Oats don't fill me up at all



  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I usually have savoury porridge (today was rolled oats cooked with milk/water and with carrot, zucchini, spinach, chilli, cheese, egg, pepitas and slivered almonds added) and that fills me up for most of the morning.

    I suggest you try different ways to eat your porridge to see if that makes a difference. If not, eat what makes you feel good.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I don't go near oats. I'd love to eat them...but I need like 7 servings.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited December 2016
    Somebody's not feeling their oats!

    Oatmeal wouldn't fill me up at breakfast either, I'm a bacon and eggs man, or sometimes beef jerky.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,147 Member
    I don't like oats and they don't fill me up either. Too many wasted calories and carbs for me, specially when I "crash" mid morning. I also prefer egg or eggwhites and whole wheat toast or english muffin or a waffle with butter.
  • aquadolly_
    aquadolly_ Posts: 19 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Aren't they supposed to be slow energy releasing carbs? That satiate? They do nothing for me but taste good. I'm famished under 2 hours later. That's will a banana mashed in, raisins, skimmed milk and a tsp peanut butter. Come to think of it, the only thing that fills me at breakfast time is toast(s) and eggs.

    Anyone else find that oatmeal/porridge doesn't fill them up?

    This is the oatmeal I eat... And it keeps me full.


    Wow those look delicious! Definitely giving some of those a try.

    I love oats but just eating them with some milk or water doesn't cut it for me or else I feel hungry too. I have been doing a lot of overnight oats. They are great because I have them ready to eat and are filling. The night before I just take a mason jar and fill it with a mixture of about 1/2 cup+ of oats, 1/2 cup of milk (I use almond milk), cup or so of those high protein yogurts like Oikos Triple Zero or Powerful Yogurt, little vanilla, fruit, and sometimes some honey and chia or flax seeds or protein powder. After I put this mixture into the mason jar I top it with more fruit and maybe some granola or a cut up protein bar and put the lid on and place it in the refrigerator. Kind of bulks it up and makes it more filling for me while getting in more protein and some fruit. And I don't get bored because I change up what fruits I use and even try to use the flavored oats and make something around that.

    I also throw some oats into smoothies if I'm making one. I like shakes and smoothies to be on the thicker side and the oats help.
  • stephanne13
    stephanne13 Posts: 212 Member
    Me neither. I've never been more hungry than when I've tried to eat oatmeal. I'm a firm believer in eggs, thin slice of ham & Sargent ultra thin cheese and a high fiber English muffin. Oatmeal as a snack...awesome. As a meal..total joke.
  • SlothLady_97
    SlothLady_97 Posts: 6 Member
    If they don't fill you up, don't eat 'em. I personally can eat half a cup of cooked oats, maybe along with a banana or apple or something, and be perfectly fine until lunch time. If you're eating it because you enjoy it, nothing wrong with it, but if it doesn't fill you up, then limit it so you're not taking in so many calories that don't even keep you satisfied.
  • halimaiqbal00
    halimaiqbal00 Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks for the replies. It nice to know I'm not the only one. I keep hearing about how filling it is and couldn't understand why it did nothing for me. I'm trying to cut out heavily processed foods so would have liked to replace my toast with oats but not at the expense of me wanting to gnaw off my arm from hunger
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Thanks for the replies. It nice to know I'm not the only one. I keep hearing about how filling it is and couldn't understand why it did nothing for me. I'm trying to cut out heavily processed foods so would have liked to replace my toast with oats but not at the expense of me wanting to gnaw off my arm from hunger

    You don't have to cut out toast! I love my toast! But get a good quality bread ... more filling, lasts longer, tastes better. :)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    If you want something to fill you up, drink water with your meals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for the replies. It nice to know I'm not the only one. I keep hearing about how filling it is and couldn't understand why it did nothing for me. I'm trying to cut out heavily processed foods so would have liked to replace my toast with oats but not at the expense of me wanting to gnaw off my arm from hunger

    You do realize there are a lot of breads that aren't overly processed or loaded with a lot of fillers right?
  • jessabela4464
    jessabela4464 Posts: 1 Member
    Aren't they supposed to be slow energy releasing carbs? That satiate? They do nothing for me but taste good. I'm famished under 2 hours later. That's will a banana mashed in, raisins, skimmed milk and a tsp peanut butter. Come to think of it, the only thing that fills me at breakfast time is toast(s) and eggs.

    Anyone else find that oatmeal/porridge doesn't fill them up?

    This is exactly me. The only breakfast food that fills me up for four/five hours is scrambled eggs on toast. Oats especially, I am consistently hungry two hours later. It's so frustrating because scrambled eggs on toast are well over a third of my daily calories and probably not good for me - but it's all that fills me up. I even tried bulking up my oats with nuts and seeds and fruit, to try and up the protein count, thinking maybe it was the protein. Nope; still hungry two hours later, like clockwork. I have to reserve oats for my days off, because if I eat them on work days I literally get to the point where I almost pass out from hunger. I get dizzy. It's like the stuff goes straight through me.
  • Hanibanani2020
    Hanibanani2020 Posts: 523 Member
    I have steel cut oats. Much more filling imho
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    They don’t fill me up much either. I do eat them sometimes because I like them.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    I like coarse oats, mixed with skyr and some sweet things, usually raisins and whatever fruit I have at the moment. A warm breakfast with high protein or vat, or oats mixed with more fluid yogurt don't keep me full. I need carbs, and preferably rather stiff ones, hence the skyr.
  • Hanibanani2020
    Hanibanani2020 Posts: 523 Member
    Oats will live forever 💪
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Aren't they supposed to be slow energy releasing carbs? That satiate? They do nothing for me but taste good. I'm famished under 2 hours later. That's will a banana mashed in, raisins, skimmed milk and a tsp peanut butter. Come to think of it, the only thing that fills me at breakfast time is toast(s) and eggs.

    Anyone else find that oatmeal/porridge doesn't fill them up?

    This is exactly me. The only breakfast food that fills me up for four/five hours is scrambled eggs on toast. Oats especially, I am consistently hungry two hours later. It's so frustrating because scrambled eggs on toast are well over a third of my daily calories and probably not good for me - but it's all that fills me up. I even tried bulking up my oats with nuts and seeds and fruit, to try and up the protein count, thinking maybe it was the protein. Nope; still hungry two hours later, like clockwork. I have to reserve oats for my days off, because if I eat them on work days I literally get to the point where I almost pass out from hunger. I get dizzy. It's like the stuff goes straight through me.

    why would scrambled eggs on toast not be good for you? Do you have an egg allergy? I get the frustration, though, on using a lot of calories at breakfast. But if that's 1/3 of your daily calories, I'd suggest finding some compromises there to get the calories down - a lower calorie bread, or maybe half a slice instead of a whole one? If you are using more than 1 egg, try using 1 whole egg and then egg whites?

    Boxed dry cereals don't satiate me at all - I need several servings to get full, and I'll be hungry again fairly quickly, so I found that for me, cereal is not worth the calories. However, old fashioned oats and steel cut oats are an exception to that - I do very well on oats. But I understand that everyone is different. Fruits don't hold me very well either - if I try to eat an apple, for example, as a snack, I'll be absolutely ravenous in about 20 minutes after I finish it. Most fruits don't hold me well at all.
  • 10alliemarie
    10alliemarie Posts: 66 Member
    Oats don't keep me full for long. I always read dietitians recommending oats for a good filling breakfast and I am so surprised. Eggs on low calorie bread keep me happy the longest in terms of breakfast foods.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Oatmeal is useful but no, on its own: not long term filling. I need protein + fat for a long lasting satiety. 2-3 scrambled eggs will last me much longer.
    Aren't they supposed to be slow energy releasing carbs? That satiate? They do nothing for me but taste good. I'm famished under 2 hours later. That's will a banana mashed in, raisins, skimmed milk and a tsp peanut butter. Come to think of it, the only thing that fills me at breakfast time is toast(s) and eggs.

    Anyone else find that oatmeal/porridge doesn't fill them up?