2017 - Lets do this!

sandnsea Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2016 in Challenges
Starting highest weight:
My Current Weight:
Monthly Goal Weight:
Ultimate Goal Weight:
lost so far: -


  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    I am in for 2017! I weigh in on Mondays so will start my posting on Jan 2!
  • _toyatip08
    _toyatip08 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello I would like to join! I weigh in on Fridays, so I will post on January 6.

    Starting highest weight: 201
    My Current Weight: 161.8
    My Ultimate Goal Weight-140

  • jjballantyne
    jjballantyne Posts: 20 Member
    Starting weight: 154
    Current weight: 145
    Goal weight: 129

    GOALS: No sugar, no junk, more water, harder workouts, 5 chin ups by June!!
  • Aha123
    Aha123 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in! I weigh on Saturdays! So will weigh in on January 7th!
    Starting Highest Weight: 246
    Current weight:243
    Goal weight:230
    Goals: Exercise at least 5 times per week and log meals on Fitness Pal.
    IN IT TO WIN IT :0)
  • 888Butterfly888
    888Butterfly888 Posts: 3,203 Member
    Starting highest weight: 298
    My Current Weight: 294.8
    Monthly Goal Weight: lose 2.5 lbs a month
    Ultimate Goal Weight: I don't know
    lost so far:
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Starting highest weight: 192
    My Current Weight: Beginning weight will be Jan. 1 (hopefully 160).
    Monthly Goal Weight: lose 8 lbs/mo.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 range
    lost so far: -
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Starting highest weight: 335
    My Current Weight: 238
    Monthly Goal Weight: lose 5lbs/month
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130
    lost so far in this challenge: -
  • Aha123
    Aha123 Posts: 30 Member
    Starting highest weight:246
    My Current Weight: 243
    Monthly Goal Weight: 5 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 203
    lost so far: -
  • lovanwink
    lovanwink Posts: 4 Member
    Starting highest weight:200
    My Current Weight:170
    Monthly Goal Weight:4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150
    lost so far: 30
  • kathykrupa297
    kathykrupa297 Posts: 29 Member
    Starting highest weight:176
    My Current Weight:170
    Monthly Goal Weight: 8lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130
    lost so far: 6lbs
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I'm trying to get back to goal weight. I weigh in on Wednesdays so I'll begin on January 4th.
    Current weight: 134.6
    Goal weight: 128
    Monthly goal weight: 1.5 pounds
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Starting highest weight: 257.8
    My Current Weight: 217.8
    Monthly Goal Weight: 4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
    Lost so far: -
  • aknroberts
    aknroberts Posts: 102 Member
    Starting highest weight: 244.4 1 Jan 2016
    My Current Weight: 231.4 1 Jan 2017
    Monthly Goal Weight: 220.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150
    lost so far: - 13
  • SusanofRockwood
    SusanofRockwood Posts: 122 Member
    Starting highest weight: 172
    My Current Weight: weigh in Mondays
    Monthly Goal Weight: 145
    Ultimate Goal Weight:140
    lost so far: -Started at 172 got down to 132. Looked awful. Settled in at 140. Looked great. Gained 10 back over the last year (menopause/alcohol).
  • macdonald284
    macdonald284 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting highest weight:190
    My Current Weight:190
    Monthly Goal Weight:10
    Ultimate Goal Weight:125
    lost so far: -new year/new me ;)
  • CathyTwentyTwo
    CathyTwentyTwo Posts: 13 Member
    Starting highest weight (now): 187
    My current weight: 187
    Monthlyl Goal Weight: 8-10 lose per month
    Ultimate goal weight: 160
    Lost so far: nada - bring it on
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Starting highest weight: 192
    My Current Weight: 162.4 on Jan. 1
    Monthly Goal Weight: lose 8 lbs/mo.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135 range
    lost so far:

  • Aha123
    Aha123 Posts: 30 Member
    Starting highest weight:246
    My Current Weight: 240
    Monthly Goal Weight: 5 pounds
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 200
    lost so far: - 6 pounds
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Starting highest weight: 335
    My Current Weight: 238
    Monthly Goal Weight: lose 5lbs/month
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130


    January loss in this challenge: -
    Total challenge loss:
  • McMakinTX
    McMakinTX Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!

    Starting highest weight: 271
    My Current Weight: 262.5
    Monthly Goal Weight: 10 lbs/month
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 190 lbs
    lost so far: - 8.5 lbs