Foods you love, but abstain from...



  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I still eat these, but it's few and far between when I do;
    Sushi (I love tempura everything, and gyoza, and dynamite rolls oh my god *drool*)
    Tacos (I could eat 4 or 5)
    Chicken McNuggets (they are the only thing from McDonalds that I like)
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I am not a sweets or chocolate person at all.
    I am a carb aholic!

    I cannot quit eating:

    French fries
    Potato chips....particularly I can eat an entire bag of salt and vinegar
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm a total food 'ho. I abstain from nothing!
    Oh!!!! MY PEOPLE!!!!!!!
    ...I do make 'different' choices now instead of creamy white past and sauce, it's whole wheat and lots of veggies tomato with lean meat.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    Rice, rice, rice and yes even more rice. And of course the imfamous potatoes (any kind cooked any way)!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Buffalo wings

    Also pizza but I still eat that :happy: Donuts aren't worth it 'cause they're at least 300 calories each and the fat content is too high. Nachos have almost no nutritional value but I get the individual nachos from Taco Bell sometimes just because I crave them so much - but I have to stay away 'cause they're 400 calories for just the small one. Buffalo wings are fried and not worth it for about 90 calories PER wing. Pizza, however, is too delicious to not eat it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Baked goods from bakeries, Boba tea. Its not that I CAN'T have them but they are soooo many calories I just don't want to give calories up to them. a pastry or big cookie is like 400 calories - that would only leave me 1100 throughout the day to work with and I'm just not willing to eat low cal enough to support something like that. I'd rather leave the pesto mayo on my sandwich or get guacamole on my chipotle bowl. But I used to get a boba tea or a cookie after lunch FAAAAIRLY often - not ALL the time but often. Probably much too often. I expect to add them back into my diet when I am maintaining, just probably not every quite as often.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I miss cherry garcia. but sugar makes my body so angry at me.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Wine, fries, gummy bears. I can't resist these three items if they are in the house. I occasionally make fries in the oven and have a glass of merlot every once in a while. The gummies....they are NOT allowed in the house because I believe I could eat my weight in them. Lol.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Okay, I admit it. This was spurred by another question on this thread about foods that you dont like. A few people answered Fried Chicken. (as you can see, its capitalized to signify its importance in MY life-lol) I cannot understand that. Fried Chicken wings are like a drug to me. I cant even LOOK at them, or I may wake up with grease on my face and bones across my chest wondering what happened!!

    Whats your vice? What do avoid, even though you love it so?

    :laugh: OMG - you are SO funny! I love FRIED CHICKEN as well, but I do indulge now and again or else I WILL end up with 'grease on my face and bones across my chest'!! Wow that just sounded so - dirty...walk of shame...I have to go take a shower now...:blushing:
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member

    I'm there with you! I had a tiny crumpet with Nutella on it for my birthday, and didn't even log it because I was too sad to see that not only had I a) eaten gluten [which I'm intolerant to], but also b) eaten clearly over 350 calories alone in Nutella!
    Haven't had it since.
  • BeHappyNHealthy
    Margaritas and Peanut Butter. But not together. Gross. Thinking about them together makes me not want them as much. What an unexpected bonus to answering this post!
  • sarahcs424
    sarahcs424 Posts: 46 Member
    Mexican food!!!! Soda and pasta geez there's a lot!!!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    My new one is mashed potatoes. If i eat a serving I WILL eat the whole pot. I love them soooo much
  • highdesertgirl
    In and Out cheeseburger with grilled onions
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Mexican food and ice cream.. Been wanting ice cream for a couple of nights now.. I'm gonna have to get me some skinny cow :)
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Wine, fries, gummy bears. I can't resist these three items if they are in the house. I occasionally make fries in the oven and have a glass of merlot every once in a while. The gummies....they are NOT allowed in the house because I believe I could eat my weight in them. Lol.

    Try gummy vitamins - then u still get a taste (2 vitamins is an adult dose) but you'll know they are a medication and that will prevent over-taking them so to speak
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
  • jeanc1689
    jeanc1689 Posts: 7 Member
    chips and salsa. If i go to a mexican restaurant I try and get black beans and a side of lettuce and eat that with salsa and hot sauce and feel good about it. But even 1 chip and I am done for, favorite food!! crunchy and spicy!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Oreos with a blob of peanut butter! Oh my heaven!! :)

    Also BBQ potato chips and Red Robin's Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap with lots of steak fries dripping with ranch....

    This thread is making me HUNGRY!!!