How to cut junk food?



  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    laburto wrote: »
    I am trying to cut out junk food such as chocolate, icecream, fast food, etc. What is one way to start this without craving it, and has anyone lost any weight by doing this? I have been working out and I have lost 40lbs so far but I would like to lose about 20-30 lbs more. I think I am plateau right now. Any suggestions?

    Send the "junk" food my way. I'm running low in ice cream lol.

    Hahaha definitely!!! I won't be needing it!
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    laburto wrote: »
    has anyone lost any weight by doing this?

    Anyone who cut calories by doing so would have lost weight, presumably.

    To figure out how to do it, I think you have to figure out when and why you eat those foods and have a good reason to rely on for why you are doing it. I find that if I have a reason I believe in for doing something it's not that hard, and if I don't it's hard to stick to.

    As for "cravings," I find that I tend to think about foods when I normally eat. This meant that I was able to cut back easily by sticking to 3 main meals (my preference) per day and just being strong during the first week or so when I still wanted to eat at other times (sometimes I'd have raw veg between meals to make it easier). Once I adjusted to my new habits it wasn't too hard.

    The first time I did this I also cut out added sugar, and didn't find it too hard (but also not especially useful for me), and after that I mostly kept what I call "extras" (sweets or maybe some good cheese or the like) for an after dinner dessert when I had calories (which is usually).

    I don't find a hard and fast "never this" rule works for me for anything, although there are foods that rarely fit in my plan and I rarely am interested in eating, but of course you may be different. For MOST people (not necessarily you) I think there's this reaction to "I eat too much X" that becomes "I will never eat X" when if you really like X that's hard and it might be worth trying to fit in X occasionally in a more limited way.

    For example, I am not that restrained with Indian food but rather than cut it out I have it much more rarely (maybe once a month or less) and usually pair it with a big workout.

    Awesome thanks for the advice!
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    Overly restricting foods for SOME people cause them to binge on them later. Figure out if you are the type that can moderate or if you have to restrict.

    I no longer buy foods I tend to overeat on like chips, cookies & chocolate for the house in large bags. I buy the single serving (not a box of single servings). This has helped me be able to have occasions potato chips with a sandwich or a small packet of hershey's kisses that I can have a few (if I end up eating the whole bag its 220 calories).

    Hope this helps!

    Oooh yeah almond kisses r soo addicting hahaaa
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    You've lost weight, so you know what you're doing. Easiest for me is to substitute lower calories alternatives like PB2 for peanut butter, yogurt for ice cream or red peppers and hummus for chips.

    Yeah I'm good with working out...but food is what kills me haha it's soo hard!! Lol thanks for the advice!
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    laburto wrote: »
    Overly restricting foods for SOME people cause them to binge on them later. Figure out if you are the type that can moderate or if you have to restrict.

    I no longer buy foods I tend to overeat on like chips, cookies & chocolate for the house in large bags. I buy the single serving (not a box of single servings). This has helped me be able to have occasions potato chips with a sandwich or a small packet of hershey's kisses that I can have a few (if I end up eating the whole bag its 220 calories).

    Hope this helps!

    Oooh yeah almond kisses r soo addicting hahaaa

    Heehee addicting uh just no! Something I might overeat on, yeah just like salty chips & bacon.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    As far as icecream, Halo Top is much lower in calories than regular icecream at 240 calories a pint and absolutely delicious. Arctic Zero is even lower in calories but is just ok. Halo Top is far better. Ironically, I eat icecream much more often now than when I did 100+ pounds ago.
  • melto1989
    melto1989 Posts: 140 Member
    Cold Turkey.
    Sweet is my weakness.... I need to stay away till I can control myself so cold Turkey I've had stuff but just a bite to settle my urges
  • Michelle2622017
    Michelle2622017 Posts: 17 Member
    1. Don't cut out foods or food groups. Just stay within your calorie limit. So, eat *some* ice cream, not a whole lot of ice cream.
    2. Take a calorie counting break for a week or two and eat at maintenance. The mental break is nice.
    3. Learn to lucid dream and dream about eating whatever you want.

  • MikeGettingSmaller
    MikeGettingSmaller Posts: 10 Member
    I use sugar free popsicles. There is really not much of anything in them but they give me something to eat in the evenings when I have cravings.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If you don't want to eat a whole chocolate candy bar, you could use a knife?
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    My suggestion - Don't buy it (at least not a whole multi-serving package that will be in the house everytime you crave it)! If it's a high calorie junk food item, save it for occasionally buying 1 serving when out. For instance - stop at the ice cream stand during/after a long bike ride (group rides seem to often have stops at ice cream stands FYI) or the kwiki-mart after a long run, etc and get a single serving of whatever treat item.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    laburto wrote: »
    I am trying to cut out junk food such as chocolate, icecream, fast food, etc. What is one way to start this without craving it, and has anyone lost any weight by doing this? I have been working out and I have lost 40lbs so far but I would like to lose about 20-30 lbs more. I think I am plateau right now. Any suggestions?

    If you have been working out, and you have cut out must junk food and lost 40lbs.
    I would think you already have a valid game plan.
    Carry on.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member the risk of incurring the snarkiness of a whole lot of MFPers who feel like CICO is all that matters, and starting a snit-storm of debate and comments about just wanting to sell you stuff. etc., blah, blah, blah...I will say this anyway:

    Whole30 is a "short-term nutritional reset, designed to help you put an end to unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your immune system." My girlfriend and I are on Day 8 of the 30 day program and we are feeling amazing already. Ask me...

    The protocol is laid out in great detail on the website. If you want to buy the book for more in-depth info, it's not unreasonable, but you don't need it. At least take a look - - and decide for yourself.

    So for whatever it's worth, take it or leave it. Anyone who wants to engage in debate about Whole30, go ahead...knock yourself out. I won't participate...I chose a course and I'm on it. You do you...
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Halo Top ice cream is really good!

    I don't cut out foods completely. I want to enjoy life. I find a way to fit it in and be honest about it.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    laburto wrote: »
    I am trying to cut out junk food such as chocolate, icecream, fast food, etc. What is one way to start this without craving it, and has anyone lost any weight by doing this? I have been working out and I have lost 40lbs so far but I would like to lose about 20-30 lbs more. I think I am plateau right now. Any suggestions?

    I'd say ease into it. Instead of cutting it out completely just eat it less often.

    As for the plateau I'm not really sure. You might need to lower your calorie goal after losing 40 lbs. A smaller person doesn't need as many calories as a larger person. Depending on what types of workouts you are doing you might also try switching to something new and different or increasing intensity of what you are doing now.
  • noemorales1022
    noemorales1022 Posts: 53 Member
    I would slowly cut down your servings. Start with every other day, then 3 days a week, then 2, then only on Sunday or something. You can also put your junk food in zip loc bags and divide them throughout the week. You can also search for alternatives, pick whole grain chips instead of regular, etc. or if you can't stay away from those snacks, earn them. Do as many push-ups/squats/jumping jacks as the calories you're going to eat right before. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    laburto wrote: »
    I am trying to cut out junk food such as chocolate, icecream, fast food, etc. What is one way to start this without craving it, and has anyone lost any weight by doing this? I have been working out and I have lost 40lbs so far but I would like to lose about 20-30 lbs more. I think I am plateau right now. Any suggestions?

    I started over four years ago...I made small, incremental changes over time...adding more of this and eating less of that. I eat very well for the most part and have treats here and there. I usually finish the evening off with some dark chocolate. Fast food has never really been an issue for me as I'm kind of a food snob and have never enjoyed fast food...I do love pizza and we have a pizza day every couple of weekends. We usually have ice cream as a family on Saturday.

  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Depends on what it is but a knife will get 90% of the jobs done!
  • CrazyDaisyMom
    CrazyDaisyMom Posts: 79 Member
    I struggle terribly with sweet foods. I haven't had much sugar in the last month and a half and I think it's because I've started eating Pure Protein bars. While they aren't ideal food, I think the thought of having sugar (they only have 2 grams of sugar) helps me out. I don't even crave sweets anymore, and I'm now becoming able to say "no" when people offer it. Which is unreal!
  • laburto
    laburto Posts: 43 Member the risk of incurring the snarkiness of a whole lot of MFPers who feel like CICO is all that matters, and starting a snit-storm of debate and comments about just wanting to sell you stuff. etc., blah, blah, blah...I will say this anyway:

    Whole30 is a "short-term nutritional reset, designed to help you put an end to unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your immune system." My girlfriend and I are on Day 8 of the 30 day program and we are feeling amazing already. Ask me...

    The protocol is laid out in great detail on the website. If you want to buy the book for more in-depth info, it's not unreasonable, but you don't need it. At least take a look - - and decide for yourself.

    So for whatever it's worth, take it or leave it. Anyone who wants to engage in debate about Whole30, go ahead...knock yourself out. I won't participate...I chose a course and I'm on it. You do you...

    Awesome I will take a look at it! Thanks!