Most hated food



  • PoundChaser2
    PoundChaser2 Posts: 241 Member
    Cilantro grosses me out taste like soap. Won't eat left overs.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Liver, especially beef or venison. ::sick::
  • GemmaM_x
    GemmaM_x Posts: 324 Member
    I cannot even be in the same room as cucumber. The smell makes me retch, I don't know why. Melon is a close second. Other than that, nothing I won't eat.
  • HeftyLeftyNZ
    HeftyLeftyNZ Posts: 3 Member
    About the only foods I don't like are glass grapes and plastic apples.

    I didn't either at first, but a bit of hot sauce makes a world of difference :-)
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Coconut and Brussels sprouts!
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sour cream.

    I even hate people that eat it.


  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    edited January 2017
    any and all canned vegetable foods@
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Sour cream
  • getupforchange
    getupforchange Posts: 86 Member
    Not a food but I can't stand really artificial flavours like fake cherry or fake citrus flavours meaning I can't really do effervescent tablets (e.g. Berocca), most pre-workout powders or protein powders as well as lemsip. As for proper food I'm not a fussy eater but I'll happily avoid mustard or things covered in mustard.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    One of my college roommates refused to eat blue foods because he was convinced the color blue was "unnatural". And yes, he put blueberries into this category.
  • rnedwbt
    rnedwbt Posts: 57 Member
    I have a few but mint and bananas are my mortal enemies!!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't like most canned or heavily processed foods. (I cook most of my food from scratch.) For example, my brother-in-law eats these as a treat. They were a favorite of his growing up. Gross. Vegetarian hot dogs in a can. Makes me want to gag:

  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Mmm... SDA food.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    Rationally: can't stand coriander (cilantro). Yuck. It's a genetic trait - it tastes like rotting washing up liquid.

    Irationally: I find it difficult to use up milk if there's only one tiny bit left in the bottle, particularly at work. Finding just a dribble of milk in a bottle somehow renders that dribble of milk completely undrinkable.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited January 2017
    Brussel sprouts and anchovies i will NOT eat. Also, the innards of animals, liver, kidneys endtrails, and chicken that comes in a can :sick:

    I was watching a cooking show last night where they were making kebabs consisting of offal and wrapped up with stomach lining, this was enough to make me want to hurl.. But noooooo there was more! Coming up next- Rats!! They showed a plate of dead fried rats FFS. This is the point that I got up and went to bed, hubby continued watching, and apparently they had rodent sandwiches.

  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, mostly because I became squicked out by meat. So yeah, that.

    Olives (love olive oil, though)
    Blue Cheese
    Green Bell Peppers (the other colors are fine)
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I eat a lot of things now that I wouldn't have eaten years ago, but still am not a fan of some things.
    Dill is the one herb that I really don't like, it takes over a dish and ruins it for me.
    I eat a lot more seafood than I used to, but I can't stand smoked salmon or other very strong flavoured fish and don't like the thought of baby squid - if you watch them cooking, they squirm like they are alive!
    Fresh papaya smells like vomit to me and the taste isn't much better.

    I will try just about anything now though.
    I've eaten durian and thought it was OK, though there are much nicer fruits out there, especially in the tropics.
    For my 50th birthday we went to a really upmarket restaurant that had a degustation menu so I tried (and enjoyed) lots of things I'd normally never order including soft shell crab (eaten whole, legs n all), pigeon heart, abalone etc. The very rare pigeon breast wasn't nice though.

    For anyone who is offered Vegemite - you spread it VERY sparingly, treat it like super hot chilli sauce not like peanut butter. I didn't eat it as a kid, it was too strong but I like it as an adult - hot toast with butter and just a tiny smear of Vegemite, yum!
    I don't like marmite or promite much though.
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    Bell peppers - why must they be in everything?
    Goat cheese
    Gamey meats
    Almond milk
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yep, agree with adding minimal vegemite, but maximum butter :lol:

    I'm sure there are people when trying it for the first time spread it on high and thick. I'd never eat it again either if i was served such an atrocitie. Vegemite - Less is more.