Women over 40, wanting to lose 20 lbs, support/motivation/success?



  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Lazy Saturday here - feeling sore from piyo yesterday and we are snowed in. I'm forcing myself to lift some weights at least. I've been eating well and exercising for a week and am looking forward to weighing in on Monday. Do you all weigh yourselves each Monday?
  • JLWright73
    JLWright73 Posts: 39 Member
    I have so much in common with all of you! I am 5'3 and currently weigh around 144 but want to get down to around 125-128. I lost about 20 pounds last year but it just wont budge anymore. I work out alot with cardio but this year want to add more resistance training and weight lifting. I have looked alot at Kayla Itsines program and her Sweat with Kayla app- anyone familiar with this? It seems geared more toward younger women though. Would love to add anyone as friends.

    I just turned 43 in November. I am 5'6" and weigh 171 right now. I would love to get down to between 135-145. I was doing really well and had gotten down to 159 but the holidays undid all that. I have had Kayla's ebook program for quite while now and have tried it several times. I can usually make it two or three weeks and then move on. I am not a fan of all the high-impact jumping moves. I am in awe of the results people get with the program, but I just have to accept it is not the program for me. I don't feel 43, but I need to admit that my body just can't do what it used to. I am concentrating on gentler workouts and adding way more stretching, which I used to never do.
  • julirobbins1
    julirobbins1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!! I am 51 years young..Into my second week with MFP and wearing a Garmin step tracker as well! I currently weigh 139 and my goal is 125. I'm really hoping to stick with this until I win and have found that having this program is truly making me accountable! Everyday that I stay on track I wake up feeling like a stronger person. I am learning to enjoy not feeling stuffed as I was truly a comfort binger. I wish you all the very best on your journeys to the incredible new you!!
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Lazy Saturday here - feeling sore from piyo yesterday and we are snowed in. I'm forcing myself to lift some weights at least. I've been eating well and exercising for a week and am looking forward to weighing in on Monday. Do you all weigh yourselves each Monday?

    I've gone back to weighing daily - my weight fluctuates anywhere from 2-4 pounds due to water retention, so I like to see what the weekly average is. I peeked at your diary, you're doing great! Trust that you're definitely doing all the right things to make progress (sometimes that scale is a liar!) :)
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi,it's encouraging to find ladies taking the same path!
    I'm 47 and 5'3" with3 kids...in the last 10 yrs I've gained 40 pounds which I have to loose because they just show so much . I started w/ MFP 6 days ago & lost 2pounds so far.. After reading your posts,I'm really motivated to to start exercise.
    Pls count me in ! I really need the enouragement & guidance of a group!!
  • gabbott00
    gabbott00 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to be accountable. I am a mom of 2 teenage girls. I am 47, 5'1" and 145.5 lbs. I would like to see the 120s again! It feels like everything I do, i do with 20 extra lbs strapped to my back and it sure feels like it. I think it would be easier to move with 20 lbs gone. I exercise about 2 to 3 times a week either cardio or weights. I don't log or eat my exercise calories back. I am aiming to lose about 0.5 lbs per week.
  • kdubsc
    kdubsc Posts: 6 Member
    I am 41, mother of two, and have 25 pounds to lose to hit my goal weight of 130 (I am 5 5"). Would love to join a over 40 group to motivate, encourage and share ideas. Will send you a friend request. THANKS and keep up the good work!
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi I'm gonna be the big 50 in December and want to lose 20 lbs. The same 20 lbs I lost and put back on in 12 months!! I'm currently 151lbs and foot...... Good luck ladies we got this :)
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm 43, 5foot 1.5, 157 lb, clothes less, first thing in the morning on my wonky scale at home, quite a bit more in the gym - I think 76kg. For now need to drop about 20lb more or doctor is threatening me with blood pressure medication. Longer term it's probably more like 30 lb, but I'd be more concerned with body fat% than actual number on the scale. So while I'd been working on it, I've upped the ante quite a bit to get my health sorted. Not just nutrition and exercise, looking at sleep, stress, meditation and anything else sensible that I think will help.

    I go to a strength and conditioning gym most days, small classes, strong emphasis on power lifting, so I guess I eat quite a bit to fuel that while leaving enough of a deficit that I can lose weight! Probably 1700 cal plus. I'm hoping to get a bit stronger in the process too!

    Try weight lifting of you haven't before. Gives you such confidence. It gives you a real boost when you realise after a few months that you're standing there with your own body weight on a bar on your shoulders and you can comfortably handle it.

  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Good morning everybody! How are we doing this cold Monday morning? My kids are having another snow day so we will all be stuck inside (again) but I'm dressed to work out and determined to stay on track. Today was weigh in day for me:

    start weight 1/3/17: 150
    today weight 1/9/17: 147.2

    goal weight: 130

    Worked hard this week and the scale cooperated. That's not always the case but very happy it worked out today.
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats on the loss! My weight is finally starting to head in the right direction, and I'm hoping it continues. I'm experimenting with different carbs right now to see what influence it has on my weight, because I am getting tired of eating eggs! Just looking for the right balance.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I just turned 45.....5'4 and lost 45lbs. I've been maintaining for a year now. If you need more friends feel free to add me.
  • HellomynameisMOM
    HellomynameisMOM Posts: 13 Member
    I would love some 40+ friends. I am not great about keeping my diary perfect and maybe having some accountability will make me step up my game! I am 47, 5'4", started at 141, am at 138 and would like to get to 128.
  • CyndiA1027
    CyndiA1027 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 48 and, at 5'9", could pretty much eat what I wanted as long as I was moving a little. That ended at about age 42 so I started running...then I got into triathlons and I lost a ton of weight. This past August I just stopped working out (don't have a good reason) and I've gained quickly! I am about 30 pounds heavier than my triathlon training weight, which was probably a little thin, so I would like to lose about 20 to 25 pounds. I am trying to get back to the running, but I live in Chicago so it is very cold out currently and I hate the treadmill. I use a lot of the workouts on skinnyms.com. They are quick and easy and can usually be done in your own home with no additional equipment. I also started Plexus (all natural plant-based supplements). I find that the supplements have really helped to control my sugar cravings and give me energy that seems to be hard to come by as my age increases!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Went to a Piyo class again this morning - it's getting a little easier but I still need to take a few breaks. After the first class, I could barely move for 3 days. Loving Piyo!
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Went to a Piyo class again this morning - it's getting a little easier but I still need to take a few breaks. After the first class, I could barely move for 3 days. Loving Piyo!

    I've never tried Piyo - are there more benefits than doing yoga alone? I'm about as inflexible as they come :)
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi I'm 50!! Do you all think it's realistic to set my weight loss goal at 25 lbs by July 3rd? that's 30 weeks.
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I'm 50!! Do you all think it's realistic to set my weight loss goal at 25 lbs by July 3rd? that's 30 weeks.

    It sounds like a reasonable goal on the surface, but it's hard to say with certainty. I know for me it can take awhile to lose those last few ponds. But commiting to 30 weeks of exercise and mindful eating will definitely yield positive results, even beyond the scale!
  • daintyflower526
    daintyflower526 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 47, Started 1 week ago at 210 lbs on a 5'5" frame. I've had both my knees partially replaced. My right was December 2015 and the left was October 1, 2016. The day I was on the scale for the left knee I was 220 so I survived the holidays dropping pounds by going to Planet Fitness. I would love to be down to 170-180. I use the Atkins weight loss program AND some weight watcher suggestions. I would love to add anyone as a friend on here to help me stay accountable. My little sister does weight watchers and told me that I could have a cheat day once a week if necessary but I do have a hard time coming back on track. My kids are older so they usually do their own thing for meals. I have 2 grandbabies and a hubby who loves me no matter what my size. SO I NEED OTHERS TO HELP ME