this is getting ridiculous. Not 1 lb shed since June 18th (2



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I will probably get a lot of criticism for this...but I was at a plateau on 1,200 calories...Dropped to 1,000 and lost some. Then I dropped to 800-900 per day the past few days and have lost around 2 pounds in two days.

    I am only 4'9" so that probably is why 1,200 was too much...but I don't think you will "starve" if you just give it a try for a couple days, yeah? :smile:
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Alrighty! Help is on the way. LOL! You aren't eating nearly enough. You are an inch taller than me so you are at a perfect weight. It's the last vanity pounds that will kill you so, first things first...what is your goal set at? When as close to your goal as you are you will need to be set on no more than 1/2 pound a week. You're not eating enough, so your body is holding on. I was stuck at the same weight for over a year doing the same thing. Try and keep the processed foods to a minimum..easier said than done! But try, as the sodium will cause serious weight gain. Drinking lots of water? Super important. As a fitness instructor (once champion couch potato) the amount of exercise almost isn't worth your time that you're doing...don't get me's better than nothing for sure, but by the 25 minute mark you should be just about half way through your workout. Not done. The heart needs to pump and the body get warm, and then get pushed out of it's comfort zone. Results only occur when you push your body. So beef up the exercise and beef up the calories. Set your goal to half a pound a week, make sure you are netting at LEAST 1200, drink water galore and see what happens! You can do it!

    - i am at 142 right now and 5'7 with a small frame and a large chest/butt
    My realistic goal weight is to reach 135 lbs but my ultimate weight is 125-130

    - i think i eat pretty "clean".. lots of fruits , veggies and my dinners are mostly smartones (im a law student barely any time to cook)

    - i drink TOO much water .. is that possible? well its not water cuz i hate water .. i drink diet ice tea w/ ginseng either arizona or publix brand.. i go through a gallon in 2 days

    im gonna try setting my goal to 1/2 a week and *Maybe try exercising more

    Tea has caffiene which is a diuretic. You really can't count all of it as water. Try to find something without sodium or caffiene to supplement your tea intake. Water with lemon or other fruit squeezd in. For something with fiz try no sodium free soda water with a couple ounces of oj or favorite juice. Very refreshing. You also want to reduce or avoid the artificial sweeterner. I don't think they cause cancer or anything, but plenty of research now shows that they don't fool your body at all, can still cause increased insulin response, generally don't really help with weight loss and can support weight gain. The half pound a week is a good idea. You do need to beef up the exercize. Since you don't like it much, try some yoga and a morning walk. Then two or three times a week exercize for an hour or more. The daily walk and yoga boost metabolism and the hour long work outs will help with fitness. I have to admit that I hate being hot and sweaty, but it felt pretty darn good to finally be able to go 45 minutes on the dreaded elliptical.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    you probably need to step up your excersise a TEEEENSY bit more. I know you said you hate it. Try adding something small to the rotation - either go for a walk 1 day a week for 45 minutes (just start with that - obviously in addition to what you do now) or add something like this

    I did the first 2 days of week one so far and it honestly only takes like 15 minutes.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Alrighty! Help is on the way. LOL! You aren't eating nearly enough. You are an inch taller than me so you are at a perfect weight. It's the last vanity pounds that will kill you so, first things first...what is your goal set at? When as close to your goal as you are you will need to be set on no more than 1/2 pound a week. You're not eating enough, so your body is holding on. I was stuck at the same weight for over a year doing the same thing. Try and keep the processed foods to a minimum..easier said than done! But try, as the sodium will cause serious weight gain. Drinking lots of water? Super important. As a fitness instructor (once champion couch potato) the amount of exercise almost isn't worth your time that you're doing...don't get me's better than nothing for sure, but by the 25 minute mark you should be just about half way through your workout. Not done. The heart needs to pump and the body get warm, and then get pushed out of it's comfort zone. Results only occur when you push your body. So beef up the exercise and beef up the calories. Set your goal to half a pound a week, make sure you are netting at LEAST 1200, drink water galore and see what happens! You can do it!

    - i am at 142 right now and 5'7 with a small frame and a large chest/butt
    My realistic goal weight is to reach 135 lbs but my ultimate weight is 125-130

    - i think i eat pretty "clean".. lots of fruits , veggies and my dinners are mostly smartones (im a law student barely any time to cook)

    - i drink TOO much water .. is that possible? well its not water cuz i hate water .. i drink diet ice tea w/ ginseng either arizona or publix brand.. i go through a gallon in 2 days

    im gonna try setting my goal to 1/2 a week and *Maybe try exercising more

    Tea has caffiene which is a diuretic. You really can't count all of it as water. Try to find something without sodium or caffiene to supplement your tea intake. Water with lemon or other fruit squeezd in. For something with fiz try no sodium free soda water with a couple ounces of oj or favorite juice. Very refreshing. You also want to reduce or avoid the artificial sweeterner. I don't think they cause cancer or anything, but plenty of research now shows that they don't fool your body at all, can still cause increased insulin response, generally don't really help with weight loss and can support weight gain. The half pound a week is a good idea. You do need to beef up the exercize. Since you don't like it much, try some yoga and a morning walk. Then two or three times a week exercize for an hour or more. The daily walk and yoga boost metabolism and the hour long work outs will help with fitness. I have to admit that I hate being hot and sweaty, but it felt pretty darn good to finally be able to go 45 minutes on the dreaded elliptical.

    Just wanted to say a lot of tea is decaffeinated so it doesnt have caffeine. I agree with your great suggestions though!
    Arizona tea is just as bad as soda...
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    It has been 28 days since i've shed any weight. I started my diet on June 5th and lost a lot of weight right away by cutting calories. I am now at a complete standstill .. its getting really annoying. Im trying to increase my calories as per everyone suggestions but find it really hard to even eat 1200 calories ... im just not that hungry and get full quick. please help
    So are you just dieting or do you exercise too? Dieting alone will stall usually within 4 weeks.

    im learning somethin new with every post!! i honestly believed you could lose weight without exercise!
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    i opened my diary & am open to any advice about my nutrition

    as for the exercise i dont really enjoy working out thats why i dont really do much of it. I was able to lose weight before just by watching what i eat .. i thought exercise just "speeds" up the process
    Okay, just saw this. Dieting alone stalls in about 4 weeks of consistent calories deficit. Not to mention that if you are just dieting alone without exercise, there will a good amount of lean muscle tissue catabolized. The less lean muscle you have, the slower your metabolic rate will be which is why many who just diet to lose weight stall within 4 weeks. Your body is burning significantly less calories per day than 4 weeks ago.
    Find an exercise activity you like to do.

    hey by stalling you mean completely stopping? You dont think ill lose anymore weight unless i being exercising?
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    I will probably get a lot of criticism for this...but I was at a plateau on 1,200 calories...Dropped to 1,000 and lost some. Then I dropped to 800-900 per day the past few days and have lost around 2 pounds in two days.

    I am only 4'9" so that probably is why 1,200 was too much...but I don't think you will "starve" if you just give it a try for a couple days, yeah? :smile:

    thanks for that input! i will first try increasing my calories to what everyone suggested for 1 week and if i dont lose any weight i will try your method
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    i ate 1550 calories today!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member

    hey by stalling you mean completely stopping? You dont think ill lose anymore weight unless i being exercising?
    Well if you went into lower caloric deficit than what your basal metabolic rate is you would still keep losing, but again the body likes to utilize sources other than fat if you're not active. So you'll keep losing lean muscle tissue. Ever look at some of the Hollywood actresses that look gaunt? They all look that way because of extreme dieting and lost muscle tissue.

    I'm a Certified Personal Trainer by trade so I'm very well versed in how to lose weight but still retain "shape" with clients. You may not like exercising, but you can still be active and "workout". Dancing is a great activity (although I think it's more of a workout based on the conditioning that competitive dancers are in), martial arts, boxing............there are lots of activities to pick from. Key is as long as you stress the muscles a little, the more you'll retain it and at the same time burn off some fat.

    Lastly, look at your mom. Chances are very likely that you'll have the same body type at her age. The great thing about exercise and activity is that you can actually have a say in how you'd like to look, but it does take effort and some work.
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54

    hey by stalling you mean completely stopping? You dont think ill lose anymore weight unless i being exercising?
    Well if you went into lower caloric deficit than what your basal metabolic rate is you would still keep losing, but again the body likes to utilize sources other than fat if you're not active. So you'll keep losing lean muscle tissue. Ever look at some of the Hollywood actresses that look gaunt? They all look that way because of extreme dieting and lost muscle tissue.

    I'm a Certified Personal Trainer by trade so I'm very well versed in how to lose weight but still retain "shape" with clients. You may not like exercising, but you can still be active and "workout". Dancing is a great activity (although I think it's more of a workout based on the conditioning that competitive dancers are in), martial arts, boxing............there are lots of activities to pick from. Key is as long as you stress the muscles a little, the more you'll retain it and at the same time burn off some fat.

    Lastly, look at your mom. Chances are very likely that you'll have the same body type at her age. The great thing about exercise and activity is that you can actually have a say in how you'd like to look, but it does take effort and some work.

    thank you!!