Favorite cereal?



  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Flintstones Fruity and Chocolate Pebble Cereal :laugh: yabba dabba doo
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    Smart Start original. I don't know/care if it is good for me I just love the taste of it.
  • skinnylove912
    skinnylove912 Posts: 19 Member
    Surprisingly Kix Cereal and Rice Krispies.
    People may think that health food brands will be much better for them when really the only way that they're healthier than Kix and rice krispies is that they have more protein. ( Don't get me wrong, if you need the protein, the health brands are perfect)
    Kix has 110 calories per 1.25 cups and Rice Krispies has 130 calories for every 1.25 cups. They are low in sugar and made wih 100% whole grains which also means that they will be digested slowest which means that you will stay full longer.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Surprisingly Kix Cereal and Rice Krispies.
    People may think that health food brands will be much better for them when really the only way that they're healthier than Kix and rice krispies is that they have more protein. ( Don't get me wrong, if you need the protein, the health brands are perfect)
    Kix has 110 calories per 1.25 cups and Rice Krispies has 130 calories for every 1.25 cups. They are low in sugar and made wih 100% whole grains which also means that they will be digested slowest which means that you will stay full longer.

    I don't care about protein. But I do care about ingredients. I consider those cereals unhealthy due to their ingredient lists. They aren't as bad as some others, but they aren't great. Makes me sad too -- used to love Rice Krispies.
  • Picklepower
    Picklepower Posts: 66 Member

    Captain crunch tears up the rough of my mouth for some reason tho D:

    So I'm not the only one! I always look at the box in the store and my inner monologue is as follows:
    "OOOHHH!!! Captain Crunch! I haven't had that in so long! But...wait...do I really feel like having a sore mouth until the box is gone? No...I don't. Dammit. I guess I'll get Cheerios again"

    You'd think after all these years the makers would think to round the corners down a bit :laugh:
  • rhinobutt
    rhinobutt Posts: 8 Member

    Captain crunch tears up the rough of my mouth for some reason tho D:

    So I'm not the only one! I always look at the box in the store and my inner monologue is as follows:
    "OOOHHH!!! Captain Crunch! I haven't had that in so long! But...wait...do I really feel like having a sore mouth until the box is gone? No...I don't. Dammit. I guess I'll get Cheerios again"

    You'd think after all these years the makers would think to round the corners down a bit :laugh:

    You just need to mix it into chocolate ice cream. ;)
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member

    Captain crunch tears up the rough of my mouth for some reason tho D:

    So I'm not the only one! I always look at the box in the store and my inner monologue is as follows:
    "OOOHHH!!! Captain Crunch! I haven't had that in so long! But...wait...do I really feel like having a sore mouth until the box is gone? No...I don't. Dammit. I guess I'll get Cheerios again"

    You'd think after all these years the makers would think to round the corners down a bit :laugh:

    There is a hot dog place in town here that does a peanut butter jelly and captain crunch hot dog and it is the most delicious thing in the world!!
    I could go for one of those right now haha.
  • riccimua
    riccimua Posts: 30 Member
    Kashi Berry Crumble is soooooo good!!! I and it's not processed!! Yummmmmmooooo!!!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Kashi Vanilla Island (dipped in milk) and Strawberry Fields. I just bought Berry Blossoms to try tonight.
  • riccimua
    riccimua Posts: 30 Member
    You will love the Berry!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I love(d) cereal for breakfast and nighttime snack. But I hate how many calories cereals are per serving plus the milk. Nobody eats only 1/2 cup either, my servings used to be like 3+ cups with 2 cups milk, ya know how many calories this is?? A whole days worth.

    I limit myself to ceral for breakfast now just once or twice a week and keep the portion small. I can't waste all those calories on too much cereal following my current plan. Some times for a snack I will eat 1/2 cup of cereal dry, as well.

    I like all cereals. But am eating Frosted Mini Wheats, Honey Bunches of Oats, Life, and Chex now.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    LOL, honestly: Lucky Charms! Not the generic version, the real thing! Love it! Too bad its been more then a year since I bought some. :sad: I don't eat cereal any more. too processed, too sugary. I eat homemade oatmeal, from cut oats (not rolled) if I want a carb filled breakfast. Otherwise it is fruit and protein.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran is amazing!

    Here, this is what it looks like... look for it and try it <3


    I could eat this all day :D
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I eat cereal every morning. Hot cereal that is. 100% old fashioned oats. Every. Morning. I also love carbs and eat lots and lots of carbs. And lots of protein. And lots of fat. OMG. I even eat lots of calories! It works for me. You may not want to look at my diary or it will make your eyes burn...
  • rachelw16
    rachelw16 Posts: 90
    I love Special K, all varieties, and the bars are delicious as well! I also adore Cap'n Crunch and Lucky Charms, but for obvious reasons, I only have them once in a blue moon...
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I eat Special K, but I sprinkle it with ground cinnamon and little swirl of lite butter maple syrup.

    I have a special cereal bowl that is a tiny one cup bowl- fits in my hand so I always know I that I am eating 1 cup. Now if I could just get cereal manufacturers to all agree that 1 cup is a serving...
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    You guys in the US are SO lucky! So much to choose from! I usually have Weetbix (3) with trim milk, sometimes with some canned fruit. Always 250 cals or less. :smile:
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    LOL, honestly: Lucky Charms! Not the generic version, the real thing! Love it! Too bad its been more then a year since I bought some. :sad: I don't eat cereal any more. too processed, too sugary. I eat homemade oatmeal, from cut oats (not rolled) if I want a carb filled breakfast. Otherwise it is fruit and protein.

    Umm, don't yell at me. I am not bashing cereal. My kids eat cereal everyday. I just know my body and it needs protein in the AM. To each his own, as long as you know your body you can do what is best for it!

    I :heart: you all!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I eat cereal every day. It's all about the same amount of cals for a 30g serving give or take 10 cals. I always weigh it though as it's too easy to fill the bowl.

    It's laziness with me. I couldn't think of anything else that's under 200 cals and aswell as everything being over 200 cals i'd also have a load more dishes too do. Also when i'm getting myself ready and the kids ready what is easier thn just shoving some cereal in a bowl with some milk. Shockingly enough i feed my kids cereal too.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Unless I am being super really bad - that is when I eat french toast encrusted with Captain Crunch. DROOOOOOOOOOOOOL