality of your life. A lot of people try to "live their lives" around losing weight, rather than trying to lose some weight while living their lives. Try not to make it the main focus, and before you know it you'll be at your goal. Weight loss isn't the end all be all :) good luck
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I hope you've been taking progress pics and measurements. LOOK at them! That should help you get excited. Make a list of all the things you can DO now that you couldn't do 60 pounds ago. That should help you get excited.
    Yes, it's a long road and it can get discouraging to think about how far is left to go, but we simply cannot afford to think that way. It will suck the life from you. It's one day at a time, one pound at a time and you will get there.
    Also read the success stories forum by the people who lost more than you did and took longer than you did, but they did it! When I got to feeling sorry for myself I would think about people who 'd lost 200 or 300 pounds and maybe it took them 5 years. Then my goal seemed more doable. Part of this journey is to learn to control our own mindset.
    SW 302
    CW 153
    2 1/2 years
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    About the only way I celebrate is to cycle long distances and/or do other activity. And I did that as I lost weight. When I had lost my first 15 kg, and was comfortably within my normal BMI range again, I cycled a century (100 miles in one day) with my husband and a few days later hiked to the top of a mountain with my husband and cousin. Why? Because I could! There was a time when that was a bit more difficult for me, so when I could ... I did!

    So ... maybe celebrate quietly by doing something you found difficult 60 lbs ago. :)

    This is fabulous advice!
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    I know it's hard when you are caught up with the journey and the end seems so far away, but think about yourself a year ago. Wouldn't you have been thrilled if you lost those 60 lbs overnight? After I lost 55 lbs I was down/discouraged because I was on a month long plateau and my weight loss had generally slowed down. When I articulated this to my husband, he told me to think about how I would have felt at my heaviest, and he was right, when I was 245 lbs, I would have been thrilled to be 190lbs, and even if I hadn't lost another lb, it would still feel soooo much better than being 245.
  • schwest76
    schwest76 Posts: 77 Member
    That is amazing progress! You might still have a ways to go but focus instead on how far you've come and the things you couldn't do before. Maybe break out the before and now pictures so you can see the difference. I do agree with focusing on smaller goals (5-10 lbs) instead of the overall picture.
  • btodd304
    btodd304 Posts: 105 Member
    helocat wrote: »
    60! Is outstanding! Well done and stay in your groove. Remind yourself your doing it for YOU and keep at it.

    Thank you! I have no doubt I'll keep going just feels tough to celebrate the small goals.
  • btodd304
    btodd304 Posts: 105 Member
    tenestone wrote: »
    Enjoy your success girl! if you don't it will creep back up on you. You worked super hard to get where you are and it is time to celebrate! Do not think about how far you have to go, think about how far you've come. I lost 65 lbs a few years ago and gained it back plus 20 and I regret not enjoying my success and think that's part of the reason I gained it back. It wasn't good enough for me and felt overwhelmed and discouraged with how much I still wanted to lose so I ended up giving up. Now here I am again starting from a heavier weight and a knee injury. I remember when I was losing weight I would be upset if I only lost 1 lb at a weigh in. I don't know what I was doing to myself, this time I'm going to celebrate every pound I lose. I have lost and gained between 65 and 80 lbs over three times and I'm praying I have the strength and will power to do it again and if I do I will try so hard not to let myself gain it back.

    I feel confident that I will get to my goal. I have my trainer who is there pushing every step of the way. If I didn't have my trainer I'm sure I'd of given up by now like I always do. But at the same time I was ready for a change and wasn't looking back I made it to my breaking point. Awesome job on your weight loss you have the strength to get through it. And if you ever need some boosting there are so many great people on here!
  • btodd304
    btodd304 Posts: 105 Member
    No you are not the only one trust me break your goals yo smaller ones and don't look at the total amount you have to lose. Set a goal if 10lb then re evaluate good luck

    So glad it's not just me! I do set goals for every 10lbs I get a reward like pedicure, massage, new shoes...things like that. This month I only decided 5lbs was a good goal as the holidays are a bit rough and I would like to enjoy a couple holiday treats without worrying too much.
  • btodd304
    btodd304 Posts: 105 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'm not a celebrator either. I have a tough time celebrating or getting excited about anything. I don't know why ... it's just how I am.

    About the only way I celebrate is to cycle long distances and/or do other activity. And I did that as I lost weight. When I had lost my first 15 kg, and was comfortably within my normal BMI range again, I cycled a century (100 miles in one day) with my husband and a few days later hiked to the top of a mountain with my husband and cousin. Why? Because I could! There was a time when that was a bit more difficult for me, so when I could ... I did!

    So ... maybe celebrate quietly by doing something you found difficult 60 lbs ago. :)

    That's awesome. I do celebrate quietly, I think mostly because in the past I don't get any support or excitement from people I thought I would. It's like people can't be happy for me for whatever reason. I feel like If I try to talk to anyone about it, it's like oh that's cool and the subject gets changed quickly.