Weight loss plan / Cutting foods.



  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    I think this way of eating is very sustainable and I can do this long term. I am thinking of adding JJ smiths green smoothies to my deficit... I am not going to NOT eat just simply add the smoothies into my calorie budget??
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    From experience counting calories only doesn't work. It needs to be healthier too. If you eat a bagel for breakfast, a hamburger from McDonalds for lunch, and a bag of chips for dinner, you might lose weight but it will be slow and your body composition won't be as lean. So, like others said, do it in moderation. If you can't stand it and you want a burger, then go get one, BUT, pick the single burger, skip the fry, and have a salad instead with a tad of dressing. If you ate good all day and you really want 5 M & M's then eat them if it won't make you want more :) Have fun. If it's a chore you will tire of it. You gotta say, "I Got This!", have a little fun, and make it exciting.

    In cases where people have to lose a lot of weight counting calories only and dropping those pounds is probably the most beneficial thing they can do for their overall health. Also, a burger is not a "bad" food, and neither is anything else. Make it fit into your macros and calories as part of an overall diet, don't focus on each individual item as "good" or "bad."
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    The protein helps the carbs digest slower. See, the one thing you want to remember is that a white potato is just as bad as a candy bar.. :)
    This is what I was referring to.... I meant carbs not calories lol sorry I am so new at this stuff... Is it true my carbs will digest faster with no meat?
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you for everyone's response.. Idk what a TDEE is?? I never said meat was unhealthy :smile:

    I just don't want to eat it for now I don't mind losing a little muscle and having my calories burn quicker.

    I think the majority of you guys' think I should just follow my calorie deficit and don't eat 20 big macs ( make good choices)

    Also don't deprive myself of needed nutrients... thanks guys..

    If you lose muscle, you'll actually burn *fewer* calories each day. Preserving your existing muscle helps you use more calories and it will probably make you happier with the results at the end of your weight loss.

    Can I preserve my muscle without eating meat?
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Nothing is wrong with a white potato.

    Yes you can preserve muscle by eating protein. Meatless protein - cottage cheese, greek yogurt, beans, tofu, tempeh, fish if you don't include that as meat just to name a few.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    " it simply means a balanced diet of nutritious and sweets/treats is perfectly fine.

    Ahhh I think that is where my issue lies balance... lol Especially with junk food..

    I was once there. Instead of viewing my eating habits as "I need to cut xx out of my diet" it was "I need to add xx to my diet". Then I was able to work at moderating. This too a little work, but now? I am so damn happy I worked hard to be able to moderate foods that I never thought I was able to. I've stuck with my weight loss plan for much longer than previous attempts where I cut out many foods, and this to me is success. I don't dread eating in deficit anymore as it means that I don't get to miss foods and am not obsessing about what I can and cannot eat all the time. I do, however, watch protein, fats, fiber, and iron, but let the rest fall wherever.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Why does cutting out meat get you anywhere quicker? Lean meat is one of the most satisfying, lowest-calorie options around!
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I have cut out soda. Not a good idea. Why not switch to diet soda? Are you planning on giving up soda for the rest of your life? There's nothing wrong with soda or diet soda.........in moderation

    I have cut out candy. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out fast food. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out meat. Not a good idea unless you want to be a vegetarian. Becoming a vegetarian is not a weight loss plan though. Vegetarians learn about alternate protein sources. Those sources also have calories. So if you want want to be vegetarian....I'm confused as to how this would help.

    Working out - GOOD IDEA

    Elimination diets are short sighted. Eliminating foods you like helps you lose weight, BUT then you are stuck with no idea how to keep that weight off. Make a plan for weight loss as well as a plan for maintenance.

    I think soda candy and fast food should be an only on occasion thing.. I do not plan to have to daily anymore

    As far as meat I agree that it does not make a lot of sense.. I think I will have some chicken today lol :)
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I have cut out soda. Not a good idea. Why not switch to diet soda? Are you planning on giving up soda for the rest of your life? There's nothing wrong with soda or diet soda.........in moderation

    What are the cons to diet soda? Is it just like drinking water?
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    " it simply means a balanced diet of nutritious and sweets/treats is perfectly fine.

    Ahhh I think that is where my issue lies balance... lol Especially with junk food..

    I was once there. Instead of viewing my eating habits as "I need to cut xx out of my diet" it was "I need to add xx to my diet". Then I was able to work at moderating. This too a little work, but now? I am so damn happy I worked hard to be able to moderate foods that I never thought I was able to. I've stuck with my weight loss plan for much longer than previous attempts where I cut out many foods, and this to me is success. I don't dread eating in deficit anymore as it means that I don't get to miss foods and am not obsessing about what I can and cannot eat all the time. I do, however, watch protein, fats, fiber, and iron, but let the rest fall wherever.

    This is awesome.. This is where I want to be eventually..
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    I also don't think candy and soda are worth the calories I would rather have food :) (mentioned above)
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am 21 years old

    244 lbs

    I want to lose at least 44 lbs.

    I have cut out soda, candy, fast food, and meat.

    Or anything that screams unhealthy!

    I plan to eat 1400 cals a day

    And workout 30 mins a day 10 minutes cardio ( machine cardio) elypitcal/ treadmill/ bike and use the rest doing sit ups/ leg kicks/ planks/ wall squats/ push ups / arm circles/ flutter kicks.. at home stuff.. Also going to be using tricep machine for arms..

    Is this a good plan? Adjustments? Tips..

    I still drink (diet) soda, eat candy, fast food and meat. I've lost around 50lbs, have improved all my health markers and am now approaching 4 years of successful maintenance. Oh, and I don't do intentional exercise.

    No need to cut out things you enjoy-just learn how to fit them into your calorie goals :)
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    I am 21 years old

    244 lbs

    I want to lose at least 44 lbs.

    I have cut out soda, candy, fast food, and meat.

    Or anything that screams unhealthy!

    I plan to eat 1400 cals a day

    And workout 30 mins a day 10 minutes cardio ( machine cardio) elypitcal/ treadmill/ bike and use the rest doing sit ups/ leg kicks/ planks/ wall squats/ push ups / arm circles/ flutter kicks.. at home stuff.. Also going to be using tricep machine for arms..

    Is this a good plan? Adjustments? Tips..

    I still drink (diet) soda, eat candy, fast food and meat. I've lost around 50lbs, have improved all my health markers and am now approaching 4 years of successful maintenance. Oh, and I don't do intentional exercise.

    No need to cut out things you enjoy-just learn how to fit them into your calorie goals :)

    That is RAD!!!! Congratulations?? Did you just follow your deficit?? Workout?? Supplements.. Let me know something lol ;)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2017
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I have cut out soda. Not a good idea. Why not switch to diet soda? Are you planning on giving up soda for the rest of your life? There's nothing wrong with soda or diet soda.........in moderation

    I have cut out candy. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out fast food. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out meat. Not a good idea unless you want to be a vegetarian. Becoming a vegetarian is not a weight loss plan though. Vegetarians learn about alternate protein sources. Those sources also have calories. So if you want want to be vegetarian....I'm confused as to how this would help.

    Working out - GOOD IDEA

    Elimination diets are short sighted. Eliminating foods you like helps you lose weight, BUT then you are stuck with no idea how to keep that weight off. Make a plan for weight loss as well as a plan for maintenance.

    I think soda candy and fast food should be an only on occasion thing.. I do not plan to have to daily anymore

    As far as meat I agree that it does not make a lot of sense.. I think I will have some chicken today lol :)

    I have candy, fast food, etc occasionally WHILE I'm losing weight. The point is I know the serving size for a dish of ice cream (hint - it's not as big as most people think). The problem with elimination diets is people think they can add these "occasional" things when they get to goal.....but they haven't started practicing portion control. Are you going to start logging all these "forbidden" foods when you get to goal?

    A future smaller you will require fewer calories to maintain. We all need to find lifestyle changes.
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I have cut out soda. Not a good idea. Why not switch to diet soda? Are you planning on giving up soda for the rest of your life? There's nothing wrong with soda or diet soda.........in moderation

    I have cut out candy. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out fast food. Not a good idea. Learning portions for foods we love will help us when we get to goal.

    I have cut out meat. Not a good idea unless you want to be a vegetarian. Becoming a vegetarian is not a weight loss plan though. Vegetarians learn about alternate protein sources. Those sources also have calories. So if you want want to be vegetarian....I'm confused as to how this would help.

    Working out - GOOD IDEA

    Elimination diets are short sighted. Eliminating foods you like helps you lose weight, BUT then you are stuck with no idea how to keep that weight off. Make a plan for weight loss as well as a plan for maintenance.

    I think soda candy and fast food should be an only on occasion thing.. I do not plan to have to daily anymore

    As far as meat I agree that it does not make a lot of sense.. I think I will have some chicken today lol :)

    I have candy, fast food, etc occasionally WHILE I'm losing weight. The point is I know the serving size for a dish of ice cream (hint - it's not as big as most people think). The problem with elimination diets is people think they can add these "occasional" things.....but they haven't practiced portion control. Are you going to start logging all these "forbidden" foods when you get to goal?

    A future smaller you will require fewer calories to maintain. We all need to find lifestyle changes.

    When I reach my goal I am going to try and maintain the same changes... 1/2 cupo of ice cream has what 260 calories?? It seems like a waste of calories ( unless I am really jonesing for a sccop)
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I am 21 years old

    244 lbs

    I want to lose at least 44 lbs.

    I have cut out soda, candy, fast food, and meat.

    Or anything that screams unhealthy!

    I plan to eat 1400 cals a day

    And workout 30 mins a day 10 minutes cardio ( machine cardio) elypitcal/ treadmill/ bike and use the rest doing sit ups/ leg kicks/ planks/ wall squats/ push ups / arm circles/ flutter kicks.. at home stuff.. Also going to be using tricep machine for arms..

    Is this a good plan? Adjustments? Tips..

    I still drink (diet) soda, eat candy, fast food and meat. I've lost around 50lbs, have improved all my health markers and am now approaching 4 years of successful maintenance. Oh, and I don't do intentional exercise.

    No need to cut out things you enjoy-just learn how to fit them into your calorie goals :)

    That is RAD!!!! Congratulations?? Did you just follow your deficit?? Workout?? Supplements.. Let me know something lol ;)

    The only thing I've tracked is calorie intake :) No supplements, no workouts-though I'm more active in my daily activities now that I've lost the weight (I no longer dread doing housework lol). Weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain comes down to calorie intake. I've learned how fit in the foods I like into my calorie targets, have found a few low calorie substitutes that I don't mind (like diet coke instead of regular), and then I eat a varied diet with a wide range of foods. For example-I eat several servings of veggies and whole grains every day, and then I also eat chips, cookies, and fast food every week :D But, while the veggies are a daily thing the cookies/sweet treats is more of a 2-3 times a week thing etc.

    Focus on finding the balance for you-what's going to be a realistic and sustainable plan for the next 20, 30, 40+ years? Figure that out and you'll be one of the very few people who do this whole thing successfully :)
  • Nevada
    Nevada Posts: 140 Member
    Make it adventure. Explore new foods. Check out the recipes forum. Cook. Weigh and log everything. Savor and enjoy the food you eat. Have fun checking your progress on the Charts.

    Good luck to you.
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    You are over thinking. Don't try to change your whole life in one day. Make small changes. Input your data, log your intake faithfully and accurately everyday. Get a food scale that weighs in grams. Choose accurate entries. Start accumulating data about what you are REALLY consuming in a day. Start finding ways to cut that intake down if you are not meeting goal or are meeting goal and starving. You might come to realize that soda isn't worth the calories and you'd rather have a side salad with a measured amount of dressing than a pasta side dish with dinner. That doesn't mean pasta is bad and salad is good, it means that today maybe a bowl of salad fits and tomorrow maybe a bowl of pasta.