Most hated food



  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I just remembered caviar yuckie!!!

    Was so excited to try it and was at a company function, hiding a face of disgust in front of husbands coworkers was hard!
  • bunnyluv19
    bunnyluv19 Posts: 103 Member
    balsamic vinager_is the absolute worst for me_slimy eggplant in pasta sauce makes me gag and I've developed a strong dislike for raw apples,cooked are fine.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Licorice, water chestnuts, green olives, beer, raisins, blue cheese, half and half, onions, garlic, salami, grapefruit, capers, mayo, most salad dressings. I basically only eat cereal, eggs, waffles, milk, pasta, and frozen chicken nuggets.
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    edited January 2017
    Cabbage. I cannot abide it. Same with stuff made if cabbage: kimchi, sauerkraut.

    I'll eat about anything else and have eaten things in foreign countries that I never learned what it was. I was too scared to try sea urchin though.

    Canned green beans are pretty bad too. It's a childhood trauma.

    ETA: Also olives. Even though I lived in Spain for 2 years and Korea for almost 2....nope on the olives and kimchi.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member

    Definitely disgusting :p

  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    I can't stand beets. They make me gag. I have avoided then ever since I was a child and my aunt accidentally told me that the odd colored vegetable was cranberry sauce. My husband makes me plant them every year because he loves them.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Cabbage. I cannot abide it. Same with stuff made if cabbage: kimchi, sauerkraut.

    I'll eat about anything else and have eaten things in foreign countries that I never learned what it was. I was too scared to try sea urchin though.

    Canned green beans are pretty bad too. It's a childhood trauma.

    ETA: Also olives. Even though I lived in Spain for 2 years and Korea for almost 2....nope on the olives and kimchi.

    I couldn't get enough kimchi lol.

    I really can't think of anything but balut for the topic. I love to eat :p
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Also orange juice. I can't stand orange juice. I don't like oranges either but I don't dislike them as much as the juice. I love other citrus though, i.e. lemon-yum, lime- yum.

    I just don't swallow orange juice.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    mlinci wrote: »
    Rationally: can't stand coriander (cilantro). Yuck. It's a genetic trait - it tastes like rotting washing up liquid.

    Irationally: I find it difficult to use up milk if there's only one tiny bit left in the bottle, particularly at work. Finding just a dribble of milk in a bottle somehow renders that dribble of milk completely undrinkable.

    I have never met a person that didnt feel strongly for or against cilantro. Its weird, people either really love or really hate it
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Licorice - black, red, other weird flavors...doesn't matter. Bleu cheese.
    I agree on the bleu just taste like rotten food
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I've always been a picky eater since childhood although it's gotten better. I'll spare you all the "normal" aversions I have and go with the weird ones.

    Oatmeal. Can't stand it. Growing up in the south I always had grits. Oatmeal is like grits' weird cousin and I just can't.

    Fish. There's just something about fish...that's fishy. It's the texture more than the taste I think.

    Spaghetti. I've hated spaghetti since I was a kid. It may have something to do with my mother making AWFUL spaghetti, but I still can't get past my aversion to it. I like other pastas just fine.

    Pears. Kinda the same thing as fish. The texture is weird to me. Too soft in my mind for a fruit but then that doesn't make sense because all the fruits are soft...

    Cottage cheese. I know people are always going on about it like it's some fantastical thing but I can't stand the taste.

    Peanut butter. Now I don't "hate" peanut butter per se, but I just would rather not eat it. For the longest time, I would eat the chocolate from around the peanut butter cups and throw the rest away. I also would make jelly sandwiches as a kid because I didn't like peanut butter so no Pb&J for me.

    And I could go on, but I'll end this with my all time fave never ever going to eat / drink this (technically it's a drink) :

    Coke. When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to drink a lot of soda, but a friend of mine had a birthday party when I was about 8 and we had a contest to see who could drink the most cokes. I suppose there were so many kids/activity going on no adult was around to stop us. I've never been a quitter or a good loser. Suffice to say, I won but I have never been able to drink a coke since. Can't stand the taste of the stuff.
  • Weightwatcher6314
    Weightwatcher6314 Posts: 11 Member
    Onions and peppers, and those awful pementos that frozen dinner companies put in everything.
  • stephanne13
    stephanne13 Posts: 212 Member
    Gx____ wrote: »
    I cannot even be in the same room as cucumber. The smell makes me retch, I don't know why. Melon is a close second. Other than that, nothing I won't eat.

    I kind of get this. I love cucumber, but the smell gets on my nerves. Also, I typically could eat melon, but all of a sudden, this past year, I refuse to even allow (specifically canteloupe) in my house. My bf has to cut it up outside & store it in the fridge on the porch (yes, I live in TX..haha) Nothing turns my stomach like the smell of canteloupe.
  • natasha_hal1
    natasha_hal1 Posts: 30 Member
    Olives! Any and all varieties. Gross, gross, gross.

    Beef. Since I was a small child, the thought of a big chunk of beef just grosses me out. I just mostly eat chicken, turkey and fish.

    Oranges. The white stuff (I don't know what it is called) on the inside of oranges grosses me out and it has to be all out before I eat it. Oranges just have such a bland taste compared to tangelos/mangerines.

    Coconut water/coconut milk. I just can't get into it.

    Carrots. They just aren't good to me.

    Also, anything burnt. If it looks burnt or smells burnt, I won't even touch it.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    The majority of sour sweets. I am too much of a wuss to like em.

    Cilantro ruined one of my favorite restaurant meals when I was younger. I won't buy it again and will always ask for it removed if out.
  • Racouol
    Racouol Posts: 53 Member
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    Cabbage. I cannot abide it. Same with stuff made if cabbage: kimchi, sauerkraut.

    I'll eat about anything else and have eaten things in foreign countries that I never learned what it was. I was too scared to try sea urchin though.

    Canned green beans are pretty bad too. It's a childhood trauma.

    ETA: Also olives. Even though I lived in Spain for 2 years and Korea for almost 2....nope on the olives and kimchi.

    I couldn't get enough kimchi lol.

    I really can't think of anything but balut for the topic. I love to eat :p

    I remember sitting next to someone eating about while on the bus. Nearly puked several times and was so relieved when arrived at her stop. Worst part was that I could not move because the bus was so full.
  • HoldTheDoor13
    HoldTheDoor13 Posts: 172 Member
    Liquorice. Liquorice is bullsh*t. I don't even believe anyone that says they like it. It's a massive conspiracy against me. Nobody likes that *kitten* of Saruman tasting affront to the senses. It's the culinary equivalent of being dragon kicked in the temple by Bruce Lee. It's the Dane Cook of foods. Screw liquorice.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Liquorice. Liquorice is bullsh*t. I don't even believe anyone that says they like it. It's a massive conspiracy against me. Nobody likes that *kitten* of Saruman tasting affront to the senses. It's the culinary equivalent of being dragon kicked in the temple by Bruce Lee. It's the Dane Cook of foods. Screw liquorice.

    I like it! It honestly surprises me that so many people don't.
  • FlufferCat
    FlufferCat Posts: 39 Member
    Wow.I'm surprised there are so many passionate food aversions.I must be rather odd.I can eat almost anything.
    Really I must have a hardy digestive system.I'm not put off by much.I wouldn't want to eat bugs.But besides very unusual foods,I'll have a try.
    The few things I wouldn't buy for myself would be liverwurst,or organ meats.My mother liked liverwurst sandwiches.But I just didn't care for the smell.
    When I was younger I tried some of the vegetarian food products.Fake 'meats'.Some of the Boca Burgers,or Chicken was not bad.But one time I tried some nasty pale looking fake meat hot dog.It was repulsive.
    I'm through with fake food passing itself off as something else.It's just shady.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pretyy much any form of vegetable but especially
    - peas
    - beans
    - any form of pumpkin/squash