Diamond Dolls Week #4



  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    How are you going to celebrate your victory of reaching your GOAL WEIGHT!

    I didn't have one for a long time because I didn't want to jinx myself or get overwhelmed with the massive task of losing so much weight but now I have plans to celebrate with my BFF Lustris and that's a huge motivator as well as a pot of gold at the end.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I feel like our group is slowly decreasing in activity... Anyone else feel this too?

    I'm sorry, I kind of fell behind. Plus, I was looking at the wrong forum. I didn't realize a week 4 thread had been created. I'm catching up now.

    One last QOTD: Has my weight stopped me from achieving anything?

    Uh, yeah! Tons. I don’t function well in relationships. I feel self-conscious all the time. I’m not brave. Like Bethanie, I’ve lost some of my glimmer, sparkle, "it factor". I used to have this unshakable confidence and I’ve often said that’s what I’m actually searching for, not necessarily being skinny. If I could retrieve that “it factor” at this weight I would, but it seems so intricately tied to my body image. I wish it wasn’t. And, this poo-poo feeling spills over into other areas in my life, mostly personal. I’m still confident at school and work because my ego is so tied up in being smart. That’s really all I’ve got going for myself right now. I don’t mean that in a woe is me Eeyore kind of way. It’s like when you lose one sense your others are supposedly heightened and it goes back to the question asked a couple of days ago – do I want to be smart or skinny? Well, really I want both. Like everything else in life, I just want some balance.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member

    7/14/2011: How are you going to celebrate your victory of reaching your GOAL WEIGHT!!!!..

    I'm going to take a burlesque class, my friend has been trying to get me to do it for a couple of years now lol. Sounds like fun...but not with THIS *kitten* lol....I won't even bellydance with an audience at this point...
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    7/15/11 QUESTION OF THE DAY:

    "Losing weight would be so much easier if only.... ____________________" <---- Do you ever find yourself thinking weightloss would be easier if only fill in the blank? What is your "if only"?


    How can you handle that situation and still be successful?

    It would be so much easier if I didn't work such long hours and could get to the gym on a more regular basis. Working 12 hours a day in a busy ER keeps me really busy and I get alot of walking done while at work....I have done at least 5 miles on some days.


    Losing weight would be so much easier if only everyone in my life was more sensitive to my needs. If they didn't ask me to go out to dinner or offer me sweets at work or eat junk food right next to me, then I could resist temptation.

    I can handle this situation by preparing myself ahead of time and practicing saying, "no thank you" to the junk food pushers. I can remind myself that it's not my boyfriend's fault that he can eat whatever he wants and that he should be allowed to eat his food unjudged (and un-resented) even though I have to eat different things. I can also work out more so that I have more flexibility regarding what I can and can't eat.

    Point being, the responsibility is on me to put things into perspective and be accountable for my OWN choices, not to worry about what other people eat or do around me.
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    7/15/11 QUESTION OF THE DAY:

    "Losing weight would be so much easier if only....I DIDN'T GET BORED AND HAD A TON OF MONEY"


    How can you handle that situation and still be successful?
    Tell myself that it will be worth it in the end, keep on trucking and sometimes I fall down but I keep getting back up! There is a goal and its okay if I don't reach it within my time limit, just as long as I reach it.
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    I have a love/hate relationship with running! I love that it helps me lose weight, makes me feel great, and tones my whole body! I hate it while I am doing it though!! Even in the Army I hated running, but it is the best exercise for me and my body and because I know that it is what my main focus of exercise it on.

    How about everyone else?
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    I have a love/hate relationship with running! I love that it helps me lose weight, makes me feel great, and tones my whole body! I hate it while I am doing it though!! Even in the Army I hated running, but it is the best exercise for me and my body and because I know that it is what my main focus of exercise it on.

    How about everyone else?

    I love circuit training. It makes me feel so strong and proves to me how far I have come (while knowing I am still a work in progress!)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    I love a GOOD elliptical...I have an "Image" elliptical...it's bleh...but hey it was free. I'm in LOVE with the NordicTrack Audio Strider Pro...but I'm a little short on the $900 it costs :-p

    Of course NOTHING compairs to riding (horse back) but it's funny, I just never consider it exercise cause it's so darn fun!! lol
  • ellisor1230

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    I love circuit training. I've done 30DS and most of Insanity (starting again tomorrow). I love feeling stronger and seeing improvement, and still getting my *kitten* handed to me every day.
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    7/15/11 QUESTION OF THE DAY:

    "Losing weight would be so much easier if only...___________"
    the results came faster! :)


    How can you handle that situation and still be successful?
    Just keep pushing myself every little bit helps!

    Whats your favorite exercise and why --
    humm..stair master.. i love the burn and out of breath feeling i get! :)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    Swimming! I love the full body workout, and toning that it gives me plus, it's fun!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I thought I answered this one but I don't see it! I love circuit training, makes me feel strong!

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    Swimming! I love the full body workout, and toning that it gives me plus, it's fun!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    7/15/11 QUESTION OF THE DAY:

    "Losing weight would be so much easier if only_______________"


    How can you handle that situation and still be successful?

    It would be easier if I had a ton of money. That way I could hire and personal chef, and a personal trainer.

    I try and tell myself to just keep at it sooner or later it has to come off, right?
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member

    7/16 Question Of The Day

    What is your Favorite Exercise and Why?

    I really don't have a favorite exercise. I hate it all. I could say walking but that would be a bold faced lie. I hate to exercise and I don't get people that like too.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    What is my favorite exercise?

    I do like doing my weight training.....It makes my feel empowered even if it is only lifting 15# to do my bicept curls....it is still better than it was before I started.
