Intermittent fasting quick fat loss



  • catrina0789
    catrina0789 Posts: 10 Member
    This is something that I want more information on. If i stop eating at like 8pm and dont eat breakfast until 12pm thats is fine? what do I do the other hours? do i try and get at least 1200 cal. in that time frame?
  • I love it as well. I started with 14/10, but three months in, I settled into 16/8. I still count calories, but like IremiaRe, I enjoy not having to stretch my calories across the day. I am also a compulsive eater, so not having to think of food past 7:00 pm (for me) is liberating.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    The idea is that you fast for however many hours - some people fast for 16, others for 18 or 20 - but then you eat during the remaining hours.

    Yes, you can eat the whole 1200 calories during your 4, 6, or 8 hour window. When the window occurs is up to you - so if you ARE a morning person - your food window could be from 6am to 2pm... or whatever time works for you.

    the rest of the time, you drink water... lots of water... or tea, or black coffee - basically anything sugar/calorie free.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I have tried it but it is a love hate thing with me. Although my progress on my lifts did not suffer any but anything that demanded a lot of cardio did. I need carbs a good 8-10 hrs to process and ready to use instead of 5-6 before like I was doing. When I was logging times on my laps that is what my records were showing anyhow. Once I went back to my usual times were back down to their normal.
  • catrina0789
    catrina0789 Posts: 10 Member
    my kind of thing, Im going to try this and pray it works
  • mathlymom
    mathlymom Posts: 1 Member
    How does this work? I am not familiar with intermittent fasting. This is first of hearing this term.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    mathlymom wrote: »
    How does this work? I am not familiar with intermittent fasting. This is first of hearing this term.

    There are a few variants of it. It is what the name suggests - fasting intermittently. One option is to restrict the time you eat/drink calories during the day to a few hours ("eating window"); 16:8 (16 hours in which you don't consume calories, 8 during which you can) is popular; there is some evidence to suggest that a 16:8 schedule may affect hormone cycles adversely in some women, so 14:10 is another option (14 hours in which you don't consume calories, 10 in which you can). It's not a license to eat everything under the sun - you still need to maintain a calorie deficit, so if you had 1500 calories a day before IF, you still have 1400 calories; eating them in a smaller window during the day means your meals may be bigger, depending on how you choose to re-distribute those calories. Some people do 20:4 and have one hell of a meal in that four hours. It's a matter of preference. Other options include a 5:2 split, where someone eats maintenance calories for five days out of the week and 2 days at 1/4 (I think, I could be wrong) their maintenance calories, or alternate day fasting (similar principle). There's nothing extra-magical about IF, it's just a matter of how you distribute those calories during your day. I like a 14:10 split, personally; it's a fun challenge, especially on weekends when I know my husband and I will have a glass or two of wine after the kids go to bed; since wine is calories, I adjust my meal timing such that I don't have the first meal of the day until around noon, so I can have my last glass of wine around 9:30PM and still stay within a 10 hour window.
  • nerdyshashank
    nerdyshashank Posts: 2 Member
    Is IF advisable for endomorphs
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Is IF advisable for endomorphs

    Since body somatotypes aren't a thing, it's advisable if you can work with it.

    I've fallen into a 14:10 pattern for the most part and it works for me because I don't feel the need to snack midday.