Family makes me eat!

My husband travels a great deal. When he is gone, I do great eating and exercising. When he is home, I am lazier and more lax with what I eat. I tend to eat very healthy but I eat more when he's home. Any suggestions of how to avoid this?


  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    I have a family of 5 and my fiance' refuses to eat what he calls "diet" food. This means anything not full of carbs, fried, or smothered in salt and butter. I have not changed what I would usually cook for dinner, I just eat less of it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You've gotten into a habit of being more lax when he's around and liking that time you spend with him eating. In a way and I know it sounds corny, you're going to have to "grieve" a little. If you can do this when he's gone, you can do it when he's there. The decision is up to you. My husband and I used to love having popcorn nearly every evening and it wasn't just normal amounts - it was OMG amounts. Just the other night - he wanted popcorn, and I just didn't. He asked if I was okay with him having it, and I totally was. I just had some leftover turkey instead. (I LOVE cold leftover turkey with just a little salt on it!)

    Find things you can do to make it easier when he's around. I have a "snack box" with 100 calorie snacks in it that's my "safe box". That way I'm not tempted by the other crap in the house.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Stop thinking that someone else "makes" you do it. Decide what's important to you, and go from there.

  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    You gotta get used to getting in a new routine. Like many of the people before me posted, "start making healthy habits" It's easier to put the blame on someone else and I get that everyone does it's when you start becoming more in control of yourself where these unhealthy habits stop.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I get it. My fiancé is in a slump with his weight loss, and as a result it rubs off on me. I've been watching what I eat, and we have cut back on eating out, but exercise is almost non-existent. Just push aside wanting to slack off, and do what you need to do. If he isn't about eating healthy, maybe you two could come to some sort of compromise.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    First stop blaming 'family'. This is more about your choices and your resolve than what others make you do. Second discuss your goals with your husband. Not in an effort to change what he does, but to help hold you accountable. What I mean is this: if I plan to do something, and no one knows, then no one (but me) knows if I don't follow thru. Letting other people know my plans helps me follow thru with them, as they will know if I don't. Hope that makes sense!
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    My husband travels a great deal. When he is gone, I do great eating and exercising. When he is home, I am lazier and more lax with what I eat. I tend to eat very healthy but I eat more when he's home. Any suggestions of how to avoid this?

  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    I get it. The same happens to me. And sure no one can "make" you eat as some are suggesting you meant. I know that you mean to say that situations where you are with your family end in you eating more thus "family makes me eat!" is the title as that is the major factor in your eating more.
    When I am alone I will eat much less. When I have the family around I do tend to eat more. They don't want to eat the things I cook for myself so I prepare a different meal when it's just me. When they are all here I cook what the whole family will eat. Also I am cooking a greater quantity because cooking for 4 vs cooking for 1 is very different quantities of food. The best way I have found to prevent over eating (because eating more does not necessarily mean OVER eating, it could be just a LITTLE more) I try not to make much more than I know will be eaten in a sitting by the family unless I have some reason to make a little extra. If it has to do with going out to eat you don't have to order an entree, you can order sides or ask for a to-go box when the food is brought so you can immediately box half and eat the rest later.
  • drewbendzak
    drewbendzak Posts: 3 Member
    That is a tough one! I agree with everyone saying it is your choice, which it is, but completely understand where you are coming from. I like to cook boring healthy food and my wife get sick of it after a couple of days. She will order Thai or pizza and it will be at the house when I get home from the gym. Super hard not to slam half of a large pizza after a tough workout! I feel your pain but in the end it is definitely your decision. I think StaciMarie makes a great point and sitting down with him to discuss your goals is probably a great place to start. Who knows, maybe he wants to work on portion control too!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I gained a ton of weight because I ate like my husband. He's slim and has an active job, so he eats a lot of calories and big portions to maintain his weight. Now, I either make a separate meal for myself or have much smaller, measured portions and have lost 97 pounds. He loves pizza (I do too, of course... who doesn't?!), so if we have that for example, I'll have one to two slices with a big salad. If we have fish or chicken, I'll bread and fry his and grill or bake mine, with lots of steamed veggies on the side. There's a lot of things you can do that makes everyone happy.