Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • kelliecarollo
    kelliecarollo Posts: 3 Member
    You can never have too many motivational people in your circle! I would LOVE to have more friends to connect with! Please add me ☺
  • Cassiabxo
    Cassiabxo Posts: 3 Member
    Looking to make friends along the way! -Let's talk.
  • Gullette12131
    Gullette12131 Posts: 5 Member
    Really need some inspiration and motivating people. My highest weight was 225. I brought my weight down healthily to 146. I recently gained 17 pounds!!! I'm back at this fitness and eating right again. Let's motivate each other! I know I can do it better this time!!!
  • songbirdmelly
    songbirdmelly Posts: 3 Member
    Add me!
  • wishes4sun
    wishes4sun Posts: 4 Member
    Motivational friends sound lovely! Anyone feel frew to add me. :smile:
  • Alendralouise
    Alendralouise Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me - I'm in the UK!
  • Aboder_Alsiyabi
    Aboder_Alsiyabi Posts: 11 Member
    New friends are welcome
    Am new here and would be great to motivate each other
  • smashthebutter
    smashthebutter Posts: 17 Member
    edited December 2016
    We are not meant to do this alone. More supportive friends only makes this journey better, please add me!
  • limegreenlissy
    limegreenlissy Posts: 17 Member
    A year and a half on MPF And nearly 52 pounds down! Add me! Especially if you are low carb!
  • SheenaBall
    SheenaBall Posts: 46 Member
    I'd love to add new female friends for 2017! I started MFP a few years back, but after moving to Asia in 2014, I had gone up and down so I started MFP with a weight loss journey mentality (rather than weight loss race attitude) in 2015. I lost 22.4 pounds in 2015, but only 8 pounds in 2016. However, I have lost over 30 pounds in the last 2 years, and am looking to lose the last 30 in 2017, getting me down into the 130's before I go back to the states to see family and friends for a few months. Starting weight 194.4: current weight 164; goal weight: 135 by November 12, 2017. I try to stay at 1200 calories a day and exercise 6/7 days a week. I'm looking for similarly motivated ladies to encourage one another.
  • Naruya
    Naruya Posts: 81 Member
    I'm going to focus on my health again from now on and could use some friends for motivation. Feel free to add me!
  • TeamJenn
    TeamJenn Posts: 21 Member
    The more motivation the better! I have lost a total of 100 lbs with vsg surgery and it's never easy even with weight-loss surgery. Every day is a challenge. I definitely could use more friends on here! Feel free to add me!
  • Sweets419Journey
    Sweets419Journey Posts: 19 Member
    I'm just getting started and indo need help with motativate and more active people
  • 2Luverly
    2Luverly Posts: 143 Member
    Hi there. Looking for friends also for a support system on either a low carb or ketogenic journey. I've got at least 35 pounds to lose.
  • tiffuhnee13
    tiffuhnee13 Posts: 163 Member
    Always looking for new friends and conversations :)
  • WalkingDeadFrank
    WalkingDeadFrank Posts: 124 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hey All...feel free to add me too!
    More people, more support!
  • proshanto
    proshanto Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All. I'm 40, Male, 5'6", currently 160 lbs, need to be 138 lbs as quickly as I can in a healthy manner. Currently on a Ketogenic diet. have lost 10 lbs in the last 21 days since I started this diet. Weight loss now tapering off. Need support and guidance. Currently on Blood Pressure and Cholesterol medication. Intermittent fasting not possible due to medication. Family history of Type 2 Diabetes. Need to avoid that too.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • TomHinds86
    TomHinds86 Posts: 568 Member
    Add me here and kik