husband sabotaging my efforts!



  • CindyFooWho
    CindyFooWho Posts: 179 Member
    edited January 2017
    He "has you chop the nuts?" Just say no. You're obviously going to have to be strong and stand up for yourself and your efforts, so start there. Say no, this was your idea. You chop the damn nuts.

    I live with 2 young men with great metabolisms (my sons) and a husband who knows nothing of healthy eating. Nothing. It would be so much easier to ignore temptations without them in my home, but that's not the case. So I'm responsible for making myself strong.
  • TinaAckerWalsh
    TinaAckerWalsh Posts: 1 Member
    Find another ally in a friend, family member, or co-worker. Also, have you brought it to his attention in a way that illustrates what this means to you while NOT simply demanding he support you? What I mean is, you should be able to go to a loving, supportive husband and say, "I'm coming to you with a problem that I hope you can help me solve. I'm trying to be more healthy, to make good choices and to live a healthier life. I need your support. I'm not asking you to give up your cookies and baked goods, but I am asking for your understanding that for me, I can't help you bake cookies. Do I have your support that when you want to bake unhealthy sweets, you can do that, but I'll be exercising while you bake..."
  • iangelab
    iangelab Posts: 42 Member
    This is part of the challenge we experience when switching to a healthy diet. You have to learn to say no-you cannot rely on those around you to follow what your doing. I can tell you that if you say no often enough, people will stop asking or putting things in front of you they know you won't eat. Its up to you to be consistent though, not them. If helping with making them is too much, then you are allowed to say "no, I am sorry, I can't help with that-it's just too tempting" and go do something else while he makes it. Give your husband a break-he probably doesn't realize what he is doing-he has the same patterns you do-and it takes time to reset those. Ultimately, this is up to you-no one else. You can do it, many of us have and we know its difficult-but you are worth it.
  • Briubbly
    Briubbly Posts: 7 Member
    I thought you meant he was like sneaking sugar in your food or something lol.
    Mine brings donuts in the house but its more of a habit of mine than anything so he may just not realize that it is affecting you I'd talk with him that you'd like him to not do it as often and try being more supportive
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    Others have said it but I will say it again.

    This is your journey, you can't blame him for wanting to make cookies for a potluck.

    My SO always offers me food because she thinks she's being considerate. We have gotten to a place where I understand that she will offer and she understands I will say no. I can't expect her not to eat things she wants in front of me and it's OK for me to say no.

    once in a great while I will say yes because 1 bad meal or snack will not blow everything.

    I also sit with 2 full coffee cups of candy on my desk every single day and I eat NONE of it. It's there for other people to come and take as they please but I don't touch it.

    This is my journey, I alone have the power to succeed or fail.
  • Tinkpinkster
    Tinkpinkster Posts: 1 Member
    This is about him, not you. Try not to take it personally. I empathize with your perspective but it IS a matter of perspective. He is comfortable with the way things were and people don't like change; just like this change is difficult for you. Maintain your boundary and stand your ground. He isn't forcing the food in your mouth; this is up to you. Good luck and stay the course :smiley:
  • carmy7850
    carmy7850 Posts: 24 Member
    You dont want him to change completely with your new lifestyle and stress that to him. But do some research on healthy meals that conform to your plan and tasty enough that he will be impressed.He will come around and get excited with you on delicious meals and sweets that are healthy And satisfying. Let him know his help will be appreciated and rewarding.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,091 Member
    I think one person said 'dump him' and pretty sure he was being facetious. :)
  • brianatca
    brianatca Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think it is a big deal to be honest. Next time let him know in advance that you do not want him making the cookies. Also 10 lbs is nothing. It is so hard to eat and be healthy. Be thankful that he does that at least.

    If he deliberately tries to sabotage you then that is a another story....time to give him a smack down verbally lol
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I ignore all the stupid stuff my husband does. It's why we're still married.

    Totally this!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited January 2017
    So he has no right to bake food, or have food that he likes, in the house just because his wife is on a diet? Sounds like a pretty crappy way to have a marriage.

    And you would be the person, who would drink a keg, in front of the friend who trying to quite drinking.. Great friendship you would have.

    The person trying to quit drinking has no business at a kegger. Just sayin'.

    @AnAbsoluteDiva ... you're on a roll!
  • aka62792
    aka62792 Posts: 98 Member
    NO ONE can make you do what you do not want to do. My Friend lost 100 pounds, with an Idiot bringing Pizza, M&M, Cheesecake etc etc home every day. WHY ? He wanted her Fat because if she lost weight other Guys would be interested. She Ignored the MORON, looks Gorgeous and is married to a more supportive Hunk.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    The people comparing being on scientifically invalid, overly restrictive fad diet with being in AA need to check their heads. There is no comparison.
  • WayTooHonest
    WayTooHonest Posts: 144 Member
    I ignore all the stupid stuff my husband does. It's why we're still married.

    @AnAbsoluteDiva You win the internet.