2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • lydiababs
    lydiababs Posts: 13 Member
    If anybody would like to mentor me that would be terrific. I know I am a little late, but thought I would try. Feel free to add me and message me. Thanks! :)
  • jacquelineantonia0305
    jacquelineantonia0305 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello! I'm wanting to be adopted! I know I'm late to the game but hopefully someone is ready!(: I'm 23 & ive got 60-75 lbs to lose! I'm also quitting smoking and taking back my life! I would love someone who is Game to help keep me on the right path!
  • jmeloe12013
    jmeloe12013 Posts: 14 Member
  • Tinacasto
    Tinacasto Posts: 2 Member

    I would love to be adopted. I have been part of MFP on and off for a few years, but I am more serious now than ever due to health issues. I am almost 42yrs old with 3 grown children and 5 grandkids with another on the way.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I would like to offer my mentoring services :smiley:

    Just a little about me...

    I'm 39 (almost 40) mom of 2 (9y/o and 7y/o) and have a full time job. I have been on MFP consistently since 1/2014. I have may starts and fails, but finally was able to find what worked and have been able to control my weight for 3 years. I have tried every diet under the sun (Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, 1200 calories, IF, starvation) and none of them have worked as well as counting calories and tracking macros (IIFYM). I used to be a cardio bunny, but now enjoy lifting heavy things up and putting them down.

    I would love to help mentor someone who really wants to lose and would like to follow macro tracking. I can take on 2 serious newbies who want someone to push them daily and stay on top of them so they can reach their goals. I am honest and to the point so if you have a thin skin you may not want me as your mentor.

    Hope to hear from you soon!!

  • AaronGrant15
    AaronGrant15 Posts: 6 Member
    I could use a mentor. I'm 26 years old, 6 ft and 240 lbs. I would like to lose 40 pounds. I've been fit and healthy my entire life up until recently when i got taken away from fitness for about 8 months. I'm getting back into it and normally wouldn't ask for help but I'm reaching the point in my life where I can't eat anything I want anymore and get away with it so diet and nutrition tips more than helpful. Thank you.
  • Baruchuda
    Baruchuda Posts: 28 Member
    I'm not looking for a mentor or offering, but I could use friends! Please add me as a friend! I can use all the support as I can get, post often, and love commenting on your posts.
  • annalisa2662
    annalisa2662 Posts: 24 Member
    I'd love to find a mentor. I'm 30 and a single mom. This is my first time dieting without being discouraged by my husband. I really feel I can do it this time since I can control all the food in the house. I have lots of goals and things in place to help me though. 1 year ago I went to the dr and was over 400 lbs. I've lost 29lbs since then and hope this year I can lose a lot more.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Remove my name too as I've adopted 3 :smile: .
    Thanks, Ruth

    Done! Thanks for volunteering!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    I've tried a couple of times to message someone about mentoring me and the system won't send the message. Has anyone else had that issue?

    @stevenringeling I am sorry to hear you ran into this issue. You shouldn't have to send a friend request to message someone. If you are still getting an error can you send me a private message with the details and I will look into it? If you have problems sending me a private message, post here. :-)
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Our newest mentors have been added to the OP. Thanks everyone!

    Reminder to noobs who are posting to be adopted, please read the mentor bios posted here and reach out to folks listed in the OP to ask them to mentor you.
  • kmorg14
    kmorg14 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm happy to be a mentor as well.

    About Me: I've been somewhat active most of my life, but as a kid and through college my diet was pretty awful. I got on MFP many years ago and have shed about35 lbs from my heaviest weight. I'll never claim to be perfect, and don't expect to be, but work every day to be a little bit better.

    I have been an avid lifter for 10+ years, have played ice hockey most of my life, and enjoy most other physical activity. Currently training for a half-marathon, though I must admit I don't particularly love running. I have no formal nutritional or fitness training, but have a keen interest and so keep up-to-date on much of the current research in both of these areas.

    So if you're new to all of this and want any advice or support, feel free to reach out.
  • susanmansourhammond
    Hi all! I started my journey last January at 330 pounds. I felt awful. I am now at 260 after a hitting a low of 247 in October. I am a vegetarian and try to balance a social life with losing weight. My husband is super supportive and that is a huge help. I joined a gym class that meets on Saturdays in October and I love it. I do some exercises at home and my goal is 40 squats every day in January even if I do not do anything else. I would love to have a mentor. My short term goal is to lose 30 pounds more by the end of April when I go to Peru and to work on my cardiovascular fitness so any hiking does not kill me :)
  • KayLee_D
    KayLee_D Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to mentor another female who needs some help adjusting their diet/fitness routine and needs the encouragement.

    I'm 30 years old from Idaho
    Current weight: 154
    Goal weight: 130
    About me: I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Army National Guard. I love backpacking in the summer and training all year to hunt big game in the fall. I have an active little one-year-old daughter and I'm still working towards toning up after having medical issues and being on bed rest during my pregnancy.
    Fitness: I enjoy workouts that include cardio and lifting weights.
    Nutrition: Currently on a low carb, no sugar diet and sticking to it.

    I am fairly knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition and would love to help someone!
  • FitnTrimSteve
    FitnTrimSteve Posts: 664 Member
    Alex wrote: »
    I've tried a couple of times to message someone about mentoring me and the system won't send the message. Has anyone else had that issue?

    @stevenringeling I am sorry to hear you ran into this issue. You shouldn't have to send a friend request to message someone. If you are still getting an error can you send me a private message with the details and I will look into it? If you have problems sending me a private message, post here. :-)

    Thanks, Alex. I'll send you a PM and see if it goes through.
  • adriana_tonito
    adriana_tonito Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I would like to be adopted also!
  • lvalente1
    lvalente1 Posts: 17 Member
    @cabwj, I sent you a nice long post requesting you as a mentor: hope you received it! I should have copied before hitting submit, as it appears to have disappeared.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    KayLee_D wrote: »
    I'd love to mentor another female who needs some help adjusting their diet/fitness routine and needs the encouragement.

    I'm 30 years old from Idaho
    Current weight: 154
    Goal weight: 130
    About me: I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Army National Guard. I love backpacking in the summer and training all year to hunt big game in the fall. I have an active little one-year-old daughter and I'm still working towards toning up after having medical issues and being on bed rest during my pregnancy.
    Fitness: I enjoy workouts that include cardio and lifting weights.
    Nutrition: Currently on a low carb, no sugar diet and sticking to it.

    I am fairly knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition and would love to help someone!

    Wonderful! Thanks for offering to mentor a noob. I have added your name to the OP.
  • HGarcia1527
    HGarcia1527 Posts: 69 Member
    I am a 31 yo mother of three looking for a serious mentor. Just had my youngest child eighteen months ago and haven't worried much about my weight until now. I was always thin to average growing up so now being 235 I have had enough. I would like to start with an initial goal of getting back under 200# and then ultimately would like to be somewhere in the 150-160 range but I need all of the mentoring and motivation I can get. My husband and I work different shifts so when I am off of work I am basically a single parent to three children and running around like crazy. I can make a hundred excuses as to why I got to this point but I'm done and need to find every reason to be a healthier, happier me!
  • accmb08
    accmb08 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a noob. I am 31 and the mother of three. I have an auto immune disease and anxiety. I've been frightened of exercising since a traumatic thing happened to me a few years ago. I am short (4"7 or 8") and I need to lose about 70lbs for the sake of my health, my low self esteem and low self confidence. I think I am a size 17/18 women. I'm seeing a dietician but it's only every three months. I really need encouragement and support.
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