Packaged, already made, raw vegan meals?



  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member

    I've ordered from these folks before. All pretty delicious.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    I sense a business op.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member

    I've ordered from these folks before. All pretty delicious.

    I stand corrected, not too niche. $120 a week for basically just 4 meals, yikes.
  • FatChickToNotSoFatChick
    Veggie Noodle Co sells already spiralized raw vegetable noodles something like that what you are looking for?
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    Not ready made but the raw vegan restaurant in my town (or I should say that used to be in my town because apparently they shut down) have a cookbook on Amazon - search for borrowed earth café. I never tried it because I am not into raw vegan but I heard that it was good. Not sure how the cookbook is but my friend was talking about it the other day. She liked the food at the restaurant but hated the staff (she said she wouldn't be surprised if they closed due to lack of business because they were so rude) so she was thinking of getting it (she isn't really a raw vegan either but liked to have it sometimes).
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member

    I've ordered from these folks before. All pretty delicious.

    I stand corrected, not too niche. $120 a week for basically just 4 meals, yikes.

    It's actually 8 meals (lunch and dinner), but they only ship w/in Los Angeles, so still pretty niche, IMO. I live in a pretty granola, artsy-fartsy area with lots of vegetarian restaurants and over priced organic grocery stores. A raw vegan restaurant opened about a year ago. 6 months after opening, they completely changed their concept and are now a regular vegetarian restaurant with cooked food. If a business like that wasn't sustainable in my neighborhood, then it's probably pretty niche.

    Are you sure it's only in LA? I was on business in Arkansas when I ordered it. Perhaps they stopped.
    I tried raw vegan but in the cold winter I needed hot food to keep my body temp up:).
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member

    I've ordered from these folks before. All pretty delicious.

    I stand corrected, not too niche. $120 a week for basically just 4 meals, yikes.

    It was pricy but it was more than 4 meals as I recall. Delicious but not a WOE for me.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    In the fancier grocery stores where I am you can buy raw vegan crackers, kale chips, pizza bases, cashew cheese, cheesefake etc. You'd still have to add ingredients to make a meal.

    They cost a bomb. Buy a dehydrator and make your own.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member

    I've ordered from these folks before. All pretty delicious.

    I stand corrected, not too niche. $120 a week for basically just 4 meals, yikes.

    It was pricy but it was more than 4 meals as I recall. Delicious but not a WOE for me.

    I went and read the FAQs, wow the derp. But anyway, it's 6000 calories on average a box. If I were relying on the box x number of days I'd get 4 days, so sure, more than 4 meals. If I weren't losing and maintaining, I'd need to supplement the box on those 4 days to meet my calorie needs. And I'd never be hitting my protein goals, it would be about half my requirements. As you say, the odd meal or week would be fine but as a whole way of life? That's a hell of a commitment and expense!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I think I tried it because raw food has more enzymes than cooked which helps with digestion and gut bacteria if I recall correctly.

    I wanted to do it for a month but it was dead of winter and I needed warm food. I think I lasted 2 weeks.

    One of the only drastic diet changes I did that wasn't for weight loss:).
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    But, isn't raw vegan cauliflower just...cauliflower? Also, eating raw potatoes really isn't a good idea, unless you like stomach cramps.

    I love raw potatoes. Soak them in vinegar. Okay, I'm gross. I've made my peace with it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Wouldn't spaghetti sauce, mashed cauliflower, cauliflower rice, etc need to be cooked? I don't think they're meant to be consumed raw.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    Also, just yesterday you were asking what being a raw vegan meant and now you're trying to find ways to make it more convenient? I think you need to do a lot more research and really think about your reasons for choosing this way of eating.


    is this really a way of eating you think you can stick with? how about just eat what you always eat.. just less of it and accurately measured and counted.

    by all means do what you think is sustainable. maybe raw vegan is that but keep in mind that even "raw vegan" in a calorie surplus still won't result in weight loss. assuming that's your goal.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    But, isn't raw vegan cauliflower just...cauliflower? Also, eating raw potatoes really isn't a good idea, unless you like stomach cramps.

    I used to eat raw potatoes all the time and never had an issue with stomach cramps. I use to put some salt on it (peeled of course) and eat it like an apple.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Raw potatoes are basically poisonous. I do not recommend them - if you've been eating them and not getting sick, that's dumb luck that could run out any time.

    Never forget potatoes come from the deadly nightshade family, they've made a big effort to break away from their difficult family background but the roots are still there. Potato fruits are toxic, for instance. I wouldn't stray from established ways of eating potatoes if I were you. And definitely avoid green ones.

    To the OP, a lot of my local supermarkets sell pre-spiralised veg, but it's expensive, and I've never seen a raw vegan ready meal. I can guess why, too - anything made of cut up raw veg is going to have a shelf life of about a day and will only actually be worth eating for a few hours at most. Those wonderful enzymes destroy the quality of the food pretty fast once you cut it. If you're determined to do this, get yourself a spiraliser and a good recipe book*. Convenience food is not going to be a sustainable option.

    * "cookbook" is really the wrong term, don't you think?
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Note the effect of enzymes on keeping qualities applies to frozen veg, too. Packaged frozen veg is blanched (dunked in boiling water) before freezing to deactivate enzymes which would otherwise cause it to deteriorate quickly. So frozen ready meals aren't a solution either.