SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, July 11th



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning,

    Just a quick post. Feeling kind of out of it this morning. I got my grocery list made and we're about to go to the stores. I am not sure what my goals are for the day other than logging my food and trying to stay within the range. I have really struggled with this. I am an emotional eater (doesn't matter what emotion, I will eat), so I've been recognizing that when it happens. It doesn't mean I stop eating/snacking by any means. Some times, I just really don't care. :ohwell:
    Not sure what's on the exercise horizon today. A walk at least, and I need to get some serious deep cleaning done but I am losing motivation. I slacked off too much yesterday so I need to do something today. I feel really worn out today for some reason. Hmmm.

    Fatigued and lazy today boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    V - I had cookies for dinner last night, so I'm right there with you. :ohwell:

    The day had been okay, until I went shopping while tired and hungry (can you say STUPID? :tongue: ) And of course the reduced bakery items caught my eye. I thought "Oh! I can have one bite of cookie and the rest will go with hubby to work tomorrow." Wrong...I had several of them. :embarassed: After I gobbled down a few and realized what I'd done it upset me so much I actually cried.

    I managed to exercise again after, so I think I offset at least some extra calories, if there were any (had about 500 left for the day). But that momentary out of control feeling still bothers me. However, I'm just going to take it as a lesson learned. Dinner before shopping, and cookies are not worth it.

    MM - I've only been on the meds for a few weeks. I think like you it's going to take me longer to really be able to tell if they're working. But the doc said to talk about them in four weeks. I guess I can always just say I need more time to evaluate how I'm feeling.

    I hope you feel better. :flowerforyou:

    Goals today: Only nutritious whole food. Exercise. Work on my to do list, and hopefully actually finish today's.

    It's a shiny new day, the past is in the past, boogaloo. :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Sorry I have to post again. :wink: Instead of signing off as MM I'm going to start signing off as TH (Thread Hogger)!:laugh:

    I found out why I am not feeling 100% today. AF surprised me and showed up this morning. After a miscarriage I really figured it would be about 6 weeks before I had another cycle. Another surprise is that it showed up (without symptoms other than feeling a little off) on day 30 instead of day 32-35. It explains my tiredness, feeling "off", and why I spent too much at the grocery store. :blushing: I have got to get that under control. I bought some Keebler chocolate peanut butter bars. I should have resisted, but I didn't. I did resist the Snickers bar (including the ice cream ones) and the other chocolate things I wanted. However I did not resist getting the small everything at a fast food restaurant afterwards, including a coke. So I'm not doing so great today. It was lunch time, I was hungry, I needed a bag of ice anyway. Not a good combo. I need to remember to eat something before I go to the store (see Olivia, I'm the same way.)
    But I still have all afternoon and evening to make up for it and get back on track. I will still get a walk in and some cleaning. Now that I know why I don't feel great, I'm not going to let it control me.

    Confessions boogaloo.
    TH :wink:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    MM - Well if you're a thread hog I am too, cause I'm gonna post again as well! :laugh:

    I'm dealing with AF also (and earlier than I expected it too! But it's what was normal for me before my cycle started being crazy, so I hope it means I'm regulating.) So we're probably both being thrown off a little by it.

    Another long term goal/guideline for me: I MUST make cooking/preparing my food a priority. Above working out, above getting the housework done. Proper food is a necessity.

    1. I can not expect to have enough stamina to complete any of my other tasks if I am not getting the right kind of nutrition.
    2. I can not follow my calories well if I am eating food that doesn't help sustain me.
    3. Bread is not a meal, even if it -is- toasted. :laugh:

    NO CONVENIENCE FOOD. I will plan ahead.

    Eat what will give my body the most benefit, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi all. I've had months of eating that I haven't been very proud of lately, so I know how you feel! Emotional eating is big issue for me. But, it's been frustrating and disappointing for me to accept, because I thought I was over that time of my life - because I was able to lose the weight, because I challenged myself and succeeded - I thought I was under control. What I've learned in the past year and a half, is that I'm not over it. I was fooling myself, and when life got harder again (mega-stress at work, injuries, family illness), I lost confidence, and lost control again. Without the ego boost of losing weight and pushing myself at exercise, I lost confidence, and lost control. And like MM, sometimes I just don't care.

    So, yes - preparation is big. Today I almost blew it because I forgot to bring my lunch. But, instead doing what I'd normally do (eat from a vending machine, at my desk, because I'm so busy and stressed), I said, "well, I guess I need to go out and get some lunch!" So I went to Wegmans, picked stuff from the food bar that had calories listed (along with a big apple for a snack later), noted it in my Blackberry, and then sat down and ate my lunch. The world didn't end because I went out to lunch! And I didn't get anything from that stupid vending machine. <tiny victory dance>

    Alright, time for PT and bed.

    Eat a real lunch, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:

    Edited to add: we made it to two pages on the thread this week! Yeah!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    CP - update on the shoes - I still really like them. They are harder to walk fast in thus far. As I learn, I will update again. I really like them as a walking around town shoe. The only people that notice them are my friends who are used to seeing me in the gorilla shoes. (For Olivia: I wear minimalist shoes called vibram five fingers or my latest ones runamocs that I was discussing above).

    Ended up going to two yoga classes yesterday as well as walking - both classes were on the easy side, but I kept thinking "I remember when three hours of yoga would be a lot" :laugh: I keep thinking I need to make a website that reviews yoga classes. Not a judgement (this would be a challenge for me), but just informative. Classes at such and such are mostly flow, start late, last 90 minutes, etc. Seriously, I have yet to go to a class at one studio where they started remotely on time. A big pet peeve for me. Why say you're going to start at noon if you don't start until 12:10?!? I know it's the students coming in late, not the teacher coming late, but there's got to be a solution. Again, non-judgements are hard for me. The other challenge would be going to classes I don't like (as well as not getting into trouble when I say stuff like classes never start on time). While I do believe the teacher is more important than the method, I'm less likely to enjoy a class in another method.

    Also I considered making an app called "the green salad" or similar. Here's my idea: you start with a base: different greens, then it selects suggested toppings, slowly narrowing down until you have a salad. So you can select what you already have in your pantry. Basically a good salad is greens + fat + sweet + crunchy + optional protein. So if you have herb lettuce, it would give you a choice of the following fruits (sweet): strawberries, figs, etc, but not raspberries as they would be overpowered by the lettuce. Then it might give you a choice of cheese based on your pick of herb lettuce + strawberries, so you would want a nice soft cheese like goat or feta, but not munster. And it can go in any order - so if you can start with the strawberries and work back. The diagram would be a really messy "if, then". Puts my brain in a whirl just thinking about it.

    So that's my novel for the day. Oh, today is teaching at noon, group practice at 4:30 :bigsmile: , a walk in there somewhere.

    Ramblings, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    CP, say no to vending machines. :wink: Sounds like you made the right choice yesterday! One right choice can always lead to another! And another and another on!

    Livi, I agree. Food prep is a must. Hence the reason I went out to eat yesterday. I was not prepared, even for a snack.

    I am not feeling great today but I am still going to try to do C25K. I slept bad again last night so I want to lay around, watch movies, read books, and nap. I am determined to log my food, clean something, and run today.
    My sister posted something on FB that I thought was a great way to look at weight loss: "It's kind of like faith and prayers. You have hope and faith when you pray but sometimes don't see the results for awhile. It's worth it!"
    It encouraged me and I hope it will encourage you all as well. :smile:

    Staying encouraged boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    CP, I know exactly what you mean about thinking you had it all figured out, life intervening and realizing "uh-oh, maybe not". Again, get out of my head! :wink: Mary, I would like to propose that 3 hours is still a lot of yoga :wink: .

    Since we're sort of in confession mode, I only managed a short walk yesterday as my trainer had to cancel. Goal for the day is to shop for delicious and real food for dinner, and pick up light weights for arm, and back exercises with attention to good form. This has not been a bad week, but it has been a high stress week, so I have been disappointed in my food choices, although I have been sticking to my "one portion at a time" rule, I have had dessert at meal times (gulp) three times. Today I will do better.

    I'm also really trying to remind myself that movement is medicine, and at least walking every day is as important as taking my medication and getting my sleep in. I find I'm still in a bit of "but if I can't do a really high calorie burning, super hardcore workout, what's the point?" mode, and that is the wrong kind of thinking, so I'm trying to re-wire that thought.

    Re-wire, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Movement is medicine, I like that.

    I dislike being up so early on a Saturday. Yoga people are crazy. I would never want this shift regularly, besides, it would get in the way of workshops.

    So I'm teaching 3 hours of yoga, then lunch, walk, new Potter movie, dinner. Sounds like a pretty good day.

    The kick butt yoga teacher just announced she's going to have a special intensive in March of 2012 - 5 hours of yoga a day. Should be lots of fun. I already emailed her to find out if I can come (certain classes require certain levels of experience), and she said yes. :bigsmile:

    Early morning, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    V, I can relate to the "but if I can't do a really high calorie burning, super hardcore workout, what's the point?" mode. I have been struggling with that since I started working out again. I was doing almost an hour and a half of exercise 3-5 times a week just a few months ago. Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes doesn't seem to count for much. But it is better than nothing! And I can tell that even that little bit is making a difference.
    Mary, Sounds like a fun busy day! Hope it's a good one!

    We didn't sleep good again last night. Steve said his back has gone into one of his hurting spells the last few nights and I just don't sleep good during girly time. :grumble: I need to not be sitting long or I won't get anything done today. We were invited to two parties today. One is for a teenager of our friends and is a swimming party. Uh, can't do that today. :blushing: Or at least just don't feel like it. The other is for a friend of mine and it's a late night thing. I told her we would stop by but we had to get Alex to bed early. My idea for those of you who don't like parties: "rent" a kid and tell your friends you can't stay because your kid has to get to bed. :wink: I love this friend but I do not like parties, especially when I don't feel good and I don't know the people.
    Steve has been talking about moving now. He might ask his bosses for a raise which would get us into a nicer house. We need to hurry up though so we can be moved in and settled before Miss I comes home! We looked at a couple last night. One of them we both really like the interior. The downfalls: yard is mostly dirt and the side is on a busy street where people do 45-55 mph. We just think it would be too noisy and get on our nerves. If it was somewhere else I think Steve would have scheduled a showing already. lol. So we will keep looking and see if anything comes up. But he has to get a raise or else it won't work. If you can't tell by my posts over the last three years, we are an indecisive couple. :laugh:
    My goals today: walk on the treadmill, log food, deep cleaning in case we are moving, and stay cool.
    Oh and I didn't stay in calories yesterday. We had ice cream last night.

    Making decisions boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Yesterday was good and productive. But exhausting. At least my apartment is starting to feel like mine again, instead of the ruins of some kind of natural disaster.

    I'm hoping for another productive day, but uhg, I'm tired.

    Trying my best, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yesterday was another sort of goal fail for me, exercise wise. I managed to get the work done, some housework done, my food goals and water goals accomplished, but only managed a very short walk. For an unknown reason, my fatigue levels have crept back up. I can predict that my body is unpredictable.

    Today is: more work, walking, arms and back after my first work session (really, I mean it) and water/real food. That seems like enough.

    Work, move, work, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Hope everyone got enough sleep last night. I could use another night of good sleep to completely be myself.

    Today: bike ride to the store and yoga this evening. I was going to take the day off yoga because I'm still sore from Friday (tons of push up backbends), but Charlie wants to practice this evening.

    Enjoyed Harry Potter 7 yesterday which was followed by Indian food (an enormous dosa) and gelato. Nom.

    Better get moving before it gets too hot, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yesterday was a good day in meeting my "movement is medicine" goal. I managed to get what felt at the time like a super light weights workout (although I feel it today a bit, so it was not as light as I thought) and a long walk. Today, I go back to Zumba, despite nerves because of the incident last week. It should be the regular, beloved teacher today. I think it's been well over a month since I've gotten to take her class, so I'm excited as well as nervy.

    Other than that, I'm doing laundry (how do two people produce so much?) and writing, eating real food (which I also managed to do yesterday, despite severe ice cream cravings) and drinking plenty of water.

    Hey, Mary, I vote restorative practice.:wink:

    Better choices, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I am celebrating the small victory that today I "hit the wall" and felt serious "oh my gosh, I don't think I can go on" fatigue at the 45 minute mark in Zumba (it's been happening at 30 minutes). I've been concentrating on remembering to get good, deep breaths in during my cardio, which seems to be helping with the fatigue during exercise. Oxygen is important.:laugh:

    Also, the studio owner said that she had a talk with the sub about all the hollering. She didn't like it either. I said that I wasn't mad but I just wasn't "meeting her there". I felt good about how I communicated, and most of the other Zumba ladies agreed that It wasn't what they wanted, either.

    Also, I just ate the BEST raspberries (they're in season now here). That is all.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good job on pushing through V. :smile:

    A quick post from me for a change. I am not doing so great on eating and not so great on exercise either. I didn't work out yesterday because we went to look at houses. Eating isn't working out because it's hot for the 6 week in a row and I don't like to cook when it's hot. I'm a baby. I should have bought sandwich stuff instead.
    Steve gave me the money to go buy some really cute shoes at Target. Here's the link
    He said they are so me and I need to get them. My sister also sent me a late birthday gift card to Kohl's and last week we got a Kohl's gift card for $10, and they have a lot on sale right now. So I am going shopping! I wish I had a friend to go with. Looks like I will go alone. Kind of nice to go alone but I feel insecure because I haven't been out by myself in forever! So I am going out in a bit to get my shoes and shop probably for an out fit to go with it.
    I hope it's not depressing to me because I am really struggling with my weight. I tried to put my jeans on this morning and wow. That was an eye opener. I need to get this under control. I'm having a really hard time saying no to things I don't need. I may have to get severe with myself soon. :tongue: Some thing has to change. I can't keep doing what I'm doing.

    Blank boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    So I'll admit that yesterday wasn't as productive as I'd intended, since I spent most of the day talking with a friend. :ohwell: But it was relaxing and I felt rested today. Been busy most of the day, and exercised even though it's usually a rest day since I skipped it last night.

    I'm going out for a movie tonight with hubby, and my goal is to get the apartment tidy and not use going out as an excuse to let it slide. It really won't be that hard if I make myself take the time. I'll thank myself for it tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    Oh, and I'm almost back at my ticker weight! (I gained a few pounds when I visited family.) It'll be nice to start seeing new progress again.

    MM- Those shoes are SO cute!

    V- Great job with Zumba!

    Stay on task, boogaloo.