1000 miles in 2017 (walk or run)



  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    TGTiger wrote: »
    BeLLe_60 wrote: »
    Oops let me try again .. copy the 2 theto your MFP post here and it should work.  The img's are in small letters.

    Thanks! I was having issues with the updated BBCode Ticker updating for me but after a 5th time and your magic timing it worked.

    Great! :)
  • gkingbr
    gkingbr Posts: 292 Member
    Can i join?

    thsi is an awesome goal.
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    Everyone is welcome :) Don't forget to join the group, the link is further up this thread in one of my comments.
  • maug19
    maug19 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. I'm at 7.9 for the year so far. Just walking so far. Not running yet.
  • gkingbr
    gkingbr Posts: 292 Member
    Thank you.

  • OWDad
    OWDad Posts: 30 Member
    Beautiful afternoon in Montreal, another 2 KM logged so far today. If the weather holds, might go for another 3-4 later on. 4 down, 1606 kms left to go.
  • OWDad
    OWDad Posts: 30 Member
    1 KM done in the driving snow. Would have done more but my feet were wet
  • SharonBehringer
    SharonBehringer Posts: 6 Member

  • Cheesecake2812
    Cheesecake2812 Posts: 4 Member

  • RunZumba
    RunZumba Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined the ilovetorun challenge of walking/running 1000 miles in 2017. I had the same goal in 2016 but didn't make it due to several severe injuries. Hopefully my injuries will heal now so I can accomplish this goal. So it looks like we have the same goal. I'm in!
  • RunZumba
    RunZumba Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in! I also went onto the ilovetorun.org sight where you can sign up and get a really nice medal at the end of the year. I have a thing for bling!

    I did the exact same thing! I have a ton of medals from my races, but this medal will be even more special!
  • RunZumba
    RunZumba Posts: 13 Member

  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Jan 4 5.77

  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ugh!!! Ticker won't update again!!!
    I entered my new mileage in and copied the BBCode from the site but it won't update the milage.
  • writer4
    writer4 Posts: 9 Member
    3.1 miles. total of 12 miles so far! Feeling good!
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    @TGTiger, did you hit save before you copied the code? I missed that a couple of times before I figured it out.

    Here's a link to the group if anyone wants to join in- http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/117845-1000-miles-in-2017
  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    edited January 2017
    There's no save on the website when I update (at least that I can see). It worked somehow after trying for nearly 30 minutes. I think it's possessed or something.

    Just posted on the welcome page as well.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Per the tickers, I think there is a time delay before it updates with your new information. Can't tell if it is a set time like an hour or 30 minutes, or if it is a day change like it updates at midnight. But I've noticed the delay as well, and when you post it initially it still has the old information but later it will show the correct/updated info.
  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Per the tickers, I think there is a time delay before it updates with your new information. Can't tell if it is a set time like an hour or 30 minutes, or if it is a day change like it updates at midnight. But I've noticed the delay as well, and when you post it initially it still has the old information but later it will show the correct/updated info.

    Thanks. I thought that I was going to lose my mind!!! :D