

  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Between this post and your other one, it really seems like you are making this a lot harder than you need to. There are a ton of things out there that people make claims about that are really only effective at one thing - taking your money.

    Honestly, if you want to lose weight, you need to figure out how many calories you need every day (TDEE) and then eat less calories than that. This site makes that REALLY easy to do by using the "Goals" button, then just eat less calories than you need and you will lose fat.

    As for cutting out various foods, drinking smoothies, using protein powder, fad supplements like "detox" anything - that is all a preference, but won't make you lose weight. If you want to cut calories by cutting out bread, so be it. If you want to increase protein by using powder, go for it. If you want to take solid food and blend it up and drink it through a curly straw, that is your choice. Paying for special detox teas and flax seeds it up to you. But losing weight is all about the calories.

    The only thing I'll mention is cutting out meat is a BAD idea unless you have a plan to replace the protein with another source. Even then, it will be hard to get a complete protein unless you just use milk. Your body can make just about everything it needs except essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. You get the essential aminos from good quality proteins and you get the essential fatty acids from certain fat sources. In other words, your body NEEDS protein and healthy fats, but not necessarily carbs. If you don't get enough protein, your body gets those aminos from another protein source - your muscles. The less muscle you carry, the less calories you burn, which makes fat loss harder, and you will probably never get the look you want. So, just be careful about cutting protein.

    For fat loss, the only things I care about are below, in order of importance:

    1) Calories In vs Calories Out
    2) Eating enough protein
    3) Strength Training
    4) Cardio
  • ramicharowland
    ramicharowland Posts: 43 Member
    kzooyogi wrote: »
    There's a brand of teas called Yogi Tea and they have a detox one - but it's not "detox" like you would think in terms of a diet, where it has laxative effects. Instead, it has herbs that help support healthy liver and kidney function (your body's natural detoxifying system). We drink it in my house quite often. That's what I think they're probably referring to when they say detox tea. I would, as others have suggested, stay away from detox diet teas, like SkinnyMint or FitTea.

    Yogi Tea.. got it Thank you so much for the tip.. I did not want to leave out anything
  • MsShelfay
    MsShelfay Posts: 20 Member
    Question. I logged all my smoothies , snacks for first day on 10 day green smoothie cleanse. MFP is saying I'm not meeting my daily calorie intake. Is this ok by being on the cleanse.?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,434 Member
    Hey, my hubby lost 50 lbs after we got a nutribullit & he had mostly smoothies, he eats food too. I usually have a smoothie in the morning, all good. He puts all kinds of good things in his, mine is yogurt,almond milk, mixed fruit & spinach
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    MsShelfay wrote: »
    Question. I logged all my smoothies , snacks for first day on 10 day green smoothie cleanse. MFP is saying I'm not meeting my daily calorie intake. Is this ok by being on the cleanse.?
