harry potter 8



  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Still on the fence about going to see it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The best one! So glad it ended on a postive note. Hogwarts survived and Harry broke the wand.

    SPOILER!!! Hopefully, though, anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet would have avoided this thread expecting someone to ruin the ending. Not trying to be mean... it just irks me when people do that.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm thinking I saw I different film cause I thought it was crap. Mind you, I've hated them all. Was so anti-climatic, didn't get my emotions going like the books do. By the end I thought, oh you know what, who cares if Harry dies (and I really care when I read the books). There was no drama! I expected to cry but I didn't. And all the subtle nuances were missed. I love how Hermione throws herself at Ron in the books because he wants to help the house elves, and then when they join the front lines with their kitchen knives.... I Never got the sense watching it like this was the biggest battle of wizarding history and their entire future depended on it. There was no real grief for the dead or celebration at their victory. It was so emotionally lacking. But that's what you get from totally wooden actors I guess.
    Oh and the last fight between Harry and Voldemort is supposed to happen in the great hall, in front of everyone, with the ghosts of his parents, lupin, sirius etc walking round him giving him encouragement. Pfffffft.

    You make a good point about the emotion. I really felt a lot of that was lacking. But honestly, JK Rowling made the book so long that they had to make two movies to cover the story. And I heard that the director said that it really should have been three. You can't blame the cast simply because the script couldn't fully grasp the book's depth.
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    So so so so good! Deathly Hallows was the only book I hadn't read so it was fun to see how it ended :o) This was definitely the best of all the movies.
  • dingoes
    dingoes Posts: 12
    I loved it! Wasn't the best movie relative to the rest of the series, but it had extra magic because it wrapped up the story very nicely. I saw it at midnight and might see it again once the hype dies down a bit, haha.
  • tigereyz30
    tigereyz30 Posts: 35
    Saw it last night...thought it was fabulous! I have only read book 1 so I'm looking forward to reading the series. I know, I'm one of the few that haven't read it all yet but I prefer to see the movies first and then read the books as the books are always better. That way I'm not disappointed in the movie. It's what gets me excited to read it.
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm thinking I saw I different film cause I thought it was crap. Mind you, I've hated them all. Was so anti-climatic, didn't get my emotions going like the books do. By the end I thought, oh you know what, who cares if Harry dies (and I really care when I read the books). There was no drama! I expected to cry but I didn't. And all the subtle nuances were missed. I love how Hermione throws herself at Ron in the books because he wants to help the house elves, and then when they join the front lines with their kitchen knives.... I Never got the sense watching it like this was the biggest battle of wizarding history and their entire future depended on it. There was no real grief for the dead or celebration at their victory. It was so emotionally lacking. But that's what you get from totally wooden actors I guess.
    Oh and the last fight between Harry and Voldemort is supposed to happen in the great hall, in front of everyone, with the ghosts of his parents, lupin, sirius etc walking round him giving him encouragement. Pfffffft.

    Wow... After hating, 1, 2 and 3... You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't waste your time and money and you should have stopped watching them... I mean really??? You hated them ALL... But yet you really saw 8 movies!!! Wow...

    Because I love the books so much, I had faith that they might get better! I had to see it through to the end. And I go to the cinema a lot, and see a lot of crap films. I like to watch films and form my own opinions about them. I was hoping I'd be wrong about this one and they'd pull something 'magical' out of the bag.
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm thinking I saw I different film cause I thought it was crap. Mind you, I've hated them all. Was so anti-climatic, didn't get my emotions going like the books do. By the end I thought, oh you know what, who cares if Harry dies (and I really care when I read the books). There was no drama! I expected to cry but I didn't. And all the subtle nuances were missed. I love how Hermione throws herself at Ron in the books because he wants to help the house elves, and then when they join the front lines with their kitchen knives.... I Never got the sense watching it like this was the biggest battle of wizarding history and their entire future depended on it. There was no real grief for the dead or celebration at their victory. It was so emotionally lacking. But that's what you get from totally wooden actors I guess.
    Oh and the last fight between Harry and Voldemort is supposed to happen in the great hall, in front of everyone, with the ghosts of his parents, lupin, sirius etc walking round him giving him encouragement. Pfffffft.

    You make a good point about the emotion. I really felt a lot of that was lacking. But honestly, JK Rowling made the book so long that they had to make two movies to cover the story. And I heard that the director said that it really should have been three. You can't blame the cast simply because the script couldn't fully grasp the book's depth.

    That's true (though Daniel Radcliffe really is terrible and maybe with a better Harry I might have felt more for him lol). I get that you never can make films like the original books but when they change such tiny little things that would have been no more difficult to do the JKR way, I just think 'what was the point in that?' And then when they add their new things at the expense of truly great book moments I just think 'arrrgghhhhhhh' The world she created was so vivid and wonderful, I don't know why they felt the need to add their own spin. Sorry everyone, seems like I'm upsetting people but I just really wanted it to be the best. I sobbed my little heart out when I read the book, for this I just felt 'meh.' I'm not totally down on it though (wahey), the cinematography is brilliant, the special effects are unparallelled - it's a nice movie to look at I guess :ohwell:
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    me me me! I thought the movie was great!

    Although, I am SO sad that it's over. I think in part this is because I'm having a difficult time finding another book series to really get into.

    Try the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Absolutely fantastic and they are in the process of filming the first book!
  • weebowll
    weebowll Posts: 15
    I really don't wanna be THAT person, but your topic title gives me a twitch. It was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or shortened... Harry Potter 7 Part 2
    or shortened further... HP 7 P2 :happy: