Women over 45 Support/Motivation for 2017-Happy New Year!



  • helnbac97
    helnbac97 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi there, I am 47 and want to lose at least 25 kilos. Weight loss has never been an issue historically but since hitting my 40's it's hard. Being results driven if I don't lose my motivation goes out the window. It's a never-ending circle. I am new to MFP so unsure how to send friend requests but would love to be part of this motivational group if you can send me requests that would be great.
    Here's to 2017 and winning :-)
  • karen110567
    karen110567 Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2017
    Anyone here please feel free to add me. I'm 49 and I have about 50 lbs to go (I've lost 20 since Oct. 1). I need support to actually get there; I tend to have this problem of slacking off when I start getting compliments on "looking good". I've GOT to keep going! I'm doing LCHF/clean eating and it's working pretty darn well for me.
  • jonjaxmom
    jonjaxmom Posts: 77 Member
    feel free to add me. I am 48 with 35 pounds to lose. Lost it 3 years ago, and it slowly crept back. Spent all of 2016 getting my hormones adjusted, vitamin deficiencies acknowledged and my T1 diabetes under better control. Using an insulin pump and things are looking up! All that is left now is to drop these annoying pounds, which are much harder to lose than they were the first time(s).
  • julistehr
    julistehr Posts: 47 Member
    Please add me! I'm totally in for a great year this year. I need to lose 50 lbs and it is overwhelming. Lets do this!
  • I have made it 3 days documenting my food intake....it is a lot easier once many of the foods that I regularly eat are easy to add. I need to do better with actually measuring/weighing the food for more accurate records. I have not been able to get the exercising in yet.
  • busttomove
    busttomove Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too. 47 and my job always takes over my schedule and I eat out of stress. Ice cream, cheesburgers and fries are a weakness. So far I have logged in a few days. I need to sneak in jumping jacks and such at work somehow without looking crazy.
  • yamagatafan
    yamagatafan Posts: 15 Member
    49 years for me. Add me if you would like. I am returning once again to this site. I have around 80 pounds to lose, but would be happy to get under that 200 mark.
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    Hiya please add me. I'm 46 and starting over now. Really thought I'd lost for good in 2011 and was super fit. Then a horrible knee injury, inflicted on me by an idiot in an exercise class, changed everything. Struggled to cope now I can't do intense impact heavy exercise which I loved.
    Now feeling positive and ready to get back to my best. Kettlebell and fresh wholesome food at the ready :-)
  • findmenow
    findmenow Posts: 1 Member
    I will be 52 in February and I want to be healthier. I am in menopause so that makes it interesting. We all need to encourage each other. New year new beginnings!!
  • John1643
    John1643 Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone can add me - I'll be 44 in Feb. Spent all last year taking off nearly 40 pounds, would like to take off another 5 - then the big trick - keep it off.
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    You can add me. I'm 48, and want to lose 50 pounds before I turn 50.
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 47 and in the UK, but would love some more buddies of similar age. :smile:
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me 47 and over 100 lbs to lose can use motivational and supportive friends :)
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    47 here, lost 60ish and tge last 10 to 15 has been the bain of my existence. Cravings are worse, moodiness is worse, the only thing I've gotten a handle on is knowing I can lose weight if I try harder.
  • CathyTwentyTwo
    CathyTwentyTwo Posts: 13 Member
    I have now officially lost 3 pounds since I officially started this journey a little over a week ago! Yay me! LOL It so helps to see a little movement on the scale. Today - snow blowing, shoveling and basic digging out from 16.4 inches of snow in yesterday's storm. On it!
  • Fififox9
    Fififox9 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Ladies. Can I join in please? I turned 50 last year and swore I'd deal with my weight by the big event....but I didn't succeed. Back now with serious intent. I started a week ago at 191.6lb and have lost 3lb so far. I want to lose about 50lb. My strategy is to work on healthy food changes first and add in exercise when I feel my energy is up again. Please send me friend requests if you would like support and encouragement. X Good luck to all.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    I think it helps to hear that this can (CAN!) happen...it took me forever, but I've got it now, thanks to MFP. I started in August at 152. I'm 5'3" and 59 years old (58 then) -- and everyday I would say I would start a diet, and I maybe would last a day or two, but then I'd go back to eating pies and muffins and lattes! I decided that it had to be a priority, and I came back to MFP with direction (plus, there were some really bad beach pics! LOL!) in the middle of August. I logged in my weight and goals, and MFP "gave" me 1200 cal./day. And then I started making choices -- and I cut out simple carbs and sugar -- and I cut out oil (yep -- no salad dressing! No olive oil!) and I got to between 1000-1200 cal. every single day. AND -- I started jogging (not just walking!) because I could! And now I have lost 22 lbs. Today I weighed in at 130. 135 used to be my goal, but now I'm going for 115! It makes so much difference! I feel so great -- and I love that pics no longer have belly rolls!! SERIOUSLY!! MFP! All it takes is time. (I think that's my mantra.) BTW -- I eat greens, veggies, protein and fruit -- and a glass of red wine with dinner every night. Just log it.
  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    Please add me. In 47 and tired of the yo yo dieting. I have 100 to lose but plan to do it slowly. And, do not want my plantar fasciitis slowing me down this time, need to stay motivated :)
  • kirstyj69
    kirstyj69 Posts: 5 Member
    What parts of the world are you guys from? I'm from the South Island of New Zealand (we're metric in NZ so I use kilograms and get completely thrown by pounds!) ...