Do you eat junk food you crave?

Just wondered do you eat junk food such as chocolate crisps burgers, chips cakes, etc in your diet or do you completely cut it out? I started this week and have ate clean all week cutting out all of the above but now I'm starting to wonder how long I can keep it up competley cutting it all out :/ but yet I feel so guilty to indulge in any of these treats :( x


  • newhighnewlow
    newhighnewlow Posts: 50 Member
    not possible to cut it all and be happy, imho.

    splurge every once in a while, find a way to be thoughtful about when and how you splurge, but learn to love/crave better things.

    (sounds simple... but it isn't... I can say it, but I dont really live it... I eat LOTS of junk still!)
  • missteena88
    missteena88 Posts: 153 Member
    I've found alternatives to all of the crap I used to eat. I could eat a whole box of snack cakes in one day plus loads of other food. Since it's all about calories, find "healthier" things with lower calories you can sub. That way you can still enjoy treats but won't have to sacrifice so many calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't eat that much junk food, so when I do it's really not that big of a deal relative to my diet as a whole...

    My question is why would a hamburger be junk food? It's just ground beef.

    I go out for pizza or something with my kids about once every couple of weeks. I usually have something like a piece of choclate or Reece's cups or something along those lines for desert most nights.

    Look at your diet in the context of the whole.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I do still eat "junk" food, I just eat it less often, and sometimes in smaller quantities.

    Your best bet is do what you can to remove emotion from food. Eating is not morality. You should not feel guilty about food unless you stole it :naughty:. Someone isn't a better person than you because they eat certain foods. Food is just fuel, that we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy too!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited January 2017
    Absolutely, if I have access to it. Why not? Weight loss/gain/maintaining is all about calories and not about the foods one eats/doesn't eat.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just wondered do you eat junk food

  • Ploofs
    Ploofs Posts: 59 Member
    I eat junk food all the time :D
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    It's all about balance, I always let myself have a treat every now and then!
  • NeuronsNeuronsNeurons
    NeuronsNeuronsNeurons Posts: 83 Member
    edited January 2017
    If you binge and these foods might trigger a binge: have a plan for indulging and log it in advance. if you can't resist or eat more than you planned you may want to dial that back and try again down the road.
  • Caper1972
    Caper1972 Posts: 25 Member
    I know that if I cut out everything I enjoy that I will fail. Sometimes just having one bite satisfies that craving, then I just record it with the rest of my food.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    I don't crave a lot of that stuff, but if I do want it, I fit it into my day. :)
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I'm realistic with myself and know that totally cutting out "bad" food just wouldn't work. So usually once a week I'll leave a meal blank and fill that with a burger from McD's or whatever. Not a whole large combo or anything silly but I leave 4-500 calories open to enjoy something small. Every few weeks I might have a "cheat day" where my day consists of foods like that just to knock out cravings. Usually up my calories to maintenance and hit the gym hard that day so I'm still in a deficit. There's plenty of ways to go about enjoying your food, even the bad stuff if you do it in moderation
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    If I really crave something I'm gonna find a way to work it into my diet.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    My first month I cut out most junk food, but I missed it and it does make your social life more difficult. Now I eat all the yummy things, just not all of them in one day.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    Just wondered do you eat junk food such as chocolate crisps burgers, chips cakes, etc in your diet x

    Yes, I do.
    All of the above except burgers - not that there is anything wrong with burgers, I just don't like them much.

    Of course I don't eat all of them every day and of course I don't eat them in unlimited quantities.

    But my weekly intake almost always consists of small amounts within my calorie allowance.